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Everything posted by sllebasi

  1. we have had a lot of rain here, and the dog has just been to the kennels. to me they looked like a tick but was wondering if anyone knew if they lived in trees or what the go is. could be spiders or another bug, but i am not so sure - they were just really weird.
  2. i have just walked under a 15 foot tree in my backyard and on the underside of one of the leaves looks definitely something like ticks. I cant remember the last time I had a tick (over 6 years ago), and i thought it was really strange that there were about 15 of them on the underside at about 6 foot in height. I thought they were grass dwellers??????
  3. i just googled in unauthorised taking of photos and this is the first link that i looked at. am happy to be proven wrong if someone finds something else more concrete http://www.caslon.com.au/photonote1.htm
  4. you make it sound though that you are doing it in view of the people, which, although i dont particularly like it, is ever so slightly a little bit easier to justify. I absolutely love that footage of the woman and the soldier, and it would be a shame to stop all that. If you are 'hiding' in order to take a photo, then the weight of the law could very well be thrown at you, ESPECIALLY of children as that is seen as exploitation. You could also very well earn the wrath of some people particularly fathers of young children.
  5. depends on the law and also the expectation. there is an expectation that if you go to a show, you are more likely than not to be filmed, photographed whatever. The media also come under a different law and thats how the papparazzi get away with what they do. It looks like there is the trade practises act, privacy act, copyrite law, common law and the constitution. I think it all comes down to expectation and choice
  6. just googled unauthorised photos and this came up it is illegal to take any photograph of a minor without authorisation by a parent/guardian publishing such photographs on the web is a criminal offence Australian law comprehensively prohibits 'street photography' (including images of public beaches and crowds in streets or other public places).
  7. i am going to disagree with you on this one, you are invading my privacy, and my personal space and you have NO right to take a photo of me without my knowledge. I am not getting cranky with you, this is an interesting discussion but you just cannot do it. The only way i can see you being able to do it legally is by having some sort of banner up saying between these hours on this particular piece of land you will be taking photos of everyday normal things. You cant invade peoples privacy and absolutely cannot then go and display it whether on the net or in an art gallery.
  8. The thing that probably gets me is that I didnt or dont get a choice whether my photo is taken. If there is a news camera whereever, I can choose to cross the road and cross my fingers that i am not videotaped. so i think the big question is whether you have the choice to either be involved or not. if you are at a general area showing your dogs, the expectation is there that at some point you will be photographed. if i am walking my dogs down the street, or even at a dog park, my expectation would be that I am not going to get photographed. I hear some beaches now have banned photos being taken - dont know if its the privacy issue, or the higher than usual number of undesirables.
  9. Yep, im fine with what you have said, maybe I have just been involved in too many bad experiences to not have a skewed view of this. I might also add, that I need parents signatures on an authorisation form to say that I am allowed to take photos of their childrens whilst in care for documentation and other purposes. We have recently banned the nintendo dsi game thingys as the children were all running around taking photos of other children, and there was no authorisation from those parents. we also live in a society where there are many broken homes, domestic violence and the ability to sue so unfortunately no photos for us unless written permission. If you took a photo of my child without my permission, I would take the matter further, you do not have that right.
  10. i would be absolutely horrified if someone did this to me without making their presence known and without asking me first. However I would like to clarify that i work with children, so privacy and confidentiality is paramount. I have also unfortunately been put in the middle of two separate messy, hateful separations and divorce to the point that i was threatened as well. I am not involved in facebook or twitter because i dont trust those sites therefore I dont get involved with them. One of my daycare children got spoken to just this week about telling one of his friends where I lived, I then had a strange car parked outside my house for approx 10 mins before i could go out and investigate and it was the child and their mother wanting to come and play. Never mind the fact that I had 7 children inside that I was supposed to keep safe and secure. So its a big no for me without consent and knowledge
  11. if only i was in the se qld corner now (am moving from far north qld to se qld in 12 months) would love to absolutely help out but distance is the problem right now. Hope someone can help you, and wish you a speedy recovery
  12. I would like to order one too, if details could be reprinted. Wasnt a member at the time this was happening.
  13. i am absolutely loving the results that i am getting with fish oil and flaxseed oil with my arthritic dog when catrophen and sashas didnt work. have to see what works best for you and your dog and the cost factor as well
  14. when i used to feed my dog late in the afternoon, she would go to sleep late, and then sleep in in the morning and its an effort to get her out. now i feed her early in the morning, she is going to sleep at around 6 pm and up early with me for walk and play and breakfast. prefer her this way. on weekends she touches me with her paw just to test if i am awake and when i say what do you want, she puts her head on my shoulder, like mummy, its time for cuddle and to get up. if she cant find me under sheets etc she tends to jump on me, like she panics a bit. if I want a sleep in, there is no chance, as my dog panics if the alarm hasnt gone off and its daylight so she wakes me up - which i dont mind.
  15. That is exactly what my dog does, but usually as soon as i sit up she relaxes a bit, bit like im awake now and i will protect her so she doesnt need to be on guard as much. where do you get rescue remedy from what is it, and how much, that has been on my job list for about a month now, to look into it more
  16. yes, it came with a lambswool blankie and we got to take that to bed last night, so we will see.
  17. It was a concern of mine also when i was looking at it - that if she is scared enough she will rip it to pieces. It is a camping style kennel and it does look reasonable tough, so fingers crossed. If the you know what hits the fan I am not going to be that far away from her anyway, but hopefully it will be enough even if its just to carry her from upstairs to downstairs if we need to in a safer manner. Never thought about a crate till I start the canine foster course and it got me thinking - particularly as she is going in a strange car at christmas time.
  18. I think the animal kingdom is amazing and it doesnt matter whether its a sixth sense or extra sensory perception. In north queensland we often get articles in the paper of studies done on various animals and they tell us what sort of flooding/wet season/cyclones we can expect. depending on which way you look at it, this year is going to be the biggest wet season ever, as all the crocodiles are building their nests way higher than they have ever done before, the black ants have never been seen where they are building their nests, the birds have gone all funny, so there must be something there, that two to three months before our wet season, these animals are doing what they are doing (by the way they are never wrong - as is the mock orange that comes out in flowers two days before rain - the more flowers the more rain)
  19. on the weekend i bought a soft kennel. I want to use it as a safe spot for her when she is scared of thunder, also to use it as closed in area in case we get a cyclone and she needs to be locked away, and also we are going into a friend of mines car (dog doesnt know her or car) to take her to boarding kennels while i am on holidays. i took it out of box and left it open in the loungeroom for her to smell and get used to it, then i started encouraging her to go into it with treats and praising her while in there and when she got out - we practiced for about 10 mins. we did it again yesterday, and today we progressed to zipping up one side (it has two entrances). am noticing that she is perfect for the training, but then afterwards she will follow me around like a shadow, and she looks a tad miserable - i am thinking that it looks like a suitcase and smells like a suitcase, and that i must be going on holidays. do i keep going as slowly as i am progressing to putting it in the car in months time, or should i pack it away when not using it for training????
  20. that sounds like my dog when she has a tummy ache or pancreatitis, just flat, not enthusiastic and looks uncomfortable. have you had problems before???
  21. i have a ghost in my house that my dog can "see", and one of the children that used to visit here could also 'see' it. the first few times it happened, i was sitting on the floor in the loungeroom watching tv, and the dog sat straight up, and wagged tail, and then stopped wagging tail. the child also used to just look up suddenly in exactly the same spot. i used to freak out, and turn around suddenly thinking someone was standing behind me, just the reactions that the dog and child had
  22. my dog started it for no apparant reason (she did have pancreatitis though so that is an interesting post before) i was told to add pineapple or pineapple juice to make it more acidic. it worked pretty much instantly if you want to stop it
  23. im now starting to worry too, really hope things are okay
  24. my dog shakes when she is nervous or scared to the point of nearly collapsing- like thunder, little athletics guns. Have you had some storms around lately that you havent heard the thunder. my dog can hear thunder a good 2 hours before i hear it. but as others said, if its new or your gut feeling says something is not right, then see the vet
  25. Thinking of you - cant imagine what it feels like, but you know we are all thinking of you
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