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Everything posted by Rosalie

  1. Hi guys, I was wondering if you could help me out with a problem I have. About a month ago, I bought a puppy - he is now 10 weeks old (he is a mini foxie cross) Unfortunately I did not know as much about dogs then as i do now, and I did not think it through very well. My problem is that I will be going to work for 8 hours a day and he will be stuck in the laundry( (with toys and food and water). I take him out in the mornings for and hour, then play with him a lot when I get home, however I am not sure if this is enough. When he gets his vaccinations I would like for him to go to doggy day care for two days a week while I am at work, however for the meantime I do not know if leaving him alone this long is harmful. I love him so much and i want what is best for him, so I have to consider if giving him away is the best option so he can get the attention he deserves. My parents will also not let him out of the laundry even when I am supervising at home, so when I am having dinner, on the computer etc he has to stay in there. I feel so horrible for leaving him alone and I would appreciate everyones comments on what I should do. I know I deserve the bad comments for not thinking about this when I bought him, but now I just want what is best for him, and if that is giving him away, then I am prepared to do this. Thank you
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