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Everything posted by Kickss

  1. ^^^ That way up there is the way I do it, You can choose picture size too
  2. Getting in early for this week (upload day is usually Sunday for me ) 2/52 Don't mind the mangled duck. She a- Loves it [too much] and b- Thinks she's part retriever. Obviously
  3. Right, there are two forums going for the same thing, Now I can understand what's going on. I'm using Flickr Here we go. Week 1/52
  4. On flickr if you click on the photo you have uploaded and then the action square above the photo there is one that says View all sizes. There are some different sizes of the photo and if you click on the one you want and then right click on the photo and view photo info and you will get the size you want to use. All you need to do is wrap it in image text. Thanks!! I just chose Medium 640 :-S I'll go smaller next time! ETA: I think I got over excited and didn't read the first post. This will be first and last entry of Willow, I'm in the OTHER thread. Geez! Sorry guys!
  5. Hmmm page seven went for a walk about? Willow (GSD) and I are in, Uploading straight from Flickr. Week 1/52 ETA: Was asking for help but figured it out :D
  6. Yay! I think I'll just end my weeks on Sundays, Easy peesy!! Now how do I link my photos from facebook to here? That way I don't have to resize and have teeny photos?
  7. Can we join?! Willow (GSD) and I would love to do the 52 weeks DOL and facebook - Flickr gives me a headache and makes my laptop run abnormally slow. I already have week 1 done. How do our weeks go? Is it say the week ends on a Sunday or something similar?
  8. Hey! So I've recently just bought my 50mm 1.8 for my Nikon. And partnered it with a 70-300mm Lens. Both these are DSLR lenses, the 70-300 mm is to replace the lens my dad bought for me. Same lens just one is meant for an SLR. I'm in no rush to get rid of it, and if you'd like I can take a few pictures with the lens. Most of them are taken with it anyway. PM for details, again, in no rush to part with it. Rhiannon
  9. Totally agree ;) Yours was pretty amazing too Huga ,very clever ;) My what? ;) oopsy... :D...oopsy must have been away with the pixies yesterday ;) FAB PHOTO & EFFECTS - RKD92 Thanks for showing how can acheive it too more stuff to add to list ;) Thanks KK09! I HATE night photography but I think I will go and explore it a little more after these pictures. South Bank and Gold Coast here I come ;)
  10. OOOOOhhhhh pretty! Howd u do that girls? You need either a timer on your camera OR A helper I bought (impulse buy) two battery powered glow sticks from BCF! I put my DSLR on a tripod and set it to 15'' for the shutter and fstop was at 4.5 Just wave them around, you can do words and stuff too! I found a LED torch (those mini ones sold in servo's) give you clearer lines but you have to watch if you move it away from the lens your lines break. http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk52/Rh...10/DSC_2281.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk52/Rh...10/DSC_2267.jpg http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk52/Rh...10/DSC_2254.jpg When you're bored one night try it out, it's so much fun!
  11. Not sure if this counts, But my sister and I had LOADS of fun doing it! ETA: 15'' on f stop of 4.5
  12. Originally I bought my D70 with one VERY basic lens, second hand. Dad bought me a Non CPU lens which I love and use all the time. Other then that. I have no others. So I wouldn't be sacrificing much in that aspect. I've being reading basic and in depth reviews all day, I'm still decding but pretty keen on the 7D, along with doing a course!!
  13. Just remember that everything in digitals is a sacrifice - the more megapixels then tends to mean that the noise level is not handled quite as well, so you need to determine which you are prepared to sacrifice - noise level at high ISO or megapixels A huge megapixel count like 18 vs 12 is only really going to make a difference if you are wanting to go billboard size with your pictures - for the average man on the street, 12 is more than plenty FWIW I personally believe at the moment Nikon has the upper hand in the battle (and I shoot both Nikon & Canon) Thanks for your input, I'm still reading reviews and researching, Dad has had an input and said to wait and test the D7000 from Nikon. I think I will, Nothing is set in stone as yet. Krislin - As long as our Aussie dollar stays strong for the next few months... I'll be pumped! instead of 6 months I could be looking at 3! (the price of working a low paying job! grr!)
  14. I will as soon as it's mine! That is SUPER cheap!! Ugh, do they always stay that price? around that priceanyway, Photo continental are great guys but... DOUBLE THE PRICE eep! I'm soooooo book marking that site! buy buy buy!!!
  15. Hey guys! Thanks so much, I've decided to ditch the idea of the 60D, there were too many things I didn't like on it and it was too small wfor my hands. I've decided, after falling in love with the weight, balance, feel, menu layout... I'm getting the 7D The nice guys at Photo Continental were there to help me out, I had a Nikon and a Canon buff there and we talked, tested, shot, argued. In the end. The 7D won out.
  16. Looking at upgrading (but decided I can't bear to part with my original DSLR, it taught me everything, including paitence) to either.... Canon 60D or Nikon D90 Both weigh into the same catergory, the only thing swaying me towards the Canon is the megapixels (18 vs 12... hello!) Anyone tell me your thoughts, going to have a play tomorrow, firstly they have to "feel" right in my hands, sounds silly I know but I can't STAND the feel of any other camera brand in my hand. They're too small and the shutter buttons are angled weird Thanks Guys!
  17. When she comes out, her crae has the door, and then an extra space between the bars, her toes got caught in that a few times and she tore her inside muscles, almost did her cruciate. Horrible!! Should a GSD trot more efficiently than a mally then, who has no slope? So if we grab someone's moderately sloped GSD and run it beside my mally on a bike, then all other things being equal, will the GSD be able to trot considerably longer? Has anyone ever tested that out? I would like to!!! I have the means to as well. I have my girl, and the breeders working line mal bitch, they're born a day apart, let me get my girl a little fitter and I can look into doing this for you!! I'm very interested to see whathe results would be.
  18. Note taken!! I agree, but i think the dogs kateshep is seeing and what the breeders are calling it, they're covering, with other words, for those who don't know what they're seeing. A roach back is horrible, to me it looks like a GIANT peak in the dogs topline caused by a sore stomach. To put it in the way I see it. I know this is not what causes it. I completely agree about your definition of "cow hocked" it looks exactly like that, however you can get some dogs that just have loose hocks. Honestly? My girls has slightly loose hocks, but that would be because she's been on complete rest for a few months because she caught and tore her hind leg muscle getting out of the crate. (We were VERY excited to go for toilets apparently). Since I've been walking and swimming her... ... NOT that I'm saying if every person with a cowhocked dog did this they'd come good, and I'm DEFINATELY not saying my bitch is cow hocked. It just depends whether the breeders can SEE what they are breeding and correct that issue, or just think "ah well that's why we sold it as a pet dog" and keep breeding the same issues!!! - I know these sort of breeders and they make me really mad. It all comes down to the ethics, morals and ideals that I hope ALL breeders would have, however, don't. :D
  19. kateshep - I think (not entirely sure) what the breeders call the roach back is "type" maybe. I own a SL bitch and i'm so glad she hasn't got a croup the touches the ground to give her the exteme "type" or "roach back" that you see. If anything, My bitch isn't as "straight" as a workingline, but people do have to ask me which bloodlines she comes from. I completely understand that your opinion is yours, and mine is mine. Therefore, yes you see the extreme, horrible cases. I do too, the people that show them, need a wake up call. The worst case I ever saw was an extremely steep croup on a bitch which gave her that 'roach' you talk about, and she practically tripped over her hocks. If that was the first example of a SL shepherd I had ever seen I sure wouldn't have gotten myself one. I can understand why you dislike the angle of the hind and the slope of the back, but I believe it started to better the gait efficiency, but people got carried away by a certain look. Have you ever seen the US SL? Their hocks are horrid. About a metre long! (okay, maybe not that bad but you get the point), watching shows from the US makes my stomach turn. I hope that our lines in AUS don't turn out like that. The picture of Ish's bitch in normal stand is at the wrong angle and yes it could have hidden some faults but I'm sure if Ish had bent down to take it you would see that the slope is really only created when the hind leg is pulled back so that the hock is straight. This extends the body and lets the croup down, which gives you the "show stack" The open bitch I show lacks "type" is fee stand, and needs to be "modified" during stand to give her that little bit extra. I like her just fine. She's no winner but she gets her excellent merits every time. It just depends who you talk to and what they breed I guess. I know my girls breeder's idea of topline differs to another breeder's topline. Just like the strength of their bitches. It's just here say for everyone. It would be like my idea of a workingline dog would differ to yours, depending on what we had learnt, seen, decided etc. I know people are one sided usually and like I said earlier, I would like to, eventually, own a (sable [yes i'm biased for colour]) workingline dog or bitch. However, at this present time, I'm having fun playing and training my nutcase It's not ridiculous, they're just skewed versions of ideas of what "should be" a showline German Shepherd. ISH- Your girl is lovely! I really like her! Do you mind if I ask where you got her from? Tapferhund - I tend to believe this started because someone wanted to know whether this dog was SL or WL... it could make a difference but it has gotten way off track. It happens though, and some people will never learn, or adjust, their way is their choice.
  20. So I had a fantastic idea for this September challenge. "YEAH! Peice of cake, My dog loves food, if she doesn't want to do it for food she'll do it for her tug toy! NO ISSUES!" Wow. Was I wrong! My sister, all she needed to do was press the shutter button, it was on timer. But that was far too hard. All my dog needed to do was do her "feet" command and stay there, look in the direction of the camera. But... she's decided she was going to be stubborn. Anyway, here are my tries and fails. Lesson learned today: Buy a hand held trigger! -I see the food, i want the food, HURRY UP! - Out of focus, would've been nice to get one IN focus!!
  21. Have my idea! Lets hope Willow's hungry tomorrow
  22. I'm getting one! Ordering it tomorrow, The puppy sized one is all I need to fit in my pocket YAY! Just need to decide colours now uh-oh!
  23. ahhhh. And from this we can see how much handler influence can impact on performance Could be a great dog just very poorly handled/trained hence you see the worst come out instead of the best. Saying that she also could just have poor nerve Who the dog or the owner? I'm kidding, I understand what you're saying. It could be, I don't know her breeding so it could be too much GO in her lines and she can't cope. I suppose the right handler/trainer with her would be able to bring out the best. Surely.
  24. I've just gone from 1.5MB photos to 5! I don't mind really, But will have to swap it over for the show this weekend. I'll definately have a look and thanks for the link!!
  25. Staranais - I completely agree with you, you walk into an IPO club and there will always be "But it's a showline" and I'm prepared for that. To be completely honest, I didn't even want this bitch to start with. I wanted a male from a different litter. The breeder asked if I wanted her and I said I'd try her out. She's perfect for me. She has amazing stamina for an unfot dog newly recovered from muscle damage. I'm still considering my male, but at the moment my next dog will be when I have a bigger yard, and it's going to be a Malinois!! Nekhbet - I'm not totally sure on what training, if any other then what we've been doing, that this bitch has had. I think she was bought for the "I have a working line shepherd" line, more so then for what she originally said she wanted the dog for. We've come to blows over the lines before. She out right told me my dog wouldn't accomplish anything because of her lines, who she was from and the way she had been raised. Showline, my breeder i trust, and family working dog... I think each to their own, I love shepherds regardless, but I wish the stereotype would cease. PinkPanther- Just try building trust with the dog, play games, keep it fun. Maybe she's so stressed and needs someone she can turn to???
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