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Everything posted by KateAndDuke

  1. Yep, another after-bath zoomie household here. Duke will zip around the house and and even charge at us at a million miles an hour. "I'll show you for bathing me!"
  2. Duke was a big jumper as a pup. When he became a 'big' pup it was a bit of a problem. What worked for me was when he jumped I would grab both of his paws and hold them firm. He didn't like being up there for so long and wasn't comfortable with me holding his paws. It curbed the habit very well.
  3. Thanks for your insight guys! I think I'll keep an eye on it and mention it to the vet at our next visit. Couldn't hurt and I'll just see how his coat changes over the next few months. Clyde - Duke was desexed at 6 months, so a full year ago.
  4. I was thinking a similar thing Staranais.
  5. Hey Ange, it's something that comes and goes and being 18 months old means his coat has undergone some dramatic changes since being a pup. At the moment it looks like the hair is somewhat 'parting' down his spine. His breeder said this is around the time of his final juvenile coat, and we are heading into winter also. So, who knows at this stage. I'll see if I can find a photo.
  6. Hi all, I was at the park the other day with my 18 month old longhair weimaraner and some random guy commented that his fur sat differently along his spine than the rest of his coat. He said it could indicate a spinal problem. I've noticed this myself, but put it down to his coat maturing or the changing seasons. Not sure if this is something I should mention next time I'm at the vet or just pass it off as some guy at the park not knowing what he's on about. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  7. Hi guys, Anyone from the Newcastle/Lake Macquarie area know who supplies chicken backs or frames? I normally get them from Red Lea at Charlestown, but was told yesterday that they aren't stocking them anymore (throwing them out I guess?). They are the main part of my raw feeding, so it's quite a loss!
  8. Whoa! Great find Persephone! They're not exactly common.
  9. All these are great! Here are a few of mine. What did I do??? Can you PLEASE just let me sleep? I don't want to go back into the water! Nooooooooo! What is on my leg? I'm so bored with your photo taking . . .
  10. You do realise that even lower level dogs in a pack will resource guard? That throws the "be the alpha and it won't happen" theory clean out the window. Poodlefan, I was simply giving an example as to how I approached my situation. I haven't had any problems since, but I don't expect that all dogs would react the same to the same methods. Hopefully you find something that works for you Keira&Phoenix.
  11. My own pup did something similar with a pigs ear when he was about that age. He was pushing his boundaries and testing leadership. I think it's to do with pack leadership, so anything you can do to reaffirm your status as pack leader will help. Like a sit or down stay before eating, sitting before walking inside, no lounge privileges, etc. When my pup growled at me, I took the pigs ear and held him on his side on the floor until he relaxed and submitted. I think I also growled louder. Some people don't agree with the alpha roll method, and I wouldn't recommend it unless you were confident in doing it. This, along with getting him to work for food and other privileges, means he doesn't have food guarding issues anymore. Although he won't eat a bone unless I'm a safe distance away, as if I'm going to nick it off him
  12. Another vote for "Oi!' here. The more severe the more growl I add to it. Or sometimes I actually just growl.
  13. Hi all, I have a 16 month old desexed weimaraner male who is doing great in obedience training. Walks well on the lead, comes when called, sits, down, etc. One thing I'd really like to do to train out his lack of etiquette when it comes to bikes, scooters and skateboards. We can be going on a walk or sitting in the park and if anyone goes past on a wheeled device he will bark and sometimes growl. I get the feeling that if he was off lead he would chase as well. I know it's not aggression against the people, it's just the fast moving wheels, but it looks bad because most people on these things are young children. If I was a parent and saw a dog barking/growling at my kid I wouldn't be impressed. At this stage I've been trying to stop eye contact when cyclists approach, but that becomes difficult when there are lots of them around. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can desensitise him to bikes/scooters/skateboards? He's such good, gentle dog and this behaviour doesn't reflect him at all. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks.
  14. I bought my father an SX30IS for his birthday as we have the older SX10IS and he was impressed with it. All good reports from what I've heard. The best way to figure out what you want is to look at reviews online. Cameralabs have the best reviews because they compare to competing models: http://www.cameralabs.com/reviews/Canon_PowerShot_SX30_IS/ Good luck!
  15. Wow, SecretKei. You're brother-in-law sounds delightful.
  16. Hi all, Duke has developed some pimple-like things around his eyelids. Has anyone come across that before with their dogs? They look a bit like styes, but they have only come up in the last couple of days, which seems a bit quick for styes. I could be wrong. Here are some not-so-great photos to give you an idea (look closely on the edge of his eyelid). Anyone know what this is? Is it actually worth a vet visit?
  17. I have my dog on raw food and I make up half roo half chicken mince patties for his morning meal. I was originally going to do just roo, but it's so lean I decided to add in the chicken. I get a 5kg bag of roo fresh mince for about $20. That with 5kg of chicken mince makes enough patties to last a month. No problems thus far!
  18. Great responses guys! I'd love to able to throw my dog in the back boot space so the passenger area doesn't suffer from chronic layers of fur, mud and sand! Also, I certainly don't intend on going off road with the car, so something more suited for the suburbs would be best. Looks like I have some test driving to do! Yes, too bad I can't take the dog and 'test' that side as well . . .
  19. Hi all, I currently have one weimaraner and a Mitsubishi Mirage to cart ourselves around in. Swishy is one way to describe it. I'm thinking in about a year I'll be adding another similar-sized dog to the family. I'll also be needing a newer larger car as my current one is on it's way out (and my needs mean I'm seriously growing out of it). I want something not too big, but big enough to throw two medium to large sized dogs in the back area (the boot section). I like the look of the smaller (pseudo) 4WDs like the Rav4, new Mitsubishi ASX, Forester, etc. Does anyone have any suggestions? Some of the newer small 4WDs don't really have the room to put the dogs in the back due to the angle of the roof meaning there's a lack of head space. So, what do people use for their dogs in the small 4WD range? Thanks!
  20. I am liking the idea of this a lot. Considering the stuff my Dyson gets out of the carpet, it should work wonders on the dog. It would be nice to stop seeing tumbleweed-like fluffs floating around the house. My dog isn't a great fan of the vacuum cleaner though.
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