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Everything posted by Max#1

  1. Wizzle I'm sure you will do fine! Its good to hear how things are going - though sorry to hear its been so tough! My sister is also pregnant at the moment - she's a bit further along than you - but its been very trying for her too. Even little things, like a headache - you can't just go take a tablet without worrying about it! At some stage you're supposed to 'glow' I remember reading - fingers crossed that's not too far off! KTB - I went back in the training threads to the very first page, and the very first thread was shut down due to explosive content. Back in 2004. Really sets the scene.......... Good luck with Papa Koala. So many tough things going on at the moment! Lilli_star - get them out. Tell them to knock you out. Its worth a short suffering for the absence of continual pain! Well what a weekend. Yesterday we took Max to Brighton Beach. As far as we know its the only fenced, off leash, dog beach anywhere in Melbourne. It was a 45 min drive there, but so worth it! They even had poo bags and bins! There was about 20 or so dogs there, and all seemed to get along pretty well - there was one bossy husky, but not too bad. It certainly wasn't the all-pooing, dog-fighting, circus of bad owners and worse dogs that you could be led to believe dog parks are from reading threads on here. And I'd be lying if I said Max liked it. He LOVED it!!! That being said, I probably wouldn't go there on a nice afternoon - with too many dogs there could be a bit chaotic! Then today I went to the Liverpool Rd Retaining Basin out here near Mt Dandenong. It was so lovely! There's a sign out the front saying 'dogs on leash', but I had three different people tell me they're trying to get that sign taken down, and all the dogs were off leash! Its a bit wild, lots of long grass, and creeks and bush and there's a lake for swimming - Max LOVES to swim - he just hurls himself in and swims out a bit, then turns around and comes back snorting and blowing bubbles! He saw some horses that got him a bit excited, and met another bc x who wanted to herd him - and as he loves being chased they were a match made in heaven! I met a really nice man with a german shep called Tango. He tells me they've got a nice little community down there, and that I'll soon get to know everyone, and how its a great dog-friendly spot. So nice. And so close to home! And the Christmas countdown is really on now.....
  2. When I saw the photo of Elbie waiting for the ball to be thrown I thought the same thing - that could be Max! And since the start - so many things you describe about Elbie it could be the same - I think I'll always have a soft spot for him! Max will be eight months on Boxing day. April 26th was his birthday. He seems to grow so slow - while all the other puppies on here grow so fast!
  3. Hello everyone! Raven - beautiful! Enjoy - and take lots of photos! And stock up on washing powder! Ha! Wuffles - I'm surprised when I'm walking Max actually that everyone I pass walking down the street doesn't just want to rush up to him and give him a big smooch. People don't just walk around me (I always step aside onto the grass anyway), but they do that thing where they put their arm up, just to make sure they don't get contaminated by my dog! I swear he's not jumping up or doing anything worse than looking at them! There's a few people that I see regularly on the street - one lady walks by our house and stopped for a big chat when Max was just a puppy and I was trying to 'socialize' him with the street at the end of the driveway. Now when she sees him we always say hello. It makes his day! Kuma - what do you need for a good flyball dog? From my experience (yes all of two months ((((I'm so proud my little guy is doing runs already!!! He's a little star!!!!!)))) worth) - you need a dog who is ball-obsessed - and not just chasing a moving ball, but wants to go and get a stationary ball too (helped I find by not leaving balls around the house, but rather keeping them as special), and a dog who likes playing tug. The rest follows. Even if you don't want to compete, the training is fantastic. Lots of recalls, and more recalls, and then proofing your dog from distractions. I mean, depends on the club I suppose, but I couldn't recommend even just the training highly enough. I also find because the club is somewhat smaller, you get to meet people a bit better - our obedience club is huge, and I can imagine you could go there for years and never really know anyone. I'm pretty sure you all know my feelings on the subject... Wizzle - what a gorgeous shot! I find the best ones are a little blurry.... As you could probably no doubt see.... ha! Ah well. KTB - as I said elsewhere - hope little Hoover is doing okay. Hope papa koala is also doing okay - and you both as well! I saw the video of the Christmas tree - Elbie is so funny! But also when Hoover does his sit, you can see his little legs sliding out - so cute! And here's a recent photo of Max looking like the little sweetheart that he is .. erhm... *most* of the time.... Sorry if I missed anyone!
  4. Hey there - hope Hoover is feeling a bit better soon? Max was a bit strange after the 'procedure'. For example, at the vets he wasn't sure who I was and I think he would've just as happily gone home with the other lady that was there. He was confused, it seemed. Then when we got home, he acted funny for a bit, like he wasn't sure where he was, and he was a bit growly. Nothing too bad, but odd. Then he slept for a couple of hours, then he was himself again. Hopefully once Hoover has slept it off he will be as right as rain (though somewhat subdued to make the keeping him calm process a bit easier for you guys!). As for the peeing. Urine is sterile, at least when it leaves the body. As in no bacteria or nasties. I'd wipe it though, just a bit. I can imagine it'd sting! Poor Hoover! Try not to worry too much!
  5. Raven - good luck for tomorrow! Not too much to add tonight. Just saying hello! Okay, a photo. Max in 'action'.... And this one. It failed to get into the 'head tilt' thread for obvious reasons. But it cracked me up anyway! Am I a really bad photographer? Can I blame my camera?
  6. And the - 'I'm ready to go for a walk' head tilt...
  7. I can play too! Then left...
  8. Max#1

    Trouble Sleeping

    Me too. When its warm all day the sensible boy sleeps and takes it easy. Around 9.30 pm, when the sun has well and truly gone down, he comes to life. He doesn't wait for sun to come up though - first hint of light. I don't mind waking up early, but there's early, and then there's before 6 am early! I find though as long as he gets a good play, some training, a long walk in the late afternoon/evening he'll sleep. But I have to take away all possible sources of 'stimulation' - dark room, door closed/in crate, no toys, no chews, no noise!
  9. Hello everyone! Wuffles - lovely photos - as always! Lilli_star - mowing again!!!! Roo's face in that photo is priceless! KTB - the videos are really good. You have a talent there. We also had a busy weekend with Christmas parties and whatnot. Saturday night was my OH's Christmas party - his boss (whom is not my favourite person due to the long hours the OH does..... ) and his family are getting a new puppy! So that was a lot of fun to talk about! They said they went to one breeder, but got a bad feeling, so blew their deposit and found a different breeder. (Me thinks its more about his ego than anything else.... he did make a point of telling us the price). They asked us what we were doing the next day, and after all the puppy talk, and I said we had a flyball Christmas party, and he just shook his head and said I have too much spare time. Luckily I could reply, 'just you wait!'. KTB eat your heart out. Today at the park we met a real live working kelpie - who was just 'in town' for a day or two. She's so beautiful - you should see her ears. They're so big! And as both she and Max were playing ball - it was so funny as they were both 'working' they barely stopped to say hello. Her focus is amazing - and around her Max lifted his game something chronic. It was really interesting to watch. I'm sorry no photos of Max. I want to get some action shots, but feel kind of awkward whipping the camera out at the park. Might have to do it in the morning at the other park. The creek we went to did turn out to be floodwaters and by Saturday had disappeared.... We simply must find Max a swimming place!
  10. Not sure if this helps anyone! (And its a little OT). I saw on the weekend these 'go slow' bowls. They're supposed to help slow down dogs when they're eating too fast. On topic - good luck!
  11. This is a really interesting thread. You could be describing my puppy! Initially (2 - 6 months) we were training with food rewards. He was very food motivated and I was so surprised at how quickly and easily he learned a range of things - even complicated tricks like play dead - because I'm definitely no experienced trainer! While he will sit and drop for me for food (he's now just over 7 months) - I have trouble getting him to hold it (we have to do min or so sits/drops for obedience), and eventually he gives up and goes and does something else when he doesn't get the reward immediately, or close to immediately. (I am also no good at gauging how far he can go! And I have no doubts whatsoever, that I am probably doing something wrong!). Everything changed when we got a long flyball tug and started doing age-appropriate flyball foundation work. You can imagine - long recalls rewarded with a tug... etc etc. It was really by accident that I discovered the tug could be used to reward everything I want him to do! And you should see him! He'll sit or drop - not taking his eyes off me for a moment, quivering with anticipation, for far longer than he ever would for the food reward! It wasn't til I saw someone rewarding their golden retriever with little fetch games, and tug games at obedience that I realised I could do that too! (Though that's not going to help us with LLW - my biggest challenge at hte moment!) Any idea if there are some good reading or references for how to train like this?
  12. Clastic - how scary. I'm so glad it ended well.
  13. Well there's another one of those threads today..... Those Aussies are really gorgeous - and it is amazing they smile for the camera! I think my favourite is still Ava though! She is just so unique looking. Ruby Ruby Ruby! Hey - at least she was having a nice time! I'm sure tearing something to shreds must be so much fun! A huge thunderstorm here today. Yesterday was torrential rain. Max has stayed bone dry throughout. Though this evening I took him for a walk at a new place - there's a kind of creek there where he could swim. He loved it so much - leaping around, drinking the water, lying down in it. I was laughing at loud at his antics - so adorable! (But I didn't bring my camera. Will go back there and next time be better equipped!).
  14. Oh I hate the soggy poo pick!!!! We've had a lot of rain here too - and Max even peed inside last night. I wasn't looking at him, then heard this familiar noise.... (my brain was going.. I know that noise, what is it?....) oh yeah - that's the sound of a dog wizzing on the floor. Super! Meanwhile, this afternoon I take him for a walk near a creek (at least I think its a creek, it may just be floodwaters ha!) - and you couldn't keep him out of it! Swimming and leaping, rolling around and frolicking. What's wrong with my dog?
  15. I saw my first real life Akita today!!! It (! was driving past..) was very handsome. The face shots are misleading to what the dog looks like - I imagined a big fluff ball! But the one I saw looked really athletic! Anyway, it was walking right near my house so I'll have to keep a lookout! Ava - happy birthday to the prettiest dog on DOL! KTB - good grief... what must your job be if that's how you type when you're at work... that made me laugh out loud! I can imagine that you have some of diplomatic role, yes? I remember when I was writing my thesis, I started talking like that too. Then after reading my friend's thesis for her, she being a native German speaker, I still can't get rid of some of the 'ways of saying things' that are so not english. I just finished watching that show too Betsy. I was impressed mostly by the German-speaking BC (I made myself laugh out loud with that one... yeah slow jokes day). I was also interested in the idea of using dogs to identify genes for human diseases. I was at a talk the other day, its not far off that to sequence a genome will only cost $1000. Interesting times. Lilli_star - hope you feel better soon. KTB: you can so tell Hoover is from the country....
  16. I was impressed by the bc that could identify so many different things... particularly that she could understand German! (haha... yeah I know).
  17. Regarding those threads.... well one of them didn't turn out to be quite the car crash it appeared to be. But the other, well, there's some regular players there..... In this day and age it truly is about everyone having their own opinion, and making sure to share it!!!! Wanna hear my opinion? Nah actually it was only an epiphany. So far, I've been 'taught' or exposed to the positive reinforcement way of training. Reward good, ignore bad. But tonight I realised this probably is better for 'training' and not so good for 'behaviour'. 'Behaviour' probably needs consequences, including negative ones if the behaviour is no good. I did this: Any thoughts from anyone over here in the comfy corner? Good news - we had a smasher at flyball again tonight. Geeeeee I love it! And now I've found my third MDTL. Okay, the second one is a MDTM. Just in that I trust them, their explanations are good, they tell you what to do and not to do (which I need), and make you feel good about it at the end of the day. Everyone cross your fingers I get a MDTP next year for obedience training! Max loves apples too!
  18. Or imagine if you could set up a genotyping screen. Once heritable genes that lead to diseases/other problems are identified. Like the breast-cancer gene screen that can be done for humans. The rate at which this technology is going, I can imagine that it wouldn't be long before this would not be prohibitively expensive. Just today I heard a seminar given about the $1000 genome (sequencing, that is). That would be a sure-fire way to put puppy mills out of business, if the cost of such a test was low. *Puts hand up for a job*
  19. What? The hat-swatting didn't work? But I like the way that you think! Someone has mischievous written all over their face!
  20. Well there you go! That theory blown straight up!
  21. I just read in the other forum someone wrote that ball playing in your dogs work. Its definitely my dogs work! Interestingly we met a person at the obedience Christmas party. He stopped to look at Max, asked us his age and stuff - then wanted to look in his mouth. Apparently a good working dog has black markings in his mouth, and that's how they get picked from a young age. So - who's dogs have black markings in their mouth. And a thought that made me chuckle here at work - photos!
  22. Thanks Wuffles. Makes me feel better! Its so funny because at the dog park we go to, I have absolutely no problem getting Max back on lead when we're done. It had to be at the obedience club - and you should've seen him! Frolicking like a spring lamb! We did see a dalmatian puppy on the loose at one point yesterday too, so we weren't the only ones.... I'm starting to be able to smile about it now....
  23. Yes! The best part of going to the park for me, was that Max would run around, really stretch his legs, with the other puppies, and could do it at his own pace. His most recent thing is to bark at the sky and chase flies, if I won't throw the ball. This, of course, makes him look like a nutter because noone else can see the flies, and is extraordinarily annoying, frustrating and naughty. We have some plans in place now to try to fix it, but we'll see. My strategy up til now has been to have a word to signal that ball time is over. 'Finished' - yes very creative. When I've had enough of throwing it for him, or other dogs show up, I say 'finished' and put the ball out of sight. This has worked quite well.
  24. Hello Everyone! Looks like the party was a big hit! Its really nice to see! Dorkily enough as I've been reading through I've actually made a list to comment on.... First the posts. Yes ouch. You can't help but read some things and get worked up to reply. Til I saw the thing about Riewolt. He's a handsome devil, and does stand out as an exemplary example of the species. All I can do is shake my head. But KTB, I empathise with your sentiments. I actually wrote out a longer post, then deleted it. Hmph. But! If there was an example of an excellent specimen of the species - Niques those photos of James are very striking. He looks good. To put it bluntly. (And I am not an expert, but still). Like an energetic, fit, shiny little puppy! Ah the humping. In my experience it often happens when a new dog is introduced to a 'pack'. Then there's some humping so the dogs can organise their social positions. There's often a snap at the dog doing the humping to let him know 'no, you're aiming too high, better start at the bottom of the group old chap'! But I too try to discourage Max from any humping with a growl and a shove. I am, after all, leader of his pack...?!?!?!?! Speaking of which, today was the most humiliating day of my life. Max decided at the obedience club Christmas party (yes, obedience. You know. Training. Your dog should be well behaved. Etc etc)... while everyone was huddled under the pavilion in the pouring rain (think hundreds of people and dogs in a very very small space), to work out how to slip out of his collar backwards. Yes. He Escaped. And no. Not once. But twice. The second time (you'd think we'd have learned) he was lined up at this thing where they had a stuffed toy on a string, and the dog had to chase it. Looked like fun. Max had more fun frolicking around the paddock, keeping out of our desperate reach, running out near the road to stop our hearts, then coming back saying 'nah just kidding', .... etc etc. Shame, shame, shame. I think he's reached that stage. And we're going through that phase. Look out for vents from me in the near future. Luckily for me, one of my park friends is oh so good. He's so helpful, and while his methods are definitely not dol-approved (I leave it to all your imaginations!), they do work. God help us for the next few months.
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