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Everything posted by Kitteh

  1. Thanks for the suggestions guys, keep them coming! Thanks Zug Zug. I love bichon's too! First time I've owned one, but I think i'll stick with them for a little while In regards to treating him like a "dog", yeah, I'm trying to learn from past mistakes. I had a maltese x shih tzu boy who I babied, and that turned out badly. ( I'd never owned my own dog before, so I had NO idea about dog training.) He'd resource guard the couch ( didn't realise that's what he was doing, till I started reading up about training for this one), get snappy, bite etc. Not good In the end, I think, regardless of size, a dog is still a dog and should be treated as such. I'm doing my best to learn from my past mistakes. He seems to be doing well so far. Christine X : I've started doing this every single time my OH comes home. I've been doing it the "penalty yard way" as well, meaning, if he starts lunging on the lead, we'll turn around and walk back and then start again. This seems to be helping with the loose leash walking as well. Great suggestion, thanks! I've also bought the book "The Focused Puppy". I've been doing some focus work from that, and it seems to have really helped! , and ChristineX, your suggestion of keeping sessions really short was great. I think because he's hit 6 mnths, I forget that he's still a pup. ( sounds silly I know) Anywho, keep the suggestions and questions coming, I'm sure there are other owners who might have some queries! Thanks :D
  2. Now that my pup Harper has taken to his crate to listen to pink floyd and smoke pot for hours on end, ( A.K.A the teenage stage ) there's a few questions about some problems I'm having, that the lovely DOLers can maybe help me with. Serious overexcitement when people come over: Every single time people come over, he goes banana's. Jumping, excitement wee's, won't settle. I've tried the on lead approach, putting him in his crate until he settles down ( this usually entails a half hour of screaming.) Once he stops and is relaxed in his crate, ie: looking like he's nearly falling asleep, i snap the lead on him and then he starts to pull like like a little steam train cause he's so excited. I tell guests to COMPLETELY ignore him until he settles down, but they don't seem to want to listen, so I put him back in his crate until he calms down again. ( Yesterday when i ducked outside to grab something, my girlfriend picked him up OUT OF HIS CRATE ..after i'd told her not to look at him etc...) Suggestions? Ignoring commands: He's getting to the "meh" stage."Meh, don't wanna " Not consistently, but it's happening. Wanna nip that little sucker in the bud right now. I've read several threads where people have talked about discipline/repercussion, but haven't actually stated what they do, when the dog doesn't obey. So what do ya'll do for discipline? The run down on Harper: He's a bichon x 6 months old Get's exercised at least once a day ( depending on the weather of course) Training at home: Several times a day, but only for 5 mins at a time. This includes sits, stays, downs, waits, trick training, go find his toys etc. I try to mix it up so it's not boring. Will use food, toys or his tug as a reward. Enrolling him in obedience today at either perth ob club or the one at southern river. Haven't decided yet. Suggestions welcome. Anything else you need to know let me know. If anyone else is going through a similar stage at the moment, please feel free to add your own questions. Thanks!
  3. WTH!!!! Your cats did that??? Sweet jeebus...evil kitteh's
  4. Thanks Grooming wise I find it really easy. I just slicker him once a day ( just to keep it mat and knot free ) and that's it. What do you mean by "long"? Longer than the first pic?
  5. This is a great shot! I'm expecting him to have a laugh like mutley for some reason :D
  6. Even though I don't post much in this thread, I've been keeping an eye on all of the pups and they're all so gawjus! Harper used to get the hiccups all the time too..It does settle down. Some recent pix of Harps, my bichon x (6 months) Pre haircut: After his groom: His eyes are still blue! Which is really surprising.
  7. I don't have any stories of comfort. ( I only have a 6 month pup) but I'm glad to read that they're giving you some relief/comfort/joy. Happy belated b'day wishes :D and I hope you get better soon .
  8. Kitteh


    Hi Harper (your pup, has the same name as mine! Good taste :D ) My pup is doing the same thing as yours and it's a work in progress, but I've found this vid really helpful: HTH.
  9. Hi Guys, Someone has posted a few times a link or document, with the pros and cons to desexing. I think it was a study, I can't quite remember. Now, from that rather vague description, if anyone knows the study/doc/thing I'm referring to, can you please post the link? Cheers
  10. Nawww so cute. Have never seen a bernese pup before! Congrats :D
  11. TOT= Triangle of temptation NILIF= Nothing in life is free.
  12. Nawwww. Puppies are awesome ( most of the time ) Very cute.
  13. Thanks for the replies I think it's just that he's missing a few teef. I called the breeder and there's no problems with jaws etc in their lines so I'll just wait and see. Like I've said, it's not hanging out a great deal, and he's not doing it 100% of the time. If it doesn't go away once his teeth grow in, or if I get concerned, I'll take him to the vet. Thanks again :D
  14. Persephone, I checked on the net ( yes, yes, I hit up google again ) and it said most dogs start teething by 4-6 months. ( Just like you've said ) He get's handled everywhere. ( have been doing it since we got him) I'd say those front ones have recently fallen out, but I can't be sure. He's been getting lamb ribs, chicken necks and is about to get a shank. I only give him really meaty bones as I don't want to wear away at any adult teeth. Question though, what should I be looking for when I'm looking in his mouth? ie: anything in particular? Why wouldn't the groomer have clicked that it may be due to his teeth? Considering she's a breeder and all.. Oh and thanks for the responses ladies and gents..much appreciated.
  15. I had a look at his teeth this morning, and he's missing his bottom ones. I'm guessing that's teething? His parents were perfectly fine and their tongues didn't hang out.
  16. Thanks for the heads up. Have just placed an order :D
  17. I'll take him to the vet on monday and get it checked out. Persephone, were you making fun of me with that smiley? lol Tic, He's a bichon. That's what I said to the groomer Tic, but I just went to feed him, and his tongue was poking out.. What age do they start teething at?
  18. No, not normally, but sometimes it does poke out. So what is it a sign of then? I googled and nothing much came up. He's not lethargic. He's healthy. ( vet recently checked him over during his last shot.).. Shit, now I'm worried.
  19. So, I went and picked up Harper from the groomer and she tells me their might be a problem with Harps. She says it's not normal for a dogs tongue to hang out of it"s mouth like that. ( Just to clarify, it's only the tip that hangs out a little.Pic below) I don't think it's a problem, but can anyone give me their perspective/opinion on this? I thought it'd be a normal puppy thing. ( he doesn't do it all the time BTW) He's 19 weeks old TIA
  20. Ok cool, will give it a whirl. Good to have variety, and cheaper to make it at home if I can. Thanks Fuzzy :D
  21. Oooh, I think I'll give that a go. How much flour do you put in?
  22. I use raw meat for Harper (beef, pork,lamb) diced very, very small. Also use cocktail franks, dried liver, bbq chicken. Generally don't feed him in the morning if I know that he's going to training ( puppy school, and now puppy kinder or crate games )
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