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Everything posted by Max#1

  1. Ziggy looks so pleased with himself in the last photo! I love the intense look on his face - I can't believe you managed to capture that! I wish I could capture moments like that with Max - I'd put that first one of Ziggy up on the wall - its great! Here's a picture of Daisy. The name has stuck, and it does suit her. I'm working from home today and I expected they'd be playing all day - but have been snoozing since 9.30. No excuse for me not to get any work done!
  2. Thanks for the offer KTB. Will let you know closer to the date, but it could be a lot of fun! Awww look at Mars - so serious about his achievements! Thanks Dandybrush - I have to say I'm enjoying it a lot! (Although she pees everywhere!!!! I forgot about that bit !)
  3. Look out for Feb and the Flyball Nationals! I can't guarantee Daisy will be there, but Max and I will!!
  4. Congratulations Elbie!!! And congratulations Mars!!! Introducing Daisy.
  5. Will post more soon.... We're just off to puppy pre-school, nearly the only reason I got another puppy! I love puppy pre-school!
  6. Oh dandybrush - that photo with both their heads in the food bag is too much. We've chased Max round the house with an empty chip bag on his head once, was so funny and cute. Sounds awful, but really was very cute. KTB: there's some serious seal ears going on there, but your dogs are so compliant! Elbie's face really is priceless!
  7. Okay. I'm getting beyond clucky and think I really need two dogs.......
  8. We also get the 'tap tap' during the night, lift the doona up, and get a nice hot water bottle present. I was a no dogs on the bed person - but the OH started it while I was away. Max being his first dog, he's constantly amused and delighted by what Max does, despite the fact he's nearly 1.5 years old - and the 'spooning' causes him no end of enjoyment!
  9. Max#1

    Dog On Table

    See? We figure at least if he's reading the paper its semi-educational.....
  10. Max#1

    Dog On Table

    Another chronic bench surfer/table sleeper here. Trouble is - no matter how much you try to keep things 'away' - there's always that one time that they get the reward that reinforces it. We're pretty careful though, and have started cooking everything with a lot less onion *just in case*. Good luck! We've also come to an agreement - if we're using the table, he goes in his crate - otherwise its all his.
  11. You should sell those photos to the people who make them! Great advertising! They looked suitably happy with them!
  12. Lots of lovely doggy-photos! Here's one of Max flying at the Portland Flyball Comp where he earned his....... FD title! One very proud dog, one very proud me!
  13. Those pup's look too cute in their coats! I just want to say woah - Wizzle - way to go with the articulating! I think you just described in part all of our journeys with our dogs! I love it!
  14. We were working with Elbie on the foot tap - stick out right foot he taps it with his corresponding foot, stick out left foot and he taps it with his corresponding foot. I also hold up right hand and he taps it and then left hand - like those clapping games in school Also putting things in a box. Peekaboo? That's always very cute. Drop/sit in the middle of a recall or on his way to his food? I'd love to be able to cue a head tilt - Hoover does the most incredibly adorable head tilt EVER - but I can't cue get him to do it on command yet My 'command' for the head tilt is 'Do you wanna....'. Cause that can end in 'go for a walk/ride in the car/play ball/have some chicken', he usually pays attention and will tilt away!
  15. Whatever happened to using common sense?
  16. We did crawling quite a while ago. He was fairly mediocre at it - tended to just thrash wildly and flop over after a couple of feet of crawling But he can only do it on carpet as the tiles are too slippery, and I've been trying to keep His Hairy Highness off carpet recently Perhaps when it stops raining and the grass dries out, we shall work on improving it. Non-food rewarding is a very interesting idea and I shall definitely give it a shot in the morning! Thanks! I got a different dog when I did it. Instead of just sitting, he'd bounce into a sit - was hilarious. He does everything like he's on a benny hill skit.
  17. Niques - have you done commando crawling? This one has stumped me cause Max happily does it for a guy at flyball, and did it as a puppy at puppy pre-school (all those eons ago) but will NOT do it for me!!!! What about teaching same tricks with different reward? I got a lot of fun out of rewarding by playing tug, rather than by food.
  18. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! Now he's officially twelve months I've started trying to teach him some new tricks! Jump!!!! (And I gave drop on recall a go after seeing Wuffles and Ava's trial - we did three across the loungeroom then I stopped. It seems to make him drool,......?). The next you tube video I post Max will be jumping through my arms, you watch, even if it does take three years. Kyliegirl - sounds frustrating with the training. Just remember he's a dog. He's only doing what works for him. Maybe you're trying too much too fast? Just have a play and enjoy!
  19. Well Max's birthday today and time for some photos! Getting ready for a big afternoon.... Can I go in???? Please???? Yay! Relaxing as the sun sets... I've made these so tiny so they can fit on one post - hope you guys can see them! A very nice first birthday - after a five day long weekend - and back to work tomorrow - bleh!
  20. I'm pretty sure they are the only photos I've ever seen of Ziggy looking less then ecstatic. Poor boy!
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