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Everything posted by morgan

  1. Sorry, don't know that horse product - there are quite a few of them! We use dried chamomile and passionflower in their feed to quieten nervy horses. Makes them easier to work and train.
  2. I use Blackmores BioAvailable Magnesium - 3-4 tablets for a 40 kg dog each time. It works very well with vit B, in fact many horse calming products are a combination of the two. Rescue remedy is available at most chemists and health food stores, but is very expensive. If you buy online from Robert McDowell it is much cheaper - we buy the big bottles as we use so much on the horses. The problem is that 8 mths IME is a very bad age for a pup to get a fright - as their hormones are changing so much at this time as they are growing up they seem to be far more sensitive to things and find it much harder to get over them. If he doesn't respond to magnesium, bit B and rescue remedy I would seriously suggest Diana Hayes (Wholistic Animal Medicines)in Perth - she has a number of homoeopathic remedies for show fright etc which really do work.
  3. Try some rescue remedy before he goes into the ring - he is obviously a little anxious about something bad happening there again. Also give him some magnesium the night before and the morning of the show just to help relax him. Also try giving him some liver treats every time you go in the ring (but not outside) so that he associates good things with being there. The liver treats should be used the same way at show training - dogs are big on association!
  4. Personally I would never give liquid paraffin for those reasons, it doesn't even have any nutritional value itself like the flaxseed oil does. Flaxseed is high in omega 3s which are essential for your dog's health and great for his skin. Try the Flaxseed oil and if the gurgly tummy comes back you might have to go back to the paraffin but add a ver good vitamin/mineral supplement. What else does your dog have in his diet apart from boiled chicken and rice? These two foods alone would not make a balanced diet which could affect the tummy.
  5. Maybe it actually makes him feel bad? Personally if I take any drugs my body always protests - even antibiotics make me feel unpleasantly different within about ten minutes of taking them.
  6. Poor thing, she's really in the wars isn't she :D Here's hoping she's feeling better in no time!
  7. Yes, just one zinc tablet a day - more is not better! I always used to just pop it down the throat as it doesn't taste great, or put it in the food whole and see if she just swallows it along with the rest. Squeeze some of the oil out and put the capsule with the rest in the food. If she doesn't eat the capsule (mine do) then you will have to squeeze all the oil out first. Try to give the fish oil at least twice a day to start off with, preferably three times. I sometimes just squeeze it onto a chicken neck if I'm in a hurry. Once it all settles down just give the oil once or twice a day. Most do ok with once a day just for maintenance.
  8. Zinc tablets can be found in the vitamin section of any supermarket, as can the fish oil. Some people feed the fish oil capsules whole in the food, but I have read that the capsule is designed for human digestion, not a dog's which is much quicker. I always snip the end, squeeze some oil over the dinner and put the capsule in with it, as mine love the taste. A friend's shar pei always has hers whole and her skin problems are a thing of the past, so it probably doesn't matter. Re the zinc - I have seen people use the Curash baby powder in an emergency for an inflamed rash on a dog. As this also contains zinc it soothes it quite quickly, until the tablets can be obtained.
  9. Start her on 25mg zinc every day to alleviate the irritation and boost the immune system. Give her fish oil capsules 2 or 3 times a day until the skin looks better, then once or twice a day will do - this has an anti inflammatory effect and improves the overall health of the skin. Cut out anything that could cause an allergic reaction, but these two supplements will reduce reactions anyway.
  10. Haven't used the Blood cleanser on dogs, but currently have two horses on it. we have used quite a few bottles of this stuff on various horses, mainly for infections. It is really good at boosting the immune system. I would also give 25 mgs of zinc every day for a while - have found this to be very helpful in skin conditions, even flea allergies. Fish oil is also very good for skin health, especially eczema type problems.
  11. Hi - in the US selenium tablets are limited to a max of 200 mcg, but here there is a 25 mcg limit due to the toxicity of selenium if overdosed. The toxic dose of selenium is around 2-4 mgs per kilo bodyweight, so the dose I quoted is quite safe, but very difficult and expensive to take in tablet form. The selenium livestock drench is much cheaper and the directions on how to dilute it to the required strength are very clear, BUT it is imperative not to confuse micrograms and milligrams - this mistake has killed one person in the US who accidentally took over a thousand times the recommended dose. As this product is a veterinary one it is not restricted by the limits placed on human selenium products, but great care must be taken with it. I daresay there might be a veterinary supplier who stocks it online, but no human supplements will be available in this dosage. Naturally the people who have cured their cancers with this dosage of selenium have had to resort to the veterinary product to be able to do so. I've been told that the Canadian vet using this protocol for his patients also uses a livestock drench. If you are unable to get hold of the selenium there is an excellent product called Percy's Powder which has been used to cure cancer in people and animals since the 1930's, or it's updated NZ version called CAA Capsules (which contain 200 mcg selenium).
  12. Was thinking more of moggies actually - the vets at the shelters wait until they are a kilo! You are talking about some seriously hefty cats there!
  13. Put her on selenium and vit E straight away if there is the slightest suspicion of cancer - one milligram of selenium per 10 kg bodyweight plus 500 IU vit E every day. You can get the livestock selenium drench from produce stores for about $20. Be careful handling it as selenium is toxic if overdosed. A Canadian vet is using this protocol with great success on canine osteosarcoma and it has cured quite a number of people of inoperable cancer of internal organs. Fish oil would help the pain of the arthritis as it is a natural anti-inflammatory and will also help the arthritis itself as well as helping heart and brain function and the immune system. There are a lot of things that can help her.
  14. Wouldn't touch Mylanta - not good for people either. My vet at the time (who has written an excellent chapter on bloat in her book) advised me to keep my bitch on charcoal tablets daily after the surgery to keep gas to a minimum. Of course this is of little use if the stomach twists. If you are concerned that your dog could bloat, in addition to avoiding all the risk factors, keep a very large gauge needle (at least an 18) at hand so that if you do happen to find it in an advanced stage of bloat the needle can be inserted through the skin into the swollen stomach to relieve the pressure on the way to the vet and rescue remedy to alleviate the shock. Releasing gas with the needle will reduce the compression of the spleen and blood vessels and increase the chances of surgery being successful, but to do this you need someone to sit with the dog in the car to make sure that the needle isn't touched, otherwise remove it.
  15. Incontinence isn't always easy to treat - some respond to medication, others don't. If it isn't a UTI and the vet diagnoses incontinence consider speaking to Robert McDowell about his incontinent mix for treatment. She is young to be put on drugs for the rest of her life. BTW - spay incontinence has been found on average to occur within 2.9 yrs of being desexed, so age is immaterial.
  16. Quite correct - vets don't normally do kittens until they weigh at least a kilo, and many cats are only around 2 or 3 kgs fully grown. (Or at least should only weigh that) I am surprised at the very high figures quoted for pyo and mammary tumours - having kept entire bitches for 30 years I have been lucky enough to only ever have two low grade pyos (one in a bitch I had rehomed and was only noticed during desexing). The other was desexed as she also had a small mammary tumour - she lived until 12. Over this time I have kept 5 different breeds until old age, so it is not just a single breed being less prone to it. Of course hysterectomy would prevent the problem of pyo. Will check out the link.
  17. Yes, saved some and lost some. Two died despite surgery, two survived surgery and three were pts as I didn't feel surgery was an option at the time. Of the two that survived the surgery, one bloated again several years later despite her stomach being stitched to the wall and was pts.
  18. My father bought a generator as well and takes an ounce every morning and night for general health. He swishes it around in his mouth for a minute to maximise absorption of the silver through the capillaries before swallowing. Since he has been doing this he has not had a single cold or dose of the flu, despite being often surrounded by sick people. As he is 74 he always used to have the flu shot as flu is very nasty at his age, but after I showed him what the shot was capable of doing to his health he decided to use the colloidal silver instead and has been much healthier. He also commented that his breath is great when he wakes up each morning instead of the usual "bed breath". As he has a much younger girlfriend this is pretty important! My brother has been taking a very large dose of half a litre of CS each day for over a year as it is the only thing that keeps his chronic fatigue syndrome under control (plus Ambrotose) and he hasn't shown the slightest hint of turning grey yet! I have heard of a couple of cases in the US where people were taking a bit too much over time and got a bluish tinge in the moons on their fingernails - once they spotted this warning sign they simply stopped taking it for a while to let it pass out of their system. Cases of argyria (silver accumulation) have only occurred from taking silver oxides and other silver preparations, not from properly prepared colloidal silver. CK, have fun with your kit - it is amazing how many uses you will find for it!
  19. Poor Ollie - he's had such tough time of it hasn't he! Email Robert - he can advise you on what strategy would be best, and he doesn't charge for this advice. He certainly made a difference to out mare - blood tests showed that she had gut leakage into her bloodstream through her ulcers and we had to keep her very quiet in case of hemorrhage, which could have been fatal. We had thought she had simply picked up a virus at a show and were shocked to get the diagnosis. She is perfectly healthy now. Have you tried some iodine to help his thyroid, or is it completely useless now?
  20. hehe - here's the link - Silver Well generators We (and everyone else we know) bought the one with the magnetic stirrer, which makes a batch up more quickly. I also bought the water tester to check the purity of the water, but if you buy Nobles Pure Water from the supermarket (10 litre cask is cheapest) you don't really need it, as this water always tests as 3 ppm, which is ok for use. Distilled water is 0 ppm, which is even better, but often dearer. Some chemists sell large bottles (2 or 4 lt) fairly cheaply. Gave myself a scare when I started testing the tap water - was never under 115 ppm and often over 130! When you get the generator, consider buying a spare pair of the silver rods at the same time to save postage later on. The website says to replace them after 200 or so uses, but we have found they definitely last longer than that. There is also a colloidal silver gel kit available - making your own gel is quick and easy and great to put on wounds for quicker healing. We usually use the regular 12ppm, but have occasionally made it stronger for really severe infections - haven't found it made much difference though. Regarding ulcers - it is not known just how far down the digestive tract CS can reach before it is all absorbed - have you tried slippery elm powder? We made up a rosehip and chamomile tea, added slippery elm to it to make a sloppy paste and used it for our mare with ulcers - a few weeks of this every day worked wonders and she has had no recurrence. Robert McDowell sells these at a reasonable price and gives the amounts needed. efs
  21. Boxers are particularly susceptible to kennel cough vaccines, and many develop KC straight after the injection as well, so it is not just the spray with them. Homoeopathic Bryonia is the remedy I have always used and recommended for KC - usually fixes them in a few days. However a chest infection is much more serious and would require specifically prescribed remedies. I am lucky in that I have a customer who is a homoeopath who prescribes for any sick animals that I don't have the expertise for. Robert McDowell provides great advice by email or phone, and we have used a number of his remedies on our animals - using his thuja extract, colloidal silver and blood cleansing mix plus vitamin C we cured a mare of a life threatening chest infection who the vets said was unsaveable.
  22. Good ol' Robert! Have found everything we've used of his has worked, so hopefully this should too!
  23. Can't help there - the one bitch I had who developed spay incontinence wasn't helped by anything - drugs or otherwise. Poor thing would get so distressed...
  24. Many years ago I had a 10 mth old sighthound pup whose growth plate was damaged in a tumble - it lifted on one side and the vet thought the leg would end up a different length to the other. Poor thing had his leg in a heavy bandage that acted like a splint and he had to be kept very quiet for ages - over a month from memory. He ended up with no discernible difference, won his title easily and even won the club pointscore one year, so he did ok
  25. Mine have never had reactions apart from a bit of lethargy and being off food a little, but the next day they have always been fine. Mind you, I only ever have C3 or Parvax done - the C5 has the worst reaction rate. Agree with a few minor side effects being better than parvo!
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