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Everything posted by coogie

  1. Sounds terrifying, really hope she is just bruised and shocked and will slowly come round. Sending healing thoughts to Feather.
  2. RMS, I have a question, you said that your OH buried the puppy, now you know what likely caused the puppy to die does this pose further risks/ issues for your dogs? I am sorry if it is a silly question but was concerned about proximity of your boundaries and the dog's body being buried on the neighbour's property? I know that the virus lives on in the soil for a long time anyway, if the dog has "shed" it in the yard, so it might be a moot point -but does burying the dog compound the problem? I always thought that dogs who died from Parvo should be cremated, but my experience was a fair while ago and in another country. I would be reporting him to the Council and asking that the puppy's body be removed, if it adds any additional risk.
  3. Hoping he is still improving and can come home soon. Very sorry that your helping the neighbour has caused so much grief for you. I have a question (possibly a dumb one) but will put it in the original thread so this one remains focussed on Astro. Sending your boy best wishes and healing thoughts.
  4. Looks like she will be okay. Tilly goes home.
  5. Classy Tails look to have a few different ones Strollers up to 15kg
  6. I also agree with Purdie - trust your heart Skyefool. That must have been very, very hard for you. Hugs.
  7. There are lots here, the site does say they don't ship everything internationally though. Did you have a style in mind (I know you said you didn't know exactly what you wanted but is there anything you definitely don't wan't)? Ornaments
  8. Fair enough Rascalmyshadow, but I do have to say I hardly think that the fact I won't let my dogs jump on the furniture at the vets, means I treat them in the manner you describe above. I certainly don't smack them or order them about" just because". I don't think expecting your dog to be able to sit quietly on the floor at the vet, means you are a bully or stand over merchant. My dogs are welcome on some of the furniture at my place - as long as they get down if asked - but that's because it is my place. So my rules. As I have said I am not bothered by dogs on chairs at the vet, but to me if you are going to respect everybody's point of view equally, you need to accept that some other owners/ staff/ the vet won't like it and have the right to ask people to get the dog down if they feel strongly about it, without being labelled a crank.
  9. If there is no one around I like to weigh myself at the vet, that way the vet nurse can break it to me and I don't have to face the disappointment alone :laugh:
  10. Would you not ask your kids to stand to let an adult sit? Why would you wait until someone had to ask (unless the kids are unwell of course) in which case why are they at the vets? I am not trying to be rude Rascalmyshadow just genuinely curious. - I don't have kids, but going by my niece and nephew and friends kids they would all get up without being asked.I certainly wouldn't expect to stand up whilst a dog or any other animal occupied a seat. I don't think it is about thinking you are better than others, just common courtesy. I couldn't care less about the odd dog/cat on a seat but I wouldn't expect to have to stand up for any length of time whilst the all the seats were occupied by children or animals. It is not easy for some of us to stand for a long time - nothing to do with age in my case, but an injury. I don't feel the need to have my dogs on the seats, they are fine on the floor, if I did I would just take a clean towel. No big deal. I don't think their feelings are hurt by sitting on the floor,it's where they sit everywhere they go I understand those with cats wanting them up off the floor away from the dogs though. Our vet clinic waiting room is not designed for animals, it is designed for people to wait in, whilst they take their animals for treatment.
  11. Am I missing something? they are obviously catfish...... Well not all aquariums have water. Tho the word "aqua" suggests they might. The clinic sometimes has kittens available for adoption and during the day - they're put in this clear sided display box that's up on a cabinet out of most dog nose reach but still in range of my counter surfing dog's ability to scare the crap out of. So we keep a very short lead when there are kittens on display. My dog has counter surfed at one clinic. I have no idea how she reached her nose over the top but the nurses thought it was adorable. I wasn't so sure. Stood on the lead after that effort so I could pay without help from the evil hound. That particular clinic can get a bit exciting when new customers come in because the space for paying in is right next to the door, next to the busy road... and if another dog wants to say hello while you're paying it's hard to control that. I suppose they are at least a bit separate Mrs.RB, I would hate a clinic cat wandering around or cats on display on the counter. Wonder how many "clinic cats" have come to grief?
  12. Am I missing something? they are obviously catfish......
  13. What a gorgeous thing to do, RIP Molly.
  14. I just saw that on Facebook Persephone, how awful I hope they catch them.
  15. Fluke - no idea just like it Farrow - Little piglet, Old English Fagan - Little fire, Gaelic Faolan - Wolf ,Irish Fedor - Gift of God,Russian Firth - From the woodlands, Old English Fereleth - Carrier of light ,Gypsy Finian - Fair or White,Gaelic Fitch - Lance or spear, Old French
  16. Queen of so many hearts, you will be missed so very much by all who knew you. Vale Askari, run free girl.
  17. You can get them from Amazon, if you search on MDS Wood's lamp they will come up. Haines Educational also have them, apologies I am on my iPad and am too useless to add links.
  18. What a truly gorgeous girl. Very sorry for your loss. RIP Baylee.
  19. So sorry for your loss, your love for all your dogs comes through so strongly in all your posts. Sending sympathy to all your family. RIP Zeuss.
  20. Very sorry for your loss. RIP Hunter.
  21. Love these photos. My sister's GSD proving he can fit in a Shar Pei size bed.
  22. I struggled a bit to answer, Issy has bitten a person, but the recipient of the bite did not stick around long enough for me to see if he required stitches. She did rip his clothing and draw blood but I can't say about the stitches. He was trespassing and opened the door without knocking - and she just launched at him, he ran so we never found out what his injuries were. She is extremely territorial and I am very careful with her if we have visitors, she is particularly bad at night if you are not well know to her. Family can wander in but nobody else. She has bitten a dog in retaliation when it attacked her and broken the skin but no stitches required. Alf has never bitten a person or a dog, neither of them have ever bitten any other animal but I would not trust them if they caught one of the neighbourhood cats that seem to be free to come into the yard at night.
  23. My two are the same, everyone wants to stop and chat, call them Roley, sing me the song from the toilet paper ad, because I have never heard it of course. Take photos of the dogs with, and then without them in it. Tell me they are aggressive, (usually as their child is hanging off Alf's neck much to his delight). I don't mind if we are walking, but when you are sitting at a cafe it does make it hard to eat! LOL. I always try to chat though because I find so many people have so many misconceptions about Shar Pei that I want them to see they can be calm, gentle, dogs, and to dispel some of the myths they usually can't wait to tell me.
  24. This is a public forum, this bit of which is specifically to discuss news stories. I don't see how that is possible without expressing opinions based on those stories. People were giving their thoughts on the situation, based on the news article and/or some further googling probably. Even if everyone had every bit of relevant information their opinions would most likely still differ. I think expressing personal opinions based on a news story are a totally different thing to basically making fun of someone else, who is posting about asking some who they perceive to have more experience in the topic at hand to gain another perspective. Also in my opinion totally different to proclaiming everyone who is commenting knows nothing about the topic. I genuinely didn't see most of the previous posts as kicking someone when they were down, in fact many said they wouldn't like to be in his situation, but still couldn't imagine eating their dog. I am sorry Sandgrubber but I don't understand your analogies in this context so can't comment on them as I can't make the link between texting/drink driving and getting lost in the bush and not being prepared for it. My comments were not just aimed at you either,but at anyone being outrightly rude - but I am afraid I don't buy the line from your previous post about if you can't take the mickey don't post, you missed my point totally - it was that you SHOULD be able to post, particularly if you are just posting an opinion you hold, not something you are claiming as fact, without being jumped on or people being personally rude to you, simple as that. I am perfectly happy for people to disagree with my opinions, they do it all the time. I just genuinely don't understand the name calling and snide remarks, that is all.
  25. Sheesh,why can't people just give their opinions without being so bloody rude? It's a public forum for goodness sake, of course a lot of people will see it differently. I don't understand how anyone simply giving their opinion triggers such sarcasm and outright rudeness.Totally unnecessary. There are probably plenty of members here who have a lot of experience in the bush /wilderness, and plenty more like me who despite having grown up in the wilds of Africa; pretty much don't have any. Difference is I won't need them- because I won't deliberately place myself in the position by setting out on a trip like that unprepared. He wasn't just going for a stroll and he doesn't appear to have been properly equipped for the trip he was undertaking. I don't think that means I am part of the "arm chair know nothing crowd", rather I know my limits and therefore won't end up having to chow down on one of my dogs.
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