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Everything posted by coogie

  1. Thanks again Staffyluv, she is home, very tired, sore and grumpy. She stinks to high heaven as well , not sure if it is her anal glands -she must have emptied them- she has never smelt like this before,it isn't a normal poo smell. I have sponged her bum down a bit but it is still pretty bad. It will have to wait though, she is still very woosy and a bit "singy" from the fentanyl patch. Poor girl looks battered, Shar Pei skin and clippers really don't mix, she has several nicks - and a nasty clipper burn on the bandaged leg. I felt sorry for the vet they were horrified. She is fast asleep now.
  2. Thanks Staffyluv, I have been reading Ollie's thread for inspiration. Issy is seeing Rod Straw once the surgical team have done tomorrow. The whole team have been great so far, do you happen to know if All Natural will do phone consults with the oncologists?
  3. Thank You as well, I will check them out as well, I like the idea of specifics too.
  4. Thank You, this is the regime suggested to us, Issy is going in tomorrow for surgery, the location in her case means margins are not going to be ideal, however they have said she will " likely" be stitched. I am setting up the crate tonight and trying to prepare myself for the morning.She is close by and keeps noseboofing me.Trying really hard to keep things normal and resist the temptation to moon over her as it makes her anxious.
  5. Thanks VizslaMomma, it was a horrible shock, she has had a lot to deal with and is still pretty young (5) so we will do all possible whilst she is pain free,active, happy and able to be a dog. If they get most of it on Tuesday and it doesn't pop up elsewhere, she could be fine for a long time. I really, really wanted the scans, bloods etc. before we let them start to cut , in case it was too late. Happily at this stage it seems isolated.
  6. Thanks dancinbcs, I will follow up.
  7. Issy, our girl has just been diagnosed with a Mast Cell Tumour, she went into the specialist centre for staging yesterday and so far there are no detectable signs of any metastasis. She had full bloods and a set of scans, the next step is surgery on Tuesday to remove the tumour and get it graded. Due to a couple of factors, we know for certain she has had this undiagnosed, (or more accurately misdiagnosed) since February at least; so we feel quite fortunate it is not showing anywhere else. Because of the location of the tumour, the surgeons have said up front they won't be able to get the margins they usually aim for, and have said once they have a grading they will decide on the treatment protocol to follow.They are yet to decide whether they will go with radiation alone or a combination of radiation and chemo. The Oncologists are fantastic and I am really happy with how she is being treated, but we would like to do everything possible to support her conventional treatment, so I am wondering if anyone has used McDowell Herbs or anything similar to treat MCT alongside conventional treatment? Now we are over the initial gut wrenching shock, I am madly researching, and have seen some really good things about McDowell's treatments,I would be really grateful for input from DoLers with experience who are willing to share? The Oncologists were quite receptive to the idea but also said it wasn't their field , so they couldn't really advise, obviously we would clear anything we gave Issy with them first.
  8. I would second Border Rivers, Issy goes every week for hydrotherapy.
  9. Dju had / has one, haven't seen her on here for a while though . I met her boy at Kroll Gardens one day, he was personality plus.
  10. What about this Stitch? Might be worth a look if you can't find fresh - I will call a butcher I know a bit later and ask for you as well Frozen Tripe Stockist in Sandgate apparently, there are a couple of others on the website as well. IRONWOOD COTTAGE Shop 8, Handcock Street<br style="box-sizing: border-box;">Sandgate QLD 4017<br style="box-sizing: border-box;">(07) 3869 4548
  11. Issy it is her zest for life, even if it does involve some very naughty tricks, which despite LOTS of training remain with us. Alf is his unbelievably gentle nature, I have never known such a gentle, soft boy. Best thing about them together is that they are devoted to each other - as long as Issy is allowed to boss Alf. I don't know what it is about these two, I have always loved all of our dogs, but these two seem to have wormed their way deeper into my heart somehow!
  12. Dave73, I just wanted to add my best wishes for you, your girl, and family as you face this horrible battle. I have followed your beautiful hope filled thread silently, because I didn't really have anything useful treatment wise to add. But I have learned so much and was crossing my fingers against all odds as I'm sure lots of others were. Hoping for strength and peace for you all,you have done such an amazing job for your gorgeous girl.
  13. So sorry to see this Kirislin, Penny is so gorgeous, and so happy right to the end. A blessed life for a whippet with you, from your stories and all your stunning, stunning photos. Wishing you peace whilst you recover now, and hoping all goes well. RIP Penny.
  14. You could also ask Little Gifts, she custom makes lots of different styles to accommodate all kinds of needs. Not sure if you have Facebook Westiemum, but here is a link in case. Little gifts
  15. We are still having ongoing issues too. Last month they took no premiums, then took them from my hubby's account we no longer use - they haven't used that account for premiums for 3 years. I called to complain got a very young sounding girl on the phone,who was totally clueless; and just repeatedly stated they have changed computer systems and there was a glitch.They have since taken two lots of payment for one dog and none for the other. Up to the end of June they had still not paid the claim from April for the attack on Issy. Two weeks ago I got call from a friend to say the woman who owned the dogs who attacked Issy were at the local dog wash. I jumped in the car and bolted down to confront her, after a bit of an argument and some debate, she agreed she would pay the bill. I immediately called Petplan to tell them and give them her details. On the phone they confirmed it was fine for her to pay up, and they would cancel the claim. They subsequently sent an email asking for her details and saying they would follow the woman up. I responded saying I had sent the details and she had paid so if they needed to follow up to claim any expenses they had incurred then fine, but no need on my behalf. I had the money for the bill and was dealing with the Council on the issue of her dogs behaviour. Last night I arrived home to find a cheque for the bloody claim in the mail.The other owner has already paid me for the vet bill so I don't know whether to try and return the cheque or just tear it up? I don't want it sitting on our insurance record as paid, but not presented. I have emailed them to ask if a supervisor can call me so I can clear it all up. I can't sit on the phone for hours at work and their lines are constantly jammed at the minute. I really hope they can get sorted out, they have always been great in the past, it is so frustrating, but they are in the last chance saloon with me now.
  16. I think Brown Dawg would get on very well with Issy and Alf.
  17. Wow, that's a very close call. Glad everyone is ok.
  18. He looks so cozy suziwong66. Our two also think there is a secret exit to Narnia via the bathroom. This is what greets you when you come out - if you have the temerity to close the door.
  19. Happy Anniversary Mac, you are just getting even more darn handsome.Blue is definitely your colour.
  20. So, so sorry DDD, there are no words. She looks like she had such a personality, thank goodness she got to spend her last years with you in comfort, and being so loved. Wishing you strength and peace for the days to come.
  21. So sorry DDD, I came in hoping for a positive update on Myrtie, very sad to read that she is so unwell. It sounds like she is getting the very, very best of care though and tons of love and healing thoughts. Please add ours, and I'll keep everything crossed that the medication starts to help very soon.
  22. So sorry to read this, too many beloved dogs sick this week. I really hope she improves soon DDD, and it will be manageable for you. Sending healing thoughts and wishes.
  23. I think Lewa have tried this on a limited basis Juice, but more to manage the Human/Elephant conflict aspect of serial fence breakers. There is a nerve running part way down the tusks so they couldn't cut all the way to the skin. Bulls (and other ellies) use their tusks to eat, fight, display during mating season etc. So there were concerns over the social and physical impacts for the elephant herds if mass detusking was undertaken. I am not sure if they have tried it elsewhere. Edited to add the link to the Lewa detusking study. As I thought, not to do with poaching, I know some parks and ranches used to dehorn rhino, maybe the impact is not as great for them. Lewa Detusking
  24. If people want to help or learn a bit more about the ongoing battle against poaching The Tsavo Trust has a specific program protecting (well trying to protect) the big bulls. Link here: Tsavo Tuskers
  25. Completely heartbreaking.There are so few of the magnificent "Bwana Tembo" Tuskers left now, I remember when I lived there, Ahmed the elephant being under armed guard in Marsabit National Park. He was protected by a Presidential decree from Jomo Kenyatta. He was supposed to have 2 armed guards with him at all times, the official line was that he died of old age in '74. There were a lot of rumours locally though that he was poached too. There was a life size statue of him outside the Nairobi Museum, future generations will probably only get to see the statues, all the real ellies will be gone.
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