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Everything posted by Max#1

  1. Hello everyone! Its been too long. But I've kept up with the posts!!!! The 3/# key on our computer at home seems to not be working, so I haven't actually been able to login.... We have had an absolutely lovely time at home with Max the past few weeks. Ah for holidays to never end! We've been a bit slack with training, though Max seems to have gotten his brain back, and the work we've been doing is more re-inforcing I guess. But over the past few weeks he seems to have really settled, which is just fantastic. Lots of chilled out vibes all round. Unfortunately all photos I have are on home computer - so no photos until I either create new login or fix # key?! Oops. Clastic - congratulations on new house and job! All the holiday photos look fantastic! ps - back to the eggs. Being on holidays we often have a soft-boiled egg for breakfast. We make one for Max too, get it started a bit for him, then send him outside with it. It is hilarious to watch him bat it around for awhile, then suck out the yolk. He's quite talented despite having no thumbs!
  2. Hey everyone! Have been reading from time to time and it sounds like everyone is having a nice holiday. Except for the penguins..(or should I say orcas?). Hmmm... anyhow - just wanted to say happy new year!
  3. KA - poor Kuma's toe. I sometimes feel we are always just a second away from an accident....!!! Raven - those facebook photos are pretty cute. I didn't realise people were such good photographer's! They're photos - but they have so much character! **looks at mutley on the floor and ponders how he'd scrub up!** Wizzle - rough with the barking. Max has a barking issue at the moment (seems he has a lot of issues - but its not really like that). He barks for attention. It started, I think, with fly chasing, then he'd bark while chasing flies, then he noticed this got attention (??), this translated to barking at us (okay predominantly me, he doesn't do it to the OH - probably realises that's no hope anyway), and barking to get attention. Its a high pitch bark that goes straight through your brain. I ignore ignore ignore ignore, and it seems to get worse. Tried a water spray for one day, but I didn't really like it. Then a friend of ours gave us a muzzle. Yes a cruel mean mouth constricting muzzle. He barks, it goes on. He HATES it. But then he doesn't bark anymore. He's not stupid. Like most of Max's 'issues', I'm pretty sure I'm the cause of it by doing somethign in the first place that tells him that behaviour gets him what he wants . I think its giving him too much attention. I can literally play with him/training/walking from when I get home from work to when I go to bed some days - which is probably not healthy. What can I say - I enjoy his company and antics?! But also I get bad guilts for leaving him during the day too! Sometimes I feel like a very bad dog owner. Just reading back over what I read - phew what a confessional! Greetings to all!
  4. Hi. Our puppy also cried a lot at first when we left him alone. Our neighbour let us know when she came to check we weren't actually a puppy-torturing factory.... Its nice to have neighbours that care actually. I think the thing that helped the most in our case was routine. We left and came home at the same time every day. But he is a routine-focused dog it seems, do anything twice in a row, and he'll be looking for it the third time too! And we always leave him with the same treat when we go (a kong).
  5. Ermmm I rather think of it as the bear-hug by a stranger in the supermarket (as opposed to the french cheek kiss poodles might do.... for example)... I feel a bit sheepish as I may have instigated that thread to a certain extent by asking what's wrong with labs. If I'm completely honest, I was curious because of Max. He is, for all intents and purposes, partly lab, and we have had some issues with him and other dogs. Interestingly enough though, usually onlead, and always with border collies (that's not true - he tries to invite other dogs to play sometimes by swiping them across the face - this also doesn't really go down well with terrier type breeds). But considering he is supposed to be partly border collie too I find this ironic. My experience is walking past other border collies on lead, its possible they'll have a go at him. This can vary from a 'vrow vrow' stand over (which involves no teeth, but seems to be a dominance thing? Looks pretty hairy anyway) - to actual snapping. I think Max puts off vibes. I've watched him like a hawk - no hackles, no lip curling, no growling - I don't know what's setting off these other dogs. One-on-one and off-lead - no issues. When we're standing next to a bc and we're all on lead, and the bc starts lip-curling - I have to move Max away and I always tell him to stop 'making eyes' at the other dogs. Altogether this has happened maybe six times - so not a frequent event. Just interesting to me to read about those 'evil labs'. Anyway, if these issues are due to his lab-ness, I'm more than happy to state the positive side also. That is I can trust him completely with other dogs - there's not an aggressive/timid bone in his body (that being said, I'm not blaze about it - I'm still careful for introductions etc), he is fantastic around children, even little children, and has such an even temperament nothing seems to permanently scar his little mind. And he smiles. A man at the park the other day nearly fell over when Max turned around and smiled at him when he said hello! Niques - love the snorkling shot!!!! KTB - hope Papa Koala is doing okay. KA - hope Kuma's toe is better soon! We had a scary moment today at the park. Max was trying to get one of the other dogs to chase him (as usual) and mid-run he pawed at his eye twice. Five minutes later he came over to check-in and I checked his eye. I noticed something hanging out of it - someone pulled it out - pop - a grass seed in the eye ball. Yep that's what you want. Three quarters of it at least was under his eyelid. We nearly had a one-eyed dog!!!! Be careful everyone!!!!!
  6. Two people have said now about lab's and dog-dog manners. Out of curiosity, what do the labs do (or do wrong! )?
  7. Last one... Spot the fast puppy! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  8. More photos... Shake off! That's my boy! (Yes he has spit smeared over his nose from shaking himself!)
  9. (I think its inside out.....) Well another lovely Saturday. Took Max down to the retarding basin - we had a fantastic time. He ended up with three walks today ! But, as someone wise once told me, dogs don't get tired. Hrmmm.. well yes. Photos.. Max checking out the ducks, with Mt Dandenong in the background.... He later took such an interest in the ducks he followed them halfway across the lake! This was a stomach-in-mouth moment - but he came back when I called him - and did make it! Later someone told me the basin is hardly two foot deep... so there you go... Checking out the horsies...
  10. The first of many of Max's 'best days of his life'. Unfortunately involved him getting filthy dirty, and thus needing a bath. As it was middle of winter we rugged him up in front of the fire to get warm afterwards. He was oh so sleepy.....
  11. One waterbaby reporting. He took off today following some ducks. Was quite quick! He swam so far I thought I'd have to go in after him if he started struggling (its only the second or third time he has been swimming) - luckily he comes when called!
  12. Okay it may as well be on the other side of the world from Keppala (its in the Western suburbs right?). But I've just discovered the joys of the Liverpool Rd Retarding Basin at the foothills of Mt Dandenong. Its beautiful - there's swimming, nice walking paths, nice people, and nice dogs. If you're doing a day trip to this side of town its definitely worth checking out. As far as I can tell - its pretty quiet. You usually meet someone and their dog, but its not like I would imagine Brighton Beach is on a nice day!!! A photo from today...
  13. KTB - I'm very sorry to hear about Papa Koala as well. All our thoughts are with you and your family I'm sure. Niques - I'm with you. No present shopping. Nothing. My OH is decidedly un-Christmassy - this is fine with me (blah blah consumerism blah blah), but not my family! Especially my poor sister, who just wants Christmas to be *special*. Or my Dad - who's been planning months in advance.... Your photos are really good! James looks adorable! I've taken a cue from Betsy and started playing soccer with Max. He loves it. (He does display a lot of enthusiasm for many things he encounters in his life.... ). He pops the soccer ball (he has done this twice - the first one I accidently threw over the fence never to be seen again.... woops) - and loves harrassing it as it deflates. My dog has no fear. And I also introduced him to frizbee. There are some 'dangers' in this though... especially if you're playing with a hollow frizbee... And no - I wasn't playing in the house - but I was laughing to hysterically to correct the game of chasey it became when the frizbee got stuck over the poor doofus's head! And finally - I have to recommend this if you haven't seen (heard) it already... http://dogstardaily.com/radio/213-adolescent-mayhem Very interesting.
  14. Max#1


    That radio show was really interesting. Sometimes its just so nice to hear that what you're going through is normal. Even now, Max has had a great few days and is back to his normal self, and you're left just scratching your head! (Any others anyone would recommend?) I'm so glad that we socialized so much - with both adult dogs and puppies. I can't believe how important it is. You do it at the time, because someone tells you its a good idea, but the implications of that seem so important later on. Especially if you want a dog who you can take anywhere, and who you can be confident with! With the recalls I haven't taken any chances and I've started carrying around yummy treats again - and making sure that my praise is completely overboard, whether he's coming back in the park or coming to me when I'm in the bathroom!!! Its like going back to square one. I'm pretty sure Max is happy about that! I think the biggest thing that remains a problem at the moment is tethering. He won't be tethered, not even if I stand 30 cm away. If I move back to him, he puts his front paws around me so tight - and its not humping. You'd think separation anxiety - but I can't see any other symptoms of that. He's relaxed when we leave him at home, and when we come home there's no dramas (I made a point of establishing this after having a very anxious mini-poodle when I was younger). He will sit in the car quite happily if I leave him there. But tie him to a fence post and all hell breaks loose. He'll chew through a lead in two seconds, and escape from a collar/harness no worries (thick neck, skinny head). I'm pretty sure I've caused this, but no idea how to fix it.
  15. I thought I'd check out Elbie's kneecaps - and found this - squee!
  16. Hear hear! I do often find myself thinking the same thing! No matter how cross I am with him, when I start talking to him, and he listens to every word I say tilting his head just so - its hard to stay cross. Though he is, I'm pretty sure, the most dorkiest looking puppy out. Tonight at flyball we were doing recalls - someone else holds your dog, you call, they run to you - standing there waiting looking back at him, he had his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth, his head is too small, his chest is too large. He's a dork! When he runs to me, he's so enthusiastic, and runs with his mouth open, his head going up and down like he's mad/spethal. Sometimes I have to suppress my hysterics.... Wuffles - I'm pretty sure your theory is spot on. Wizzle - go for it. The stress of worrying about it is probably worse than the just eating of it! If I was ever pregnant, I have two vices I don't know if I could give up. Coffee and wine. Okay I'm not going to drink a bottle a night, obviously, but still. A good red wine with a nice meal.... And I can't start the day without a freshly brewed coffee - just that one is enough to last me (though the 3 pm coffee is pretty good too)! Wuffles - I love little Ava's kneecaps! Though she still has them now she's grown? I don't know enough really! But that made me go back through my photos and I found these which are too cute not to share... oooooohhhh he was little! And despite this that 'cage' next to him - he could climb out of it (okay I assumed he climbed). That's the one he escaped when I found him in the washing basket on the dining table. There's some kneecaps in this one. But you have to squint. First sun shining through the window - gotta love winter puppies. At this stage he was *only* chasing dust particles... sigh.....
  17. I've found that this comes down to my co-ordination as much as poor puppy and his over-enthusiastic teeth! And this just came with practice!
  18. Max#1


    Thanks! Its good to hear that this time will pass -and that other's have experienced it too. I will definitely listen to that audio when I get home - from the introduction it sounds very interesting!
  19. I too am a keen tugger! I found since starting flyball that tugging is a much higher value reward than food. I first taught a 'drop it' command. This gets rewarded with more tug (or a throw of the tug for a fetch-tug combo!). I then would pick the tug up, and give obedience commands, rewarded with a few seconds of tug. I've noticed my co-ordination with this has improved greatly! I've gone from a dog that would sit (or drop) for five seconds then give up and either lay down/lose focus/walk away - to a dog that will sit for up to 30 seconds, I can walk around him, over him, or out of the room and he won't break it! We've been doing stand for ages, I use a hand signal in front of his face and say 'yes' when the dog's nose touches my hand - this is moving on from the dog following a treat in my hand. This morning for the first time he did a stand from a sit, with me 1.5 m away!!!! He did it so precisely! To end the game, I have a word 'finished'. I use this when playing ball - or otherwise the game never ends!!!!! I take the ball and put it up out of sight - say finished - then he gets a belly rub and a 'good boy'. I have been able to use this with tug as well. Now if only I could 'finish' naughty behaviour as well..... hmmmm.....
  20. Max#1


    Our puppy is nearly 8 months old, and seems to be going through a bit of a 'stage'. He's sometimes disobedient, and has had the odd growl at us - for things he's previously accepted - for example suddenly not wanting his car harness on, or not wanting a bath. I realize he's probably at an age where he's pushing the boundaries, and there's probably dominance issues as well. (Where's my devoted puppy gone?! ) My puppy is a high-energy little rocket! He's as smart as buttons, but picks up bad habits so quickly - and I guess this is me 'teaching' him the wrong thing! For example, I must have done something now that he thinks when we go in the backyard its play time. And if I am out there, he will bark at me to get me to play with him - not desirable behaviour. We've struggled with obedience training - til I found a game of tug or fetch is a much better reward than food. We're doing age-appropriate foundation work with a flyball club - and he's just amazed me with how quickly he's picked it up! Meanwhile I still struggle with him pulling on the lead! And just recently we've had a spate of not coming when called at the park, which is a worry. I'm genuinely interested in hearing about other's experiences with this stage of development. Did you have these issues? How did you deal with them? Did you do anything that was successful? Did you try anything that failed? How long did this stage last for? (I should add we are seeking help for these things - I just want to hear about other's experiences, and maybe get some encouragement that it does pass/can be worked through.... )
  21. KTB - I did not mean at all that your English is bad! I guess there's not many people around who say it like they see it (and that is distinct from giving one's opinion whenever given the chance - which I think the internet has really provided a forum for - on the internet everyone seems very me-centric, and their opinion MUST be stated, no matter who they offend - I don't know how many times I read on here 'this is a public forum so I am entitled to put my opinion'. Where's good manners gone?). My friend got away with it by charming people with her accent - you get away with it by being uber-diplomatic! Where on earth were you working where pregnant women were wearing lead suits? In a powerplant?! Ha! And if ice-cream is bad for pregnant women... my sister is in big big trouble! Kit looks just like Max when he was a puppy!!! I hope Max doesn't get too much bigger though. At nearly 8 months he's nearly 20 kg. If he stay around this size it'll be great. I'm keeping an eye on his 'growth plates' (the lumps on the front of his front legs). KTB/Raven/anyone else with young puppies - can you see the lumps on the front of your dogs legs? Are they big? Raven - how big will Astrid get? Okay I think I'm going to start a new thread.....
  22. Raven - good to hear! And I forgot to say how sweet she looks! Keep posting lots of photos! Astrid is way too cute! KTB - I love how you post the links to the threads in question. I just came on here and had to read through the car crash. Eeek! The internet is a dangerous place.... just ask Assange! Meanwhile, I love your diplomatic style (eta - ah ha! now all is clear.... but they just don't ˆreadˆ/listen!) . What you write reminds me of this girl I was great friends with while studying (eta - well not the knowledge of the law bit). She was Mexican, with a beautiful way of speaking Spanglish, and very very frank (of course I already did know I had smelly feet - you can't wear enclosed leather shoes in tropical NQ for long!). Niques - Max is also horsie-interested. Barked from afar, but no hackle raise - luckily noone was watching, and the horses didn't seem to care! The leaf incident is hilarious! Wizzle - good news. I have read/heard that having a dog is super-good for a new baby. Helps their immune system and they're less likely to end up with asthma, allergies etc. Let those dog hairs fly! Wuffles - you just have to make sure you take lots of photos on your trip!
  23. I don't have any advice - but feel for you in that situation. I really hope it turns out for the best for everyone.
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