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Everything posted by Max#1
Maybe I'm a bit silly, and I'm not a breeder, but can someone explain why this is bad news? (At least the tone of this thread sounds like this is bad news....). Sandgrubber, Rev Jo - I may be wrong, but aren't there some 'bits' of code where it is important to have variation? Particularly immune bits (MHC anyone?)? Though I do understand the importance of knowing you're not passing on genetic diseases. From a brief look, it looks like the canine genomic research is helping to find out about human diseases as well. Though the 'identify what's in your mutt' kit looks a bit of a gimmick.
Some serious head-tilting action... He keeps looking to the door like 'come on then'. The quality is really bad - I must've done something to the settings on my camera....
These photos are completely adorable. Max does nothing so cute while asleep - but he does dream a lot. Especially after a big play. Sometimes he works himself up to a yelp in his sleep. Sometimes he wakes us up during the night cause he's thrashing around.... Here's a video of him dreaming... (there's quite a bit of nose twitching going on too, but its hard to tell....)
I agree with Aussielover - it doesn't seem too severe. I think owner's have the separation anxiety half the time! I know I do! We have a routine when leaving Max that he always gets a kong stuffed with something yummy when we go out, and something else to chew on. I'm often a bit miffed when we do leave him, and I peak out of the curtain and he's completely happy bouncing his kong around. Growing up we had dogs with separation anxiety. We caused it - we'd make a big fuss when leaving them, saying goodbye, then another big fuss when we got home. Knowing how awful this was for us and them, I made a point of making sure Max was okay to be left. No attention before leaving, no big deal when we get home - even if its against all your instincts!
I love playing hide and seek. You hiding, the dog finding you. You have to have a bit of energy for it though. It can be a good chance to work on stays too. If you have two dogs it can be a problem, especially if one is a 'dobber' :D !
I think trying to promise that the pet will not damage anything is a bit of a tough one. As a dog owner, I can see that just merely by having the dog in the house, extra wear and tear is happening. The carpets are getting worn more quickly, they are dirtier more often - even the walls are getting dirtier. I notice it particularly around dog height - ha! (So I can't blame the OH - at least someone eats his crumbs off the carpet now). Pee spots in the grass, it never growing back *quite* the same, the unevenness from the occasional hole... etc. As a potential landlord I'd be happy enough if someone was willing to pay a bit extra for that wear and tear, and if I were a renter, I'd be willing to acknowledge that.
1.5 weeks?????? Wow!!! I hate the way when you're waiting for something really exciting it seems SOOOOO far away - then the time passes so quickly until it happens and you wish you could slow down time for while the exciting thing is happening. I hope time goes slow for you! Betsy + KA: hmmm... its better than tv sometimes... Meanwhile, I have absolutely nothing to say. Nothing.
also at Elbie looking for divine intervention. He always seems so plaintive - waiting and hoping! Did they eat the cake? What was the icing made out of? And don't laugh at me for posting! Last day of freedom...... *sigh*
I've got a home made one - made from cutting trakkie pants in long strips then plaiting them together with some knots at either end. Works a treat - and cheap!
How Do You Clip The Nails Of A 70kg Dog?
Max#1 replied to Tigey's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I made a special conscious effort to handle my puppy's feet, mouth, ears etc when young. Unfortunately when he hit about 8 months, he decided he didn't want a bar of any of it. I can hold the clippers, touch his feet, treat etc - no worries. However, when I'm actually trying to cut his nails I reckon I must get a look on my face (and a studious, concentrating, anxious - as in worried about cutting too much off - attitude), you can only imagine , and I'm not really surprised he doesn't like it now. I do like most and sneak them in his sleep. Its only the ones on the sides of his front legs that are an issue though. -
My dog does this too. Even if I'm already home and my OH comes home, he has to go get something in his mouth to greet him with. The best explanation that I got for it was that it was a displacement behaviour like Wuffles said. If I remember right, and I could be wrong, the explanation was that its like when you see someone that you think you know, and you wave - but it turns out you don't know the person, so you pretend you're patting your hair. Your puppy wants to greet you by sniffing you somewhere inappropriate, and licking your face. You've trained them that this is bad, so they get something in their mouth. Its really interesting!
Happy Birthday Elbie!!! Those shots are so lovely! My all-time favourite is the bottom right of the wee puppy ones. He was such a roly-poly puppy! And Ziggy - lovely shots as well. That fluffy puppy face is irresistable! (And you're saying you need ANOTHER handsome man? :D ) And thanks guys for the reassurances. If there is the occasional long day or trip away - the puppy will survive I'm sure. Last night I searched for some threads to add something to, but phew, its rough out there.....
There's an off-topic? Clastic - the problem with framing that photo is that Max has sand and snot and drool all over his nose.
KA: the link didn't work? Or its already been shut down? Or better not to know? ZIGGY - HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ Gosh they grow up so fast! Elbie will be 1 tomorrow too? Wow. I still remember when he was so cute and little! Betsy and KTB - the occasion calls for cute puppy photos! And now some photos of my own. These series of photos can be titled, 'Oh.... I've.....had.....the time of my life'.... Cause it was cold and rainy I took Max to the beach the other morning. I figured there'd be hardly any other dogs there (he's still supposed to be quarantined) and I was right. We managed to avoid everyone - the benefits of having a ball obsessed dog! And, we had a lovely time! But seeing as how I've had the past week or so off, and Max has had noone to play with except me, I fear he's become unhealthily attached to me. This morning I had a little panic attack about what will happen when I start the new job, what if they want me to work long hours, what if I have to go away...... Please people tell me the puppy will survive. My OH is intending to leave his job (he works ridiculous hours) this year, so it'll only be a few months of bad, if it is bad. Max has never had to go in a kennel before. I'm quite sure he doesn't have separation anxiety, but I think I do! Help! (And I haven't even had to do anything yet!). (And you can add him to the list of dogs that pull when approaching obedience classes. Actually, that's a lie. He doesn't pull. He zig zags, jumps, spins circles and is an utter lunatic at the end of his leash. He is the anti-thesis of LLW).
KTB - you are too funny, I find that diagram just delightful! Come on do Satch too! I have even been doing research to try and figure it out. Here goes.... German Shepherd (size and eyes), I'm going out on a limb and saying there's some Lab in there (gentleness of heart), Kelpie (though not much, but the thin face), and that's where I run out!
I think its interesting - I struggle to believe that all because your dog ISN'T purebred means you can have no idea what breeds are in it. And not just on looks - but on behavioural characteristics too - which, wouldn't this be really important for rehoming a rescue dog? Wouldn't it make sense to have a go at matching owner and dog? Even just a rough shot? Just a guess? Is it so dangerous? And its not denigrating pure bred dogs when a lot of those characteristics are positive!
I thought mine was a Kelpidoberdoodle? Do we have the SAME breeder? That's hilarious. I kept hitting reply, then deleting it. Its just not worth it. Though I think its a really interesting question - I struggle to believe that all because your dog ISN'T purebred means you can have no idea what breeds are in it. And not just on looks - but on behavioural characteristics too - which, actually I would think would be more important for rehoming a rescue dog? Wouldn't it make sense to have a go at matching owner and dog? Even just a rough shot? Just a guess? And its not denigrating pure bred dogs when a lot of those characteristics are positive! Okay maybe this should go in the other thread... hmmm... but I'm not game... I've realised Max doesn't fetch (we've been playing A LOT of ball lately because its just me and him, sniff, sniff) but he's actually 'rounding up' the ball - he makes strategic moves across the field, and places the ball in strategic places - rather than bringing it back to me. Very interesting. Also KA - I feel your pain with the obedience instructor. I've harped on about this before but there has to be a good relationship there, a certain trust that the instructor understands your dog. Anyway have fun training with Wuffles (so jealous wish I could come too). And Raven - you can't use treats or toys at obedience? Maybe they'd let you? And nice work with the ham on the nose - though I think you're cheating by having a dog with a long nose! :D
I know what you mean about the black and tan kelpie's looking mean - I never could quite put my finger on it, but I had that sense as well. But not 4Kelpies black and tan - he looks smart though. Like intimidatingly smart. KTB love your photos and the story to go with them. Good on Elbie, about time I say! Well my own cheeky monster cross, who I am guessing has border collie, lab, maybe some kelpie and some mastiff...... as well as Akita (can't you see it KA? ps - we have that red ball too!).... in his genotype has been displaying his usual phenotype. Back to his normal self - bright and sparky and cheeky. Two weeks and four days til he can run free with the other puppies...... ETA photo of course! Are we going for a WALK YET??????? I'm bored!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow Wuffles - great photo! And of course KTB your little monsters look so happy as well. I love the last photo of the kelpie limb tangle. Puppies!!! (ETA: yeah I'm impressed by Elbie with the things on his nose too. Whenever I try with Max he just gets p*ssed at me....). I have a general question about free shaping - and Wuffles your post made me think about it (how it has anything to do with wedding planning - so exciting!!!!! are the dogs involved in any way? that would be so romantic.... - I don't know! :D ). Okay I put the cd tin on the floor, Max looked at it, CandT, he touched it with his nose, CandT, and then eight repetitions of him pushing it over with his nose, CandT. He'd look at my hand with the treats, then knock the tin over, then expect the treat. But, um, what's next? And why would you do that? Are you looking for something specific? Am I just special? Here's one from last night when Max was very placid. Yes he sits on the couch (its old and gross and we don't mind :D ), and he was just so dopey. Sorry the quality of the picture is a bit funny - artistic? ha! It was just so funny the way he was sitting back on his bum. And that's my arm, muscly from all that ball throwing - ha!
If there's no interest in food, what about play? Max will work for food, but he's much more motivated for a game of tug. Of course, doing this effectively and with co-ordination is easier said than done ;) Bring back those pants with all the pockets I say. Max is doing okay - thanks for the well wishes. Yesterday was a strange day. Usually when we're home Max might have a brief post-walk morning snooze, or not, a good sleep in the afternoon for up to three hours, ending at 5 pm (inner alarm clock signals afternoon walk time ) and then is awake for walking, games, training etc til 10 pm, where he very politely takes himself off to bed. Yesterday though he slept from when we got home from the vets til 6 pm. When he woke he seemed quite happy so we went for a thirty min stroll round the block, straight back to sleep again. He woke again briefly around eight thirty, for a half hearted attempt at chase the kong, was woken up by the OH coming home around 10 (he wanted to give him some of the chicken soup I made yesterday - yes I made chicken soup for the little guy), then we didn't hear peep from him again til seven thirty this morning when he was very very cuddly. If I had any doubts that I was over reacting to his cough yesterday by taking him to the vets, this has confirmed that something is not quite right. He's a bit more lively today, but not by much. How's James doing? Back to himself?
No tests asides from the thermometer up his whootsit. Quarantine as of now. They actually put me in a cat room and cleared the waiting room before we were let out . Poor James. I hope he can have the cone off soon! That seems as upsetting as everything else! I remember Max was so disorientated and cranky afterwards. Poor James crying at the vet - that's heartwrenching!
There's a long list of where Max could've caught his little bug - on Sunday we were crammed in with hundreds of other people and dogs under the shelter of the pavilion at obedience (and having nightmare flashbacks of the Christmas party) cause it was pouring down with rain. Every day we play with a group of dogs in the park. We haven't been to the lake since last week, as we had a lot of rain and I thought it was probably flooded, but that's still a reasonable incubation time. He's not really sick sick, just a bit quiet (so much so I've been able to sit undisturbed for most of today!), and its so VERY frustrating to think no playtime for three weeks. Meanwhile, chicken soup is cooking away..... What he's doing right now... Max does to me what Ava does to Satch . Not appropriate I know. The ball isn't a toy, by the way. Its a shining beacon representing the deepest satisfaction and highest joy possible that usually comes out on days that can only be considered the 'best days of his life'....... (though we usually play a bit every day, but you know, dog's live in the moment ).
is a video of Ava and her friend Lottie... they were fairly sedate that day because it was hot, but if you have a look at the end of the video (3:30) it demonstrates how Ava likes to play most of the time Even the rest of the video shows that Ava doesn't have the same play style as BCs, she just wants fuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn!!! There's another video on my channel of Ava and Lottie as well. Does it just look so rough because there's so much hair in those wrestles?? ha! What a cute video! I reckon Max would be up for that except the ball stealing. He 'respects' the ball, and its associated dog, and won't interfere if another dog is 'working'. But he will run rings around them while they do. (And will completely ignore all other dogs if he's in the middle of playing fetch). If you want Ava to fetch, the best thing is to take her out with dogs who do! If I had a dollar for the number of times people, who have come up to me and Max playing fetch, have said to me, 'oh its okay, my dog doesn't play with balls, he's Completely Uninterested' - immediately followed by their dog taking off with Max's ball! Though you have to be careful with that. A friend of mine's dog actually got bitten by a German Shepherd who likes to get round with a ball in his mouth (who Max has played rather one-sided bitey face with heaps of times), when her dog actually tried to take the ball. Yikes. Well in sad news I've just gotten back from the vet. Max was coughing a bit yesterday, but I didn't think anything of it because he was otherwise himself (as I described). But today after the walk he was coughing some more and has been relatively (and I stress relatively) listless. His temperature is up and the vet thinks it MAY be kennel cough - which means three weeks quarantine. THREE WEEKS! Oh no! Poor little poppet. Its funny cause he's not really sick, but he's not quite himself either. Very strange, but I'm sure he'll be okay (my OH has given me instructions to make some chicken soup....).
I protest! I'm sure Kuma would last a lot longer - the Akita at our park LOVES to chase Max and they have a good go at it too - running from one end of the park to the other. But the problem with this little display for the Akita might be an intellectual one. Sure, if something's moving they want to chase it, but not in a ridiculous circle! I've yet to see an Aussie at play I'm afraid..... The ones I've seen usually are walking around the obedience club looking quite serious themselves!
An Aussie would do that? I'd like to see them try with this group! They were all definitely taking it very seriously. And that's what was so noteworthy. It was like all their bottled-up suburban-depressed instincts had just been released. This was no game*. *Though of course, no animal got hurt, and it did appear they were enjoying it.