We are looking at purchasing a pup. Heading in the direction of a labrador.
After conducting some research on the net and reading stories about hereditary diseases(ocd, dwarfism etc) as a result of bad genes and inbreeding can someone please point out the benefits of buying from a registered breeder rather then a pet shop
I understand breeders carry out hip, elbow and eye testing however as I understand it from my research this is only required once - at an age of either 12 months or 2 years. What if the sire / dam receives good results at this time but these issues present themselves later on in the animals life... 2.5 years of age or 4 years of age and the sire and dam are still being bred.
What happens if i purchase a puppy and its in good health but 6 months later symptoms start and he is diagnosed with a hereditary disease?