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Everything posted by jessie86

  1. Hi, my beautiful Weim Pup, is now 9 weeks old, and is a very beautiful boy. He is fantastic at night, sleeping right through the night, we put him to bed at 1030pm, after he had just done his business, and he wakes up at 630-700am. Not sure if this is just a really good phase, but he's been perfect in this regard and has never had an accident in the house or laundry. He is also eating well, and can 'sit' and stay. He is a very happy and sweet pup. :D :p HOWEVER - I know he is very young, but i got so upset with him today and I'm hitting breaking point in regards to his biting. We have bought him every toy imaginable, however he is still going for our hands, faces, clothes, shoes, and really really hurting us. He is drawing blood. We have tried to teach him bite inhibition, and when he hurts me, i push him down and growl and say 'Nooooo' in a dog like voice, but it's not working. He doesn't start puppy school for another 2 weeks, and any advice would be appreciated! I want him to be inside with me at night, but he is going absolutley crazy every night before and after dinner, chewing and biting, and now all of a sudden he barks all the time. What has happened to my pup? Or more importantly what am I doing wrong with him? I am so upset with myself because tonight I tapped him on the nose tonight and yelled at him as he bit and drew blood on my arm, but I had reached my breaking point. As I write this he is now asleep, As i isolated him in the bedroom area. is this normal puppy behaviour, and do I need to just grin and bear it? All my other gun dog pups were never this wild with the biting, barking, and being completely out of control from 6-9pm. We don't have kids, however I am putting off introducing him to kids until puppy school as he can't be trusted with biting at the moment. I've even tried blowing on this noise and saying 'softly', this seems to work but only if i'm standing up. In fact if i stand up and hold him, he stops biting and barking and being feral, however when I then go to sit on the couch and put him on my lap he goes crazy again and bites and barks and scratches. Any help or advice would be so greatly appreciated!
  2. Can you get someone you know to visit him during the day and give him a chance to run outside and play? Also how do you feed him his lunch during the day? It's very difficult I had to leave my pup for 2 hours the other day and felt sick, so i can understand what you are going through! Good luck!
  3. Thanks so much! I've been doing exactly what you suggested and now he sits at the door quietly and has learnt that if he is quiet then I will let him in, so it seems to be working (for now! =)
  4. Definitely, I never left my girl outside on her own at that age. I was so worried about her getting out of the yard despite it being puppy proofed as they can get into all sorts of mischief. Also hear horror stories of young puppies being stolen from peoples yards. I completely understand, however we have a safe backyard that is completely secure with a lock up garage door, and we live in a terrace so the backyard isn't huge, it's been completely puppy proofed and he has a lovely warm kennel, and he is in a jumper so he is okay outside. (Can you tell i feel guilty about it!) I just think he'd get into more mischief in the laundry, and we've made a 5 metre by 4 metre giant litter box, we've filled it with dirt and planted grass, and he does his business in the box everytime, so I thought by leaving him inside and having him go in the laundry it would be negating all the toilet training i've done with him. We also have fantastic neighbours that would come to his aid if anything went wrong, and she is home everyday. With all these factors do you still think it is a really bad idea if we leave him in the backyard? I've been rewarding him with kongs stuffed with treats when I put him outside, so he seems really comfortable with being outside. He is going to be a big dog, and sadly during the day he will have to spend 4 hours by himself outside in the next month, as it's when i return to work. Also our breeder had secure run outside that the pups had access to, as our backyard is a similar set up I assumed it would be okay.
  5. You are completely right, I realised quickly just how wrong I was. By me running to him everytime he cried I was fueling the probelm! It's so very hard to ignore his cries, as he is quite the performer, I honestly have never heard a puppy put on such a show like him, but after 5 minutes he stops, so it is working!!! I feel so very guilty still!
  6. Thank you so much for your wise advice! He's such a clever smart puppy, toilet training is so easy with him, he already has the hang of it, and he is now fine spending alone time at 15 minutes outside. At night time, he walks himself to the laundry when he's tired of playing and literally puts himself to sleep, so we're pretty confident that he likes the laundry as it's nice and dry and warm!
  7. Thank you for your advice, it only ended up being 90 minutes that he was alone, and trust me I felt absolutely horrible leaving him, but the hard reality was that I had to go into the office. I left him a hot water bottle and a kong and lots of toys, and he was so good! Slept in his kennel which has sunlight all day so is nice and warm and stopped crying after 5minutes (according to my neighbour) so he is definitely starting to get used to alone time! Also, we life in a terrace, and our backyard is completely puppy proofed and empty with only his kennel and lots of toys, so he is quite safe and we have a lock up garaged so there's no way he could escape.
  8. Thank you so much for your fantastic advice! Weim pups are absolutely beautiful but they are very demanding! I grew up with Weims my whole life and have completely forgotten the angst of the puppy period, but loving it at the same time! We're still a little apprehensive of the crate, the breeder swore by them and I know a lot of people love them and I see the positives of giving the dog a safe and secure place, but the system we have going at the moment seems to be working for now so we'll soldier on, I was told there is a crate manufacturer in QLD that makes really great crates, it's going to take two weeks if we get it, so tossing it all up at the moment. We don't want him to sleep in our bedroom, is it worth while putting the crate in our laundry??
  9. Thank you for your advice, it only ended up being 90 minutes that he was alone, and trust me I felt absolutely horrible leaving him, but the hard reality was that I had to go into the office. I left him a hot water bottle and a kong and lots of toys, and he was so good! Slept in his kennel which has sunlight all day so is nice and warm and stopped crying after 5minutes (according to my neighbour) so he is definitely starting to get used to alone time!
  10. Thank you so much for the advice! He is getting used to more alone time and I'm doing exactly what you suggested spending time away from him when I'm home that way he is able to settle himself to sleep instead of me settling him.
  11. Hi, I am the proud new owner of a beautiful Weimeraner pup, who is 8 weeks old. He is a very sweet boy and it is only our 3rd night with him, however I'm a little worried about his constant whining and crying. I know he is missing his litter mates and is in a strange and foreign situation, however he is unable to be on his own without crying, unless he is asleep. He has been absolutley fantastic with toilet training and eliminated in the spots we take him to and repeatedly gone back on his own accord, however at night time he becomes very difficult. We woke up every 2 hours from 1030pm, not just crying, but howling. We tried to wait as long as possible to go down stairs however he was getting quite distressed and scratching at the door. We went down a total of 6 times, and now i'm worried that he's only crying because he knows that it leads to either myself or my husband going to him. We have him sleeping for the time being in our laundry which is a warm room in the middle of our house (under the stairs) it is dry and warm, and I put him to sleep with a hot water bottle and a ticking clock as well as a Kong at night time, and his favourite toy. He seems to love the laundry and when tired during the day if I am home he takes himself in there for a nap on his own acccord. I know he is very tiny with a small bladder so I am fine with waking up once or twice to take him outside to urinate however this many times feels crazy! Should we move his bed next to our bed at night? Or is this setting him up for bad patterns (we are not crating him). Another issue is leaving him in our back yard, I had to work today, and we had him alone for 3 hours before my mother came over to feed him lunch, and the minute i got to work I called our lovely neighbour and he was crying and wailing the entire time, so loudly my mother could hear him on the street =( How do i teach him that he is safe and okay during the day or by himself? At the moment I can't even put him outside to have a shower without him crying and wailing, and it's very loud and distressing. Is it better to hold out on his cries and dish out a little tough love? Or is this just part of the joys of being a new puppy owner and should we should tough it out? Sorry, we are just so very worried that he's upset. Also he is enrolled in Puppy School with Doglogic at Chippendale in two weeks time. I have the next 3 days with him during the day, should I stay with him in the backyard and put him outside for short periods of time to get him used to be outside and alone? Thanks so much, any advive at all would be so greatly appreciated!
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