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Everything posted by sllebasi

  1. LOL, Sorry i should have clarified and described it as either red or white meat. white meat seems to be fine for my dog but was wondering if kangaroo was more than likely going to get a similar reaction as the red meat or whether because it was so lean etc, that maybe kangaroo was a better option. the arthritis and pancreatitis also seem to flare up for drontal and heartguard so have managed to find alternatives for these.
  2. my staffy is intolerant to pork, lamb, beef, but can have chicken, turkey and fish - appears to get instant arthritis and over the medium term pancreatitis. Have also found drontal and heartguard cannot be given to her due to similar reactions and have found alternatives for these products. Is kangaroo considered a 'red meat' product or is it a case of try it and see.
  3. doesnt it say a lot about the world we live in, i work with children and cannot believe the amount and severity of allergies they are suffering from, and didnt realise that dogs suffered so badly from it too - goes to show you preservatives and additives are no good for anybody or anything. is is mainly staffys that have allergies or is it universival across most breeds???
  4. How long should it take before I see some improvement in mobility etc, after starting flaxseed and fish oils - taking into account obviously the dogs age and severity of arthritis??
  5. Thankyou for your replies, will get onto that today.
  6. Hi everyone, I am worried about my 10 year old staffy kelpie x. She has one hind leg which gets arthritis - have tried cartrophen needles, sashas to no avail but has shown remarkable recovery after eliminating all meat from diet. Started to limp about four weeks ago with both back legs and was put onto anti - inflammatories for three days which worked a treat. has had blood tests with the view of inflammatories being given on a semi regular basis. started the tablets again last friday a week ago, but something happened on this thursday which led to extreme limping in the opposite hind leg. Was taken to the vets immediately who really pushed down and felt around hip, knees, toes and spine with no reaction from dog. is on homemade food only of tuna, salmon, chicken, vegies, eggs, rice, pasta, and oats. was told to monitor situation and possibly book her in for xrays etc. situation has not improved although i feel that there is slightly more range in movement from leg and hip. she doesnt appear to be in discomfort, is eating normally, seems happy, and has been rolling around on back and lying and sitting on both legs equally. she not overly thrilled at standing for long, and when she is walking around, gets a bit tired and limps more after a short period of time. i have spoken to vets everyday since thursday and opinion is mixed as to what to do. the major concern is that she appears to slightly crab walk, and have noticed some swelling around her butt cheek. again though i have been pushing and pressing down on joints and lump for no reaction. when i gently hold the leg up the lump doesnt appear swollen, just like the leg muscle is working a bit harder than usual. have taken her off anti inflammatories after reading stories on here and have started fish oil and flaxseed oil, situation doesnt seem to be improving but its not getting worse either. am worried that over a short period of time, going from two reasonably sized walks per day to barely being able to walk around the back yard - any opinions greatly appreciated.
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