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Everything posted by alessia

  1. Hi everyone. We have a 6 month old cocker spaniel (Ellie). Ellie has been mostly toilet trained for about 2 months now. We are pretty good at knowing when she want to go, and she sits by the door otherwise. Up until the last couple of days she has slept outside our bedroom in a small area and never peed/pood there overnight. We got a dog door last week and she is great at going in and out, and we've been telling her to 'go to her door' when she needs to pee and she will go out, pee and then run back in. Our issue atm is, we have started moving her away from our bedroom door and more into the family area without confinement as she can use her doggy door if she needs to go to the toilet! Yeah I wish! Last night she pee'd inside during the night! When I got up this morning i took her out to pee. She then came in and when I got oout the shower she had poo'd inside as well!!! We have taught her with positive reinforcement and ignoring mistakes, but I think I might have to start growling at her if she goes inside. What does everyone else think? Anyone else had these issues with a dog door?? Cheers, Ellie's mum.
  2. Hi all, We have a 4 month old cocker spaniel. Up until now she has been left in the kitchen/laundry area whilst we are at work (area approx 8m square). We always leave her kongs and chew toys so i think she is generally ok (although i'd love to leave a camera set up to see what she gets up to!). My brother (who has a lab) suggested we leave her outside when we are at work as there is more for her to do etc, so my husband convinced me to do this I left her with a kong, chew strip, biscuits thrown over the lawn and her toys. But now i'm worried about her. she always follows us everywhere and isnt very good at being left outside when we are home and now she is outside all day :D what does everyone else think/do? Is it better to leave her outside as there is more stimlulation?? she is otherwise an inside dog ie sleeps inside at night. Thanks for your advice, Alessia
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