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Everything posted by Dju

  1. I am almost positive it won't do anything in regards to leash pulling. When Hugo had that problem, the only thing that worked was training it out of him. Or a halti. But we wanted him to walk normally using a flat collar, a halti is like a bandaid solution, just like a Thundershirt (if by some chance it does work to stop your dog's pulling). Arcatapet.com have nicely-priced Thundershirts, but eBay is probably a teeny bit cheaper. Thundershirts in Australia will cost you more than those overseas. Demi they're very reasonably priced from Pets1 Yes but they still cost more than those you find overseas (which was what I said, not that Australian retailers were unreasonably pricing them). Factor shipping into that ;) ;) I do. Overseas: $35+$10=$45: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ANY-SIZE-THUNDERSHIRT-DOG-ANXIETY-STRESS-RELIEF-SHIRT-/390332416179 Overseas: $35+$13=$48: http://www.arcatapet.com/item.cfm?cat=16823 Australia: $50+$8=$58: http://pets1.com.au/Dogs/Dog-Apparel/Dog-Anxiety-Wraps/
  2. I am almost positive it won't do anything in regards to leash pulling. When Hugo had that problem, the only thing that worked was training it out of him. Or a halti. But we wanted him to walk normally using a flat collar, a halti is like a bandaid solution, just like a Thundershirt (if by some chance it does work to stop your dog's pulling). Arcatapet.com have nicely-priced Thundershirts, but eBay is probably a teeny bit cheaper. Thundershirts in Australia will cost you more than those overseas. Demi they're very reasonably priced from Pets1 Yes but they still cost more than those you find overseas (which was what I said, not that Australian retailers were unreasonably pricing them).
  3. You repeated two options. Also, for those people, I don't think putting it on your leg is a logical way to be testing a prong collar. It goes around the dog's neck, not his leg. It's like punching yourself in the leg vs punching yourself in the neck, doesn't seem like a fair comparison to me? Anyways, just my thought.
  4. I am almost positive it won't do anything in regards to leash pulling. When Hugo had that problem, the only thing that worked was training it out of him. Or a halti. But we wanted him to walk normally using a flat collar, a halti is like a bandaid solution, just like a Thundershirt (if by some chance it does work to stop your dog's pulling). Arcatapet.com have nicely-priced Thundershirts, but eBay is probably a teeny bit cheaper. Thundershirts in Australia will cost you more than those overseas.
  5. Puppies sleep, it's like their full-time job for the next few months. Hugo has never woken us up during the night because he's slept too much during the day, let's just put it that way :p Just put him in his crate, somewhere dark, and hopefully he'll sleep for a while! Enjoy it while you can
  6. When flying Hugo up to Brisbane, we booked for Jetpets too. They were cheaper than Dogtainers by $50 Can't remember a thing about their service because it was just a minute-long phone conversation. Sucks that you got treated like that though!
  7. Ooh, forgot to mention, for anyone with girl dogs or whatever, there's also a red variety for the same price:
  8. Hey, just a shout out to anyone in need of a new soft crate, Ozplaza on eBay are selling their XXL soft crates on special at the moment for $66 with free shipping. I bought one last night but only paid $60 because I decided to make an "offer" instead. The system automatically rejects or accepts offers that are too high or low, so I don't know if it gets any cheaper than $60, but I still think that's a super bargain. Happy bargain hunting
  9. There's no puss whatsoever thankfully, I'm just worried that it's healing too slow. I actually DO have paw paw ointment so I tried putting some on his nose and doing what you did with Sarge, Mim. I held his muzzle closed and he just stared at me in that "why are you doing this horrible thing to me" way and he wouldn't fall asleep. So I tried to press his head against the floor gently in a way that kept his mouth closed, but he still stuck his tongue out and licked his nose. Luckily I spread it so thick that there's still a film of it over his nose, so we'll see how that goes. Hugo was bitten at the dog park today (sigh). The tip of his ear has been nicked, and my mother revealed she was hiding the bottle of Tru Blu, so we could then spray some on his ear, thankfully. This is really not his week.
  10. He's as healthy as a horse *irrational weeping here* And I said I didn't put anything on his nose! I'm still trying to look for online suppliers of that non-toxic blue antiseptic spray but it's proving difficult to find.
  11. ARGHghfgh I'm so annoyed at my mother. She thinks that the scabbing is the result of me putting super glue on his nose (which I did NOT do). She's accusing me of putting super glue on his nose because it's what I used to close the large gaping wound on my chicken's head a year back (it was huge, use of super glue was appropriate!). If she didn't let Hugo stick his nose through someone's fence, this wouldn't have bloody happened in the first place. And if she hadn't thrown out the blue antiseptic spray, this would have been done and over with by now, that thing is like a miracle with wounds! The damage used to look so small and "neat" and now it just looks like a mess and I have to take him to the vet and take another hit to my credit card... :mad Sorry, just had to get that rant out!
  12. I'm trying not to!! You can see the little piece of skin hanging off his nose, and there's a lot of scabbing or SOMETHING going on, it's really hard to take a good, clear picture of what's going on. Is it cause for concern, should I take him to the vet? Can they even do anything?
  13. Argh, fcking hell, my mother threw out the antiseptic spray on a whim, and now I have no idea where to get some more. It's looking a bit nasty, it scabbed over but he scratched his nose on something and the piece of skin is just sort of hanging off his nose and argh! I should get a photo, maybe I'm overreacting.
  14. Hugo was recently bitten by a dog on the nose, it's not like (not sure how to describe it) punctured or anything, it basically appears like it's been scraped against concrete or something. Three days later, the scratch is still red and raw looking, and while people keep assuring me that his licking it will make it better, I'm starting to wonder whether I should be putting something on it. The problem is that he likes licking his nose, so I'm kind of worried about putting something on it. I have antiseptic cream in the First Aid kit, as well as something I used on the chickens when I had wounds called True Blu (it's a purple-colored antiseptic spray). Apparently it tastes terrible. Should I try putting that on his nose? Or any other product (keeping in mind it will instantly get licked after application)?
  15. You sure that's safe? If it is, then off to Bunnings tomorrow It's what everyone in the Spitz thread constantly told me when I got Hugo 9 months ago Parvo is transferred through dog poop, so long as he doesn't tread through it, I'm pretty sure he's safe from all sorts of poop when he's up in your arms. :D
  16. Just been reading through the second link - is he serious? I can't believe anyone can do all the things he suggests You mean the socializing the puppy with 100 different people before 3 months? Nah, easy to achieve. *sarcasm* We did that We just hung out in front of Bunnings. In fifteen minutes, more than a hundred people passed us by and a lot stopped for cuddles. We did that a few times a week and he loves his people now! I'd definitely do that, but I'd have to wait until he's had all of his main vaccinations Although, standing infront of Bunnings is pure genius! You don't need to wait if you carry him! I would be carrying him in your arms and taking him for walks as often as you can, it's important to get him socialised.
  17. Just been reading through the second link - is he serious? I can't believe anyone can do all the things he suggests You mean the socializing the puppy with 100 different people before 3 months? Nah, easy to achieve. *sarcasm* We did that We just hung out in front of Bunnings. In fifteen minutes, more than a hundred people passed us by and a lot stopped for cuddles. We did that a few times a week and he loves his people now!
  18. Advantage is cheaper here: http://www.petproductsontheweb.com.au/advantage1.htm Also there is free shipping on all orders which means that the Interceptor could probably work out cheaper too. They also have 12 month packs of Interceptor.
  19. Just wondering (sorry if I sound accusing or anything because I don't intend to), but are there reasons you can't do it yourself?
  20. Okay, well, I was trying to stay with the simple two color theme for logotyping, but this time I decided to use your suggestion in another thread of using a rosette to represent the logo. I was trying to capture the fact that the collars give the puppy/kitten individuality among others :p So here we are, my last shot at this competition: Derp. Sorry, I edited it a couple of times after I posted LOL.
  21. When I get a prefix, it will be a tribute to my first dog's breeder, but different of course
  22. Dju


    I would do this too. I would be so sad if I was forced to give Hugo up and the new owners wouldn't let me see him..
  23. I bought mine off eBay for $30, so they're not cheap! Generally, the guides they post alongside the listing say this: Quick Buying Guide: Coarse & Medium styles (6 - 12 blades) for prep work and thinning out undercoat Fine styles (16 - 20 blades) for grooming soft, heavy coats Super Fine styles (20 - 26 blades) for finishing and thick, shaggy coats (especially spaniels, setters, etc.) Use coarse styles to comb out the undercoat - fine styles for finishing. Some breed clubs recommend certain sizes that seem to work best for their breed. Breed Guide: Afgans: 20 - 26 blades Boxers: 16 - 20 blades Collies: 10 - 12 blades or 18 Double Wide Golden Retrievers: 12 blades or 18 Double Wide Giant Schnauzers: 20 blades Schnauzers: 10 - 12 blades Setters: 16 - 26 blades or 30 Double-Wide Sheepdogs: 6 - 10 blades Shepherds: 10 - 12 blades Spaniels: 20-26 blades, upper body 8 blades, legs & skirt Terriers: 10 - 20 blades (depending on thickness or coarseness of coat) Wolfhounds: 10 - 12 blades or 18 Double Wide
  24. Certainly hasn't been in my boy's case. He was desexed at 7 months of age and at 12 months now he's quite a big boy, much bigger than expected for his age. And is still growing quickly. Don't most people say that when you desex a dog earlier that they actually get bigger than they otherwise would be if they were entire? Or at least lankier or something.
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