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Everything posted by Kitteh

  1. Same thing still happens, regardless of how or what I say. Keep working at it I guess.
  2. Goldbaby, Chase is adorable! Whiskedaway, Good to see Miss Halo getting on with her sis Jakemon, Can i say, Im a little bit jealous of how quickly your baby is learning things? Hope she's ok. Keep us posted.
  3. Hi K9 :rolleyes: We've been doing the TOT and the 9 week old bichon x, sits well and looks at me, but as soon as i say "YES!" he starts to pull, whine and basically go nuts. Am i doing something wrong here? Any advice? TIA
  4. Oh all of the puppies are just gorgeous! Here's Harper at 9 weeks:
  5. Harper still wants to play with the cat, but he's lunging at him! ( rather enthusiastic little guy). Kitteh has been great. Doesn't antagonise the dog, walks past him calmly, gets out of his way if he thinks he's a bit much. Only paws at Harper if he thinks he's gone to far. What's the best way to correct the dog? Suggestions?
  6. Thanks for the tips guys. The cat has only pawed at the dog once, and since we'd clipped his claws the night before, no damage was done. I've been showing the kitteh plenty of love, especially when then the dog is around. Harper has been inquisitive, but nothing too invasive and I've never held the cat back whilst Harper has been around. So, so far so good.
  7. Congratulations to all on the new puppies!!!! WOOP WOOP
  8. I'll be getting my puppy today and i was hoping to get some tips on introducing the pup to the cat. The cat got on fantastically well with my previous dog ( he used to go up to her and bow his head to be cleaned ), but she was an extremely placid older dog. ( I miss her ) So, any ideas? TIA
  9. Thanks for the responses Show dog, I like the sound of Riseley street vet. I actually spoke to Ian yesterday regarding some quotes and he seemed lovely on the phone. Are there any other recommendations?
  10. Hi all, I know there's a million threads about this, but all of them are very old so I had to start a new one. Apologies. As per the title, I'm looking for a great vet SOR. I used to go to Melville animal hospital, but i'm really not satisfied with how they treated my last dog. Is Applecross still the recommended vet? Any other suggestions? TIA.
  11. I love all of these macro shots What lenses are you all using?
  12. Sorry guys, I only just noticed the " expecting your puppy thread". Mods, delete and transfer if necessary. He's crossed with shih tzu. (only a quarter apparently). 3 more sleeps
  13. Just wanting to introduce Harper. He's a bichon x and adorable. I may be a little biased though We get him this friday..
  14. Mine will be 8 weeks when he starts too! we'll be getting him on the fri afternoon and start classes on the sat afternoon. How did you find she controlled the class? I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed the class Do u have any pix of Toby?
  15. I'll be starting Carolyns classes next saturday! Let us know how you go
  16. Actually they can't even find 1 molecule of the active ingredient in these solutions!
  17. Lablove, you're making some very big assumptions here, so let me give you some clarification: James Randi: Here's some information on him. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Randi He's put down a challenge to any homeopath in the world to prove to him, via a double blind study conducted by an independent authority, that homeopathy works. He'll pay them 1 million dollars for proving him wrong. How many have been successful? 0! http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2002/homeopathy.shtml http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots...0,1260180.story http://blogs.babble.com/strollerderby/2011...meopathy-works/ People will spend thousands of dollars doing courses, because they believe in what is being taught. Doesn't make it factual or right. I have tried homeopathy before Lablove and it did absolutely nothing for me. I shouldn't have to believe in something for it to work. There are plenty of natural remedies out there that do work, so i don't feel the need to spend my hard earned cash on treatments that have no proven efficacy. I have no problem with people wanting to use homeopathy. Great. Go for it. Just go into it with eyes open, is all.
  18. Homeopathy is a load of codswallop IMO. It's a placebo at best and extremely dangerous ( as Miranda has proven) at worst. Here are a few links for you LabLove: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWE1tH93G9U http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeopathy But, if you believe the products work for your pet, great!.
  19. Thanks for the responses Skruffy and itsmeg I think I might pop down to the vet and have a chat to them about her diet and go over her bloods again. The last thing they recommended for her was the Canine ID stuff and she wouldn't have a bar of it! I have read through most of the posts re diet in this forum, especially in regards to pancreatitis, and most of them have said that chicken necks are too fatty. I did read somewhere that the vege "pigs" ears are quite good. Are there any other recs? Skruffy, she already gets human grade chicken. ( whilst purchasing it last time from the deli counter at woolies and explaining that it was for my dog, she says "ooooh isn't she spoiled" the reply was "it's either this or another $1500 vet bill!) she also gets the pieces of chicken boob that "accidentally" fall off the kitchen bench during prep. Just out of curiosity, what's the problem with feeding rice?
  20. I wanted to jump on to say a very BIG thank you to this forum and its members. My dog Dana (maltese x) was very ill with pancreatitis and was at the vet for over a week on a drip and assorted meds. On the last day that she was there, she wasn't eating what they were offering her (cooked chicken) and they didn't seem very hopeful about her chances when i was taking her home. I couldn't justify leaving her there any longer and decided to bring her home where she could be in a comfortable environment and hopefully recuperate and get better or at the very worst she would at least die at home. I'd been frantically doing some research on dog pancreatitis and came across this website. The information on here has been invaluable. My Dana is fine now ( after strict monitoring of her diet) and with the help of my brothers herbs (he's a herbalist) she seems to be on the up and up! So again a very BIG THANK YOU to you all. Now to the question: I've been feeding Dana cooked chicken, rice and pumpkin/brussel sprouts with raw kangaroo meat and Supercoat low fat kibble ( she needs to crunch on something!). She seems to be doing really well on this diet but i want to incorporate a little bit of variety in there too. Is it ok to feed her things like sardines, raw eggs any other type of meat? and what about bones for her to chew on? any suggestions? I do know that pancreatitis isn't solely caused by diet ( it seems to flare up when we go on holiday) but if i can minimise the risks through the things i can control ( ie:diet) then it makes for a happier dog. Any info would be helpful Thanks DOLers
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