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Everything posted by sllebasi

  1. i have heard a small bottle of spray - water, airfreshener, im not sure what else you can use, but a small enough bottle for in your pocket
  2. was admitted to hospital again sunday morning, as legs were going funny, have been told to take her home and love her, they initially thought she may have 6 months to live, but it now looks more likely that it will be much sooner than later.
  3. Unfortunately it does not appear that grass poisoning was the cause of the initial problems. It now appears that it is a fatal, incurable liver/genetic problem, and the next seizure she has, she probably wont wake up from, so we are all really disappointed.
  4. my dog has arthritis and pancreatitis with extreme sensitivities to red and some white meat (beef, lamb, pork, kangaroo) so i have opted for a raw diet with supplements to help with the arthritis. the only other option i was given was high strength anti-inflammatories which I didnt want to do. It is always nice to know and have confirmation that i am doing the right thing (last thing i want to do is create more harm to my dog) that is why i have raised the issue of mercury poisoning and now that i have looked into Vitamin E foods, now feel comfortable that at least my dog may already be getting enough natural vit E to counteract the fish oil that i am currently giving her my dog is also being monitored for pancreatitis attack at moment, may need to go in for blood test tomorrow (although i dont think she needs it now, is improving on antibiotics), but next blood test or next time i am concerned, may get full blood workup to check liver, vitamin overdose/underdose etc.
  5. Which foods are rich in vitamin E? •whole grains, such as wheat and oats •wheat germ •leafy green vegetables •sardines •egg yolks •nuts and seed
  6. my dog always has either spinach or broccoli, thats probably why my vet wasnt worried Table 2: Selected Food Sources of Vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol) [7]Food Milligrams (mg) per serving Percent DV* Wheat germ oil, 1 tablespoon 20.3 100 Almonds, dry roasted, 1 ounce 7.4 40 Sunflower seeds, dry roasted, 1 ounce 6.0 30 Sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon 5.6 28 Safflower oil, 1 tablespoon 4.6 25 Hazelnuts, dry roasted, 1 ounce 4.3 22 Peanut butter, 2 tablespoons 2.9 15 Peanuts, dry roasted, 1 ounce 2.2 11 Corn oil, 1 tablespoon 1.9 10 Spinach, boiled, ½ cup 1.9 10 Broccoli, chopped, boiled, ½ cup 1.2 6 Soybean oil, 1 tablespoon 1.1 6 Kiwi, 1 medium 1.1 6 Mango, sliced, ½ cup 0.9 5 Tomato, raw, 1 medium 0.8 4 Spinach, raw, 1 cup 0.6 4
  7. add me to the list, am interested in this area
  8. i asked my vet yesterday about this and he was not the slightest bit concerned if the diet is good already. I will however be looking into foods that may assist with the Vitamin E and see if i can add that to the meals, and i will change brands as soon as i finish using up all the blackmores fish oil. With the brands already mentioned, is there any info regarding where their fish comes from as you need to be careful with mecury poisoning.
  9. thanks for that, will add that to my list of questions to ask the vet. i hate hindsight because everything that has happened over the last two to three weeks is now jumping at me and screaming something is not right. have put symptoms down to thunderstorms and we are going on holidays soon and she 'knows' and it is all lining up now to pancreatitis edited to add: vets treating my dog for a case of pancreatitis. With previous history and current symptoms, plus the fact that it is the weekend, she has been given the needle and antibiotics plus no food for the next 24 hours. Vet thinks that I have caught it in time, have kept her well hydrated so is not concerned yet and will need to go back on tuesday for blood tests if no improvement. Completely forgot to ask about this,as was too worried about food, diet and talked about fish oil and vitamin E.
  10. will talk to my vet tomorrow as i think my dog has a pancreatitis attack so will ask about this topic as well
  11. Have a horrible feeling my dog is having another attack. Gave her a turkey bone two weeks ago (i know now i shouldnt have), and i tried her with new heart tablets this week (she seems to be sensitive to a few brands) last night she was sick once so only gave her 1 piece of chicken for lunch and that has been it for the day. she has been sick again tonight - first time at midnight and has just been sick again so off to the vets first thing in the morning i think
  12. i grate all my veges (well i cheat and use the blender which has a grater attachment) and then put it in a crockpot with a little bit of water. i also use fish oil and flaxseed oil which has helped enormously with arthritis, but am thinking that with your dog possibly not a good idea - maybe yogurt or acidophilus might be a better way to go for you - may need to ask your vet
  13. just turned everything off and reloaded page, still no go. then reregistered and tried again and still cant order one - hope they dont sell out have sent them email
  14. have been on pets providor, have created a profile, have clicked on buy now for a thundershirt but nothing is happening, am i missing a step???
  15. my dog made herself physically sick with last nights storm and basically had to sit on me, so i only had about three hours sleep. will be interested in hearing any updates, as she is also extremely noise sensitive to the little athletics guns (little athletics are held in the park behind me) and i generally have to move her to another house and she is scared stiff, and hides under the office desk at this other house
  16. at a guess i would think one chicken breast/one piece of steak type thing. my dog is 24 kgs and that is all she gets with 3/4 cup veges, egg, and other stuff mixed together. my dog also gets tin fish - one small can i think they are 120 grams each tin?? may or may not be suitable for your particular dog and breed, but i think it has been said on here before the total meal should be 10% of the dogs weight. not sure what proportion meat to veges to pasta should be though??
  17. i wouldnt have thought the margarine would have set it off like that and for it to be 2 weeks prior, i think you need to look at something a little bit more closer to the date. its definitely fat related and with my dog it is all red meat products - lamb, beef, pork, kangaroo, so you might need to do a bit of playing around with meals for a while yet. i would stick to the chicken and rice for at least another week if not two as the dog had it so bad, and is still dehydrated.
  18. i gave one to my dog last week, and there was nothing left of it when she finished. needs supervising though and cut off the skin/fat first
  19. if it does end up being pancreatitis you are going to have to be super careful as to what you feed now. once you get pancreatitis once, you are prone to getting it again, so you will have to talk to your vet and take things really slowly. no fat is the biggest thing
  20. I had never heard of taking dew claws of the dogs until these topics starting coming up. Wish it had of been done to my staffy, no end of problems with them splitting and getting caught. Short of taping them up not sure what I can do about them now (she is 11 now)
  21. sounds like pancreatitis to me, its like getting a stomach ulcer as a human when you dont feel like eating because of the burning in your stomach and food pipe. also sounds like may be dehydrated which would explain a few of the symptoms.
  22. just something to throw into the ring for you guys to consider. the childcare industry (which i am involved in) has the one group of regulations and acts etc, nationwide, but within this there are subsections which relate directly to the different types of child care that is offered eg long day care, kindegartens, family day care, out of school hours care. Instead of argueing and discussing that you dont want any laws or restrictions, maybe try to convince the lawmakers of specific requirements depending on whether you are a breeder, foster carer, rescue group or boarding kennel. havent read this post properly yet, will do so later, but its just something i thought of.
  23. Steve, am trying to send you p.m. about another issue, can you empty your inbox please.
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