Vader's mum
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Everything posted by Vader's mum
Hey, Wow crazy times head for you! Congrats on last year in uni, your up coming wedding and new house I've got 2 DDB's and although I'm on a double block now, for a while we stayed with friends and only had our boy DDB then and they had 2 labs in a tiny backyard. They did fine with a nightly on lead walk then a bit of a run on some land. They are such an fantastic breed i don't see myself with anything else.. i think the 'tennis shoe' dangle droll is cute though Hope you find the perfect breed for your little family! Ohhhhh DDBs weve been considering them! the drool though Im meh about it haha. So many questions! I have never met anyone with one so its hard to find someone to ask things too. please enlighten me with your knowledge :D And thanks yes its a very full on year for me and us! Oh and if anyone is interested here is my album of Kenobi updated today http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.434399712873.229091.688792873
Hi again all! wow its been ages since Ive been on here way too much to catch up on thats for sure! Hope everyone is well (fur babaies included!) AS for us were great! obi is one in a few months god how time flys, we are busy at puppy school and having a blast making friends. I have been a bad mum and very negelectful of late, Im in my final year of uni and the work is load is massive! but Im getting there throw on a wedding in 3 1/2 month and building a house what more could you want......... well I want another pup haha. We are currently looking into our next addition which wont be until next year when were in our new place, but I am having a blast looking at all the puppy listings.... which dog to pick though! if I had my way Id have another beagle hands down! I cannot describe how much joy my big boof head brings me. But its OT pick. We are currently looking at mastiffs but I really dont giant dog not so giant back yard! wouldn't mind a boxer but he had one growing up and said he doesnt want another one (purely out of they wont measure up) ahhh the list is endless we did consider a french bulldog our friends have two fawn one who will be mating soon they are so gorgeous! but we would like abigger dog. So any thoughts would be most helpful! oh and bithday party ideas too.
I still can't believe he was ever that small oh I miss my tiny pup! He was much lighter to cuddle haha, but he's grown up into such a beautiful boy I am truly bless to have such a happy lovely lively pup who loves me unconditionally and god knows I feel the same for him he never fails to light up my day and I would be lost without him.
I have been promising Id put up pics of my boy for a bit now so instead of photobucketing all of them i am just going to add a link to my facebook album for him. I have millions of him but I sure not all the world wants to see that much So here it is (hope it works) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2290...mp;id=688792873
Oakway he just had the one. Thanks everyone for your replies he's fine I guess I was just worried as he's not a vomiter. The itching hasn't stopped either so good to know won't be using that again. Thanks again
Kenobi has been taking polaromine for ages and my fiance left with our last sheet so I have phlenergan here that I have used for my god daughter so I thought I would try that. its a 25mg pack so I was going to give him 1/2 as hes been up all night constantly chewing himself I put it on my desk to go get somethign to cut it with WELL I thought he couldnt reach on my desk when I came back hes on my chair and in the process of eating it! I couldnt get to him quick enough and he ate the whole thing Now I am completely freaking out! I rang the vet but no answer left three messages.... that was roughly 45 mins ago, he had a spew about 20 mins after he took it it was very light brown and mucuasy but no tablet in there. he seems fine now laying in bed next to me but Im pertrafied to go to sleep and Im watching him like a hawk. Should I be worried? Is there something I can do? I will keep trying vets but usually if they dont answer they are with a horse. Oh obi is roughly 12kg (fatty! but that another whine altoghter...) and 8 months old.
Thanks all were off to the vets this week to speak about it in depth see what it might be and not be. Steve thanks for the advice I have been putting paw paw ointment on his "raw" bits and seems to sooth him for a bit at least. Thanks again everyone lets hope we can get him some relief!
The new place were in has been flea bombed did it when the vet found the flea and have been very vigilant to the point where he is getting sick of me! As for food I think rice is the only new thing hes been introduced to, he gets turkey and sometimes pork as well as chicken use to have lamb but after the last few times of vomiting it back up he hasn't had any more. He also eats the science dry food. I guess that might be the cause as he didnt have any up at mums. The vet only recomended fish oil as she was certain that he had a flea allergy, I gave him some polaramine this morning after speaking to my mother in laws vet (no one answered at my vet) so will keep an eye on him today he was nuts this morning much more worse than before! Im off out the back yard to have a really good look to see if there is wandering jew Im sure there isnt but Im going to check again I would think if obi was itch so would the missy the other dog, correct me if Im wrong? I will demand to see a derm when we head to the vets this week I felt a bit fobbed off the last visit I strongly believe they flea isnt the cause as he is now itching all over (head to tail). I feel helpless I wish there was something I could do for him he's so distressed as am I EDT to add: Also on the food thing I am really struggling to get him to eat one chicken wing or patty let alone any other food, he hasnt been anything unless I know he's eatn wha I have given him so no kongs etc which is not bothering him at the moment as he is too busy scratching himself to death! Oh and tlc I will get onto adding more pics he's massive now growing so fast I miss my little pup ;) even if he does thing hes still little and wants to cuddle on my lap running out of room on there
Firstly the food: Over the past few weeks kenobi has been off his food he use to woof it down like it was going out of fashion it would usually take him a min or so to eat 2 chicken wings now he plays with it and leaves it alone and its a struggle to get him to eat. Same with his BARF patties used to love them now nothing. Nothing has changed what I give him, he has also started burying his food something he never used to do which is painful as there is another dog who steals his food (I dont want my boy to starve). Is this common or is it something more serious? I also want to know how much I meant to be giving him? He's 5 month old beagle I give him 2 chicken wings in the morning and night and some dry food during the day or 2 chicken wings or some BARF patties mixed with dry food it alternated breakfast and dinner. I keep getting he's two skinny but Im afraid to over feed him (well I was not at the moment as he's not eating). I personally dont think he looks that thin but I am fed up with the comments I thought I would ask if it should be more. Now for the itching! This is driving me nuts god knows how my wee boy is feeling! He is constantly scratching if hes not asleep, doing his business or distracted (even if its for a few mins) he is scratching like a mad man! I took him to the vets and asked she found a flea on him so we treated for fleas and it was better for a few days then back at it like a mad man! he his nawing himself raw in places mostly his knee area. She told us to give him fish oil tablets which we have been doing and his skin is looking better (looked like dandruff) but hes still a mad man he has a few "scabs" but they are so tiny its not spearding its just around the top of the tail area. So I am at a loss and Im worried about him its distressing for me I cant think of what its like for him Oh yeah we were feeding him sardines but god they didnt agree with him or my nose! and there is no wandering jew in the yard. I should also mention when we went up to my mums for chrissy he didnt scratch as much she doesnt have lawn so I was wondering if it was maybe connected to lawn?
It came with a divider but I am just looking at the size of it its so big. I just read the return policy and said I cant take it back if I change my mind but I think I will give them a call and ask.
I went out and got kenobi a new crate today they pet stores had bugger all! I had to go with a large one which is 91cm (L), 61 cm (D) and 71cm(H) he looks tiny in it and I am now wondeering if I should have waited for a new one. We have had him penned off as his old crate was too small but now he's working out how to get out (dammed if I know how he is?!?) so I had to get one asap. Now I am regreting it it's massive do you think it's too big for a beagle? I just know OH probably wont be impressed when he sees this massive crate in our bedroom but Im not putting him back in his little one and I cant keep him in the pen.
Wow you can chat! I've not been on for a bit dont think I'll read through the odd 70 million pages to catch up :D Things are great here the wee man is maybe slighlty improving after all our set backs... It's going slowly but it's going looking forward till the end of Nov when I will have nothing but time to put into him (yay for summer break at uni). We start our class training on monday eeeeeekkkkkkkkk I'm stressed I just know he's going to be the worst in the class! I still haven't gotten hi to walk on a leesh properly which is frustrating me and him I would guess. Oh well this is why we are going ;) I am really looking forward to it get him out there meeting all the other pups making some new friends.
Cool I thought it would be ok but OH was worried it was too starchy. I havent seen him not eat anything yet! Tlc he is going great had a few dramas (not listening/naughty) the usual pup stuff but we are working on it and for fear of jinxing it toilet training is getting there. Took him to the vets and he was so well behaved I was so impressed he usually jumps and carries on around new people I think he just enjoys making me a liar! Heaps of photos I need a new memory card! Looking at getting a new camera so I can get better than point and click ones.
The other day I was making a sweet potato and some fell into the clutches of my evil pup! Is it o for him to eat it? It was raw. He seemed to really like it, but then I'm sure he'd love anything that was food related
Off topic but it's her lawn - she should be forking out the $$ to topdress it if she wants that done, not you! That is what I said! she seems to think that it's in the lease, which I pulled out the other night not a single thing mentioned nut job! anyway seasol it is.
It's a brunnings brand I shot off an email today as I am too busy during "office hours" so waiting to hear back. I brought seasol for lawn but she's not happy about that i askedh her if she'd like to pay for my vet bills and I got told I was been dramatic. So WHAT thats my baby would you put poison where yours eats and plays umm no! I decided I wont use I'n not a fan of anything thats not organic, if she wants to use she can when weve moved out she mentioned maybe we would put top soil on instead, hello are we made of $ and it's a bloody rental! ugh the lawn look good a little browm but we are on restrictions everones does. Thanks for the link persephone and whippetsmum its in the garage in a cupboard he has bo way of accessing it what so ever. Thanks all
I have been having a discussion with my land lady who wants me to put some on our lawn but I dont want to as I dont think its safe to use, am i right or wrong? She gave me one it has nothing on pets on it alot dont I have been looking at. Thoughts and advice if there is an alternatice would be appreciated :0
Yeah I shot her an email off while I was writing the post. I dont mind if he does follow me but it's the carrying on even when someone else is here he will sit a the gate barking howling etc even with redirection no luck. Oh well the joys of puupyhood
Julie yeah we got the papers I was just having a look around at other polices to see if there was another we liked better. We decided to go with petplan as they were the best as far as I was concerned.
Tiggy and RSG sorry for your loss, I can appreciate how you are feeling as the the same thing happened to my boy a few days before he was due to fly out. As it was said everything happens for a reason even if it does suck! Damn you and you bulk CR order actually damn me and living in Bunbury haha! A few questions: 1) is it normal at times to feel like you hate (for want of a better word) your pup? He is driving me NUTS! he wont listen to anything we have been doing so well in training but now it's like everything has gone out the door! he barks at everything and anything and doesn't stop when disciplined I feel like I am constantly at him! I know he's a pup but I feel like it's one step forward two backwards! 2) keeping on the one step forward two backwards track is it common for them to go backwards in toilet training? He was doing so well, I am going back to square one is it meant to be this difficult? 3) every time I leave the room he follows when I go to the gated section of the house he carries on like no tomorrow it is getting a little better. I dont come out of where ever until he has stopped I dont pay attention to him when he is carrying on I just dont know what to do. I know it sound like a big whinge he isn't bad all of the time I know he's a pup and I'm sure it happens to everyone but I'm so new to this I just want to get a grasp on it no better way than to ask. Sorry if this offends some people I do love my boy and yes I do have the time an patience for him if I didn't care I wouldn't be asking for help. Thanks in advance
Haha I just found Kenobi in the litter tray not eating poo but the actual litter stuff it's all organic but still god I own a grott! Lucky he's only ver had access one to t never again.
Awwww that is sooo cute! Still no CR package for me you all seem to be getting yours really fast and I'm not that far away from perth *sigh* I just his new toys.
Too cute, but not as cute as my boy haha but then again I am bias!
No CR package yet for me said it was posted on the 14th ohh well must keep waiting..... I think I'm more excited than the kenobi will be! OH and I'd just like to have a whine.... packing a house up with a puppy = ugh frustration ok I'm done now
One of my cats gets it poor thing! In recent years I have taken her to the vet they gave her a shot (cant remeber what though) and it usually lasts till mid dec he said if that didn't work then we could put her on some tablets. This year she's not too bad so so I haven't bothered with the shot but I do keep an eye on her. Best just to keep an eye out and if your too worried I'd speak to the vet.