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Vader's mum

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Everything posted by Vader's mum

  1. Our boy has extra claws on his back feet I believe they are called dew claws? Anyway having a discussion with my fiance he wondered if we should get them removed or leave them as is, he isnt having any troubles so far so I fgure if it's not bothering him just leave them. I just wondered if there are drawbacks to leaving them and to taking them off? Thanks in advance ;)
  2. I'll see if I can play with the size I dont know how it works just happens by chance.
  3. yes He is one of Steves pup. Yeah cats arent to impressed, someone has stolen their mum! besides the nextdoors dogs they have never had a dog before so a learning experience for them. They'll get over it they have no choice
  4. Jager is soo cute, we looked at getting a pug but I got told if I got a pug I couldnt have my beagle (mean man that Im marrying!) So my little man slept in his creat and was so well behaved got up twice for him and we woke up at 5. I usually get up at 6 so I thought after his very long day yesterday I could get up early with him and play. He's settling nicely completely oblivious of the two cats (thier not though!) Anyway I have put a thead up in the photos section if you'd love a look at my little man.
  5. We certainly did. I think he has replaced my fiance as the new love of my life haha. I have an essay due today but he's so much more fun! Have added a thread in the photos section with more pics in it too.
  6. We picked up our little man yesterday and to say my camera has gottena work out is an understatement! So now he has arrived I want to share him with the world. Plowing down his breakfast! This is the cats first ever encounter of a dog on home turf.
  7. So here is my little man sorry about the size Im still working it all out.
  8. Were home safe and sound and about 4hrs over! he wasnt on his original flight. Poor little man we had a play when we got home and sorry but im ready for bed so you are too haha. He was having a sulk about getting back in the crate threw a lightweight blanket over it and he settled down, sound aslep now. Im feeling a little guilty he's been in there such a very long time, alarm is set so I can get up for him. Oh I must say it LOVE, gosh that puppy breath! Photos will come I just have to work out how....
  9. Kenobi home safe and sound. GOD it's love ;) Photos to follow, when I can work it out....
  10. Yeah we have a crate but I was going to put him in the bathroo with it, but if next to the bed is good I'll give it a go. I'm not to sure where he'll sleep he'll be and inside outside dog but inside fo now still cold at night. Kenobi is a beagle, cannot wait to get him home!
  11. Well FINIAL the day has come and we are picking up our little man today! I was thinking about having him sleep in our ensuit but I just dont know now. I get up to go to the loo and I wouldnt want to wake him and it's not a terribly big room either, so I worry about if he pee's or poo's when I get up in the middle of the night I may step in it (fun!). So I was thinking of putting him in the other bathroom, it's much bigger and we never use it so I wouldnt be so fussed about what happened in there, I wouldn't wake him getting up. The bathroom is down close to our room so I would hear him if anything happened. I just dont know. So basically I just wanted to know where did you sleep your pup? Or if you have any other tips for me. Thanks
  12. Thanks every one! God I am planning on a massive sleep I have to make sure all my house if puppy proof now doing all the last bits for him got some juicy chicken wings for his arrival, cannot wait feel like forever bt has gone fast too. I had his tag made up today its so cute. Oh and photos yes there will be lots! quick edit - He will be coming in on qantus thanks for the map pretty sure I know where to go now, god I hope time flies!
  13. Hi All, Well my little boy should be coming on thursday (just waiting on flight confirmation) I just wanted to ask any of you if you knew where I need to go to get him at the airport? Thanks
  14. As my name suggests yes I am his mum, I am sad but yes accidents happen as I have said to you Julie I feel terrible for you and your family! Thanks for all the condolances I agree mirawee thats really not ok! while he wasnt at our home yet he was still my baby boy! shame mortonplace.
  15. Thanks guys, the way it happened its plain and simple an accident could of happened to anyone even me. just seem to be one forgetful/distracted moment sad but it does happen. They live on a rural property so the chances of him getting hit was freak to say the least. My gut isnt telling me anything but Im sure it will. so thanks again
  16. very sorry to hear your puppy has crossed to the bridge. all the best in the decision you make. can't telly ou what to do but if you trust and like the lines of this breeder perhaps wait for the next litter 2 months does go fast It does go fast it just sucks I just dont knwo what my gut is saying thats all anyway I will think about it and will talk with fiance see what he thinks.
  17. Hey all, So quiet on my front was going to come down to watch the dogs at hay park but had some news so wasnt feeling it. Well my boy was due to arrive tomorrow but he got run over and died! So I now have to options get my money refunded or they have just had a new litter (4 days ago. I just dont know what to do. We recently got burnt by a scam person advertising dogs, I know deep down this isnt one they are registered and are everywhere but I still get a worried feeling about it. I just dont know what to do The breeders they have in WA most I have spoken to it a year + wait so do I get a refund wait a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time or wait 8 weeks? Some help would be great everyone is tellling me to get the refund but I would really like my dog (he was my birthday present (yesterday))
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