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Everything posted by BMAK

  1. thanks for your help guys, she is a sweet intelligent little pup minus that one problem that i have spotted. if i have the back door open she will wonder outside and stay out there on her mat, wonder around then come back in when she pleases. It is when she has to stay behind walls and fences that this problem occurs, my dogs don't have any separation problems and are so content being by themselves, so this is a new case for me as i have never dealt with a dog/pup with this problem i don't know what is worse a dog with aggression or aniety!! thank god it isn't both Do you think if i use a pen(don't own a crate) and put her behind it and did some clicker training(smart dogs who loves food) and marked being quiet/calm and not trying to jump out it might make her acceptance a little better being away from me while supervised? or do you think will make her worse?
  2. getting a professional would probably be right out of the question, rescue wouldn't be able to afford it then there is travel expenses ontop, same with vet bills without donations this probably won't be able to get done even though it is in the best interests, and I'm in no position to afford it either. she isn't damaging anything will just sit there and scream. I Agree about the other dog, but as far as I can see there is no other option. Does anyone else here had a dog with separation problems???
  3. Bit confused why this has been quoted twice macbodobe1?
  4. BMAK

    Exercising Puppy

    i dont think my adult dogs do that hahahaha
  5. My female foster pup about 3-4 months old had been isolated in a small cage as a pup from any affection and love before she was rescued and put into my care. she was not overly spoilt with pats, cuddles and affection when she came into my care just as much as every other pup gets when they visit, but she has shown bad signs since day 3 that she may have separation anxiety when left alone. When she is put outside in a fenced off area away us (humans) and the other dogs (never has interacted with my pair anyway), she will do the stafford scream and cry and it just gets that loud the neighbours would go insane as she does not stop (i've tried) so she has to stay inside when i go out nearly every day but even then i can still hear her scream a few minutes after i go but when i return she just wets herhelf with excitment the poor thing so i try to ignore her for a few minutes while trying to clean up her mess. i feel the cause is from being isolated and left alone as a result from being caged away from people before she was rescued. i got called to the vets the other day to pick her up early after her desex opp as she was screaming i suspect, as i could hear her from outside when i pulled up. i plan to rehome her with another adult/calm mature dog, well that is the plan. ATM she has a play mate who she is fine with being left alone with but he is a bully so they are never really left together more then a couple of minutes together as she has stiches and he gets ruff so i know that she should be ok with another dog. but he goes next week and she still hasn't found a home. Is there any thing that can calm her down or to help with her anxiety, i try to wear her out with obedience and a small park run but without her being fully vacc it is limited to resort to exercise. * no bones are allowed inside so cannot distract her with that.
  6. something she has eaten that has upset her stomach/something stuck in her throat? sometimes my girl brandy will swallow the palm tree seeds while i am at work and vomit them back up with yucky yellow flem which leaves a nice stain on her bedding.
  7. If cigs contain all those horrible chemicals, i wouldn't want it anywhere near my dogs, if people smoke in the public away from main enterances near shopping areas i move my dogs and myself away as it is public (if i was asmatic etc i would probably see myselof saying something), if it is family i tell them to move!! if it is bad for us, it has to be bad for them (dogs) there lives are short enough with out us taking years off by second hand smoke, bad foods not mention alot of other bad things in this world. I want my dogs to be as healthy as they possibly can. As for people smoking at shows/trials if it away from everybody in the open go for your life your only harming yourself, if it is near the main event bugger off, not everyone wants your smoke floating by with the wind.
  9. Enjoy the pics even though most are badly taken please post any photos of your own foster/rescue dog/s or pictures you have taken of rescue dogs. KENNY THE FAMOUS MELBOURNE KELPIE *SAMPSON THE STAFFY MIX (* LITTER MATE) HARPER THE SAUSAGE DOG X AMERICAN STAFFY (he isn't really but that is what it looks like) *NINA THE STAFFY MIX (* LITTER MATE) *SOOKY THE STAFFY MIX (* LITTER MATE)
  10. Yay for rescue dogs, soo cute that face and those eyes just melted me HAHA
  11. Agree on teaching the puppy to walk on a loose lead and to settle and focus rather than changing equipment so soon. Don't forget your pup is only 12 weeks and very much a baby , and still hasn't had all it's vaccinations yet. So he hasn't been seen many dogs before until now, he is obviously very excited to see everything from dogs/smells/people/kids/noises, Don't forget 'patience' and do the majority of your training at home with no distractions you will be better off when you go to your training. I didn't know you could go to obedience clubs and start with a pup at this age, at the one i go to as they must be fully vaccinated? I Don't whether it is a positive thing or negative, i know it is good to start young and from the get go, but the risk of having grounds where other dogs pee/poop who may not be vaccinated as well as so many other risks. Anyway wish you good luck on your training.
  12. Well not cancer!! Brandy was just unwell we got the signs of vomiting and being really lathargic so she just needs some rest and quiet time away from young annoying puppies, i think she drank some green water from the park so who knows what was in it too. thanks for your concern and advice will know know for any other lumps.
  13. Springer spaniel for the Pie ad "mom" comon mom" haha i remember that one as it is food ! this one is also a winner J/R for v-dub pointers and pointer puppies for the home ad like montgumery homes of something similar some terrier for natures gift. border collie for super coat, PURINA SUPERCOAT ad for 2010 some times they change the type of dogs so not sure if this is what you are after
  14. nope it was an add on gumtree with all the details etc on it
  15. one that fits that is cheap and can be extend and being light weight helps
  16. Does that mean that all dogs called Bo have body odour hahas i hope not! some of the names i like for colour: Cinnamon cinn or monn for short saffy aka saffron Maple Spice Snickers
  17. link doesn't work so just read this> found on gumtree what a A hole! Will swap undesexed ginger cat for vn commodore parts or anything else of interest. Cat has been trained well and will include flea treatment and 1 weeks worth of food. I would like to see him go to a good home. Will also include harness and leash, he has been trained to walk on a leash. You just have to read this, i know it is not about a dog but still so distrusting to have people like this!
  18. i think this is my week 9/52 wow 9 weeks already my boy loves water!
  19. there is agility held at the same place the obedience is held, behind the showground in warners bay there are a few different volunteer instructors/teachers who also compete on regualr trials. Normally they have begginers for dogs 12 months and older go to learn on a saturday morning all the basics then wednesday nights they do more advanced work normally around 7:30pm sometimes eariler and sometimes they have starters that night too. not sure if it is the best? but the only one around in the newcastle area that i know of.
  20. this list could go on and on.. i would wait until you get the dog some names just do not suit even though we like them. for me i like naming the dogs after, something important, unique or someting that decribes them or their personaility. Brandy was named after the colour of brandy snaps as she was a dark tan and also known as Brandy Bear as she riggles her nose. Macca nick named after my Pop who passed away before we we got him and then my aunty named her new dog after a song he always use to sing. so for me it has to relate to the dog not just the name i like. have a look at breeders website and at the names of their staffords it might give you an idea. it is a fun but hard job.
  21. i fed it to my dogs once they never stopped shitting
  22. found this quite funny i walk my two adult dogs together 99% of the time, people avoid us most of the time because their black muscular, and solid ..pun not intended for the black bit, but when i walk one of them with a light coloured dog(creams people do not avoid??). I totally agree with the darker the colour the meaner people think they are, my dogs love people! but normally the guys between 20-30 look at my pair and will pat and the oldies admire mostly from a distance how well behaved they are laying down at the shops, and then there at the parents to hold onto their kids extreamly tight hahah as i pull both dogs back as sometimes they want to sniff all the people walking past to see what is in their grocery bag that might just happen to be for them . so it makes people take a wide birth.
  23. i'm trying to think of some quirks, but i think ours dogs are very individual in their funny quirks except all i can think of is a herding instinct?
  24. i thought this was incredibly cute a rescue dog too Semi final same dog : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIJv6BKOtsE
  25. HOW DO YOU GET INTO THIS KIND OF JOB! would love to do a job i enjoy and get to handle train dogs, i have searched the net, sent emails and they have just sent me useless material about the job role ! You generally need experience in working for those departments Nekhbet listed and then apply to become a member of there respective dog units. i knew that was was needed for police k9 units, but wasn't sure on government sniffer dogs and customs etc. thanks
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