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Everything posted by Max#1

  1. Tigers12 - he's beautiful. I can't believe that dogs like that end up in rescue? Wuffles - your poor yard! But happy pooches! Max has now dug a hole or two since his enforced confinement. Unfortunately, he's not pooing fast enough for me to solve the problem that way. We went and bought some topsoil, but this just provides a greater challenge! Ooops! KTB - you seem to have an uncanny ability to read your puppies minds.... hmmm.....???????? The spreading legs is hilarious!
  2. Ooops, Technical issues. Here is Max yesterday (at six months!):
  3. This is a really great idea - and all the puppies are just adorable! Here is Max at 9 weeks:
  4. One tip - check that your dog likes peanut butter before putting it in there. Once its been in there a few hours and all dried up - well, that makes getting it out a lot harder!!! :D
  5. Beginners obedience classes definitely seem a bit more *hrm* dry - compared to puppy pre-school, which was for both of us I think a complete hoot. I think the most challenging part is being able to stand there, with your excitable puppy, for one hour, on lead, with so many other dogs around, trying to keep calm, and avoid embarrassing behaviours......... I think its a problem if you feel as though you are a bit advanced for the class (though there is definitely always something to learn). But I could understand this might turn people off. Like wuffles said, I can imagine it gets a lot more challenging as you progress through, and I'm going to stick with it for that reason. (Hopefully I don't drop out at that point though because its too hard!!!). We've started flyball training - just the training (obviously no competing until the dog can actually do it!). And its a completely different story. There's a big emphasis on off-lead socialization (none at obedience, in fact any dog-on-dog contact doesn't last longer than 3 seconds if the owners are doing it right) - and the off-lead socialization is fantastic on so many levels. There's also a big emphasis on recall - with all kinds of distractions - other dogs, balls, loud noises etc. At obedience its a 3 m controlled run, but I appreciate you have to start somewhere. And there is also learning how to play tug with your puppy - which is an art in itself really - learning how to play in general I guess. For me I've had to really learn how to psyche my puppy up. And I accidently discovered, what I can only assume to be 'drive' (I keep reading about training in drive). After a little game of tug, then doing some training exercise, my puppy has never heeled more precisely, dropped more quickly and straight and sat up so proud - puffed out chest and everything! This made training a lot more fun. Now to replicate at the actual class... hmmmmmm...
  6. Clastic - tried a million times to quote, but I just can't do it! Yeah Max has been good - and no conehead for him. As for testosterone withdrawal - I'm really hoping he's not so enthusiastic to hump the other puppies whom he meets now - though he's always peed like a girl so that hasn't changed. A lady who was dropping her cat at the vet when I was picking Max up though he was a girl: 'isn't she pretty'. Hmph.
  7. Clucky clucky. Check out the ears on this one: http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/87436 Good news about Shadow too.
  8. Oh poor guys! Cone heads and itchy/sore balls all round! What about bitter spray? We've tried it, but not really sure if its working or not. We just don't spray it directly 'on' the area - more difficult than it sounds! Max is down to an occasional lick now - so I think we can put the conehead away. But the 'enforced' rest (ie us not playing with him as much/as energetically and no off-lead runs with other dogs) has started to give him a bit of cabin fever! He even did a few zoomies yesterday, which is unlike him. So I took him for a walk - just a gentle stroll around the block. But this worked a treat! And today we went to obedience classes - which has also helped - he's been happily resting ever since! And I've been giving him so many things to chew on. This works for distracting him from his balls, and for getting him to lie still-ish. We're paying a farty price for that though! Oh I hope everyone is feeling better soon!
  9. When I think about helping a dog that's what I have in mind. I feel most sorry for the older dogs, maybe they are the one's hardest hit by having to start a new life with a new family. I really wish we could help him. The time will come.
  10. Oh poor Mars! I really feel for him with the cone - after seeing Max's reaction. (Meanwhile Max is currently sleeping in his crate, beside me, of his OWN FREE WILL!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!). Proof attached: Laughing at the online vs offline persona. I never had an online persona before. No that's a lie. When I was at uni (just as the internet was getting introduced) there was this telnet thing that some people used to go on. I did too - and I met all these interesting people.... who turned out to be sitting in the same room. It was the funniest arrangement. You'd walk in the room, past the people you would then 'talk to', smile awkwardly, then sit down. Meanwhile I learned to touchtype. It all ended after about three months, when I saw some of them at the refectory, and just sat down with them. Its interesting the impression you get of people without having met them. Momentarily thought about giving examples, but thought the better of it :D I've just been reading through the waiting for puppy thread - and seen James's and Ava's introductory images and stories!!!! So sweet! KTB: do you really think that Elbie and Hoover will become more interested in face-biting than in you and Mr KTB? Having had two dogs before - and therefore being an absolute expert - I think you guys will always be more interesting/important to them. (Commiserations for the toilet training in the rain - due to Max's chew-heavy day he's been quite farty, and so I keep thinking I should take him out for #2's, but there's nothing there. Its about 5 degrees, windy and occasionally raining. Miserable). Max also had a 'moment' where he realised the joys of being patted. Now he likes getting smooched up a bit (as opposed to being blissfully unaware that this option existed) - particularly from my sister. Clastic - do you keep waiting to see the symptoms of testosterone withdrawal? I keep waiting to see if 'something' changes - ha!
  11. Glad to hear the 'meet Hoover' party went well!!! Those bed shots are really classic. Poor Hoover - of course he wants to sleep cuddled up to Elbie! That's any puppy's paradise! Elbie will get used to it, I'm sure, and I'm sure it is actually nice for him too - just hasn't realised it yet! The facial expressions on the two of them are priceless! Poor Mars with the cone head!! We tried, well we were successful thanks to some skinless frankfurters, to put cone on head of dog today. Not that's he's being overly licky, but we're worried about when we go back to work. It did not go well. Cheerful puppy became mad, bucking bronco/bull - from one end of the house to the other, bashing into walls and the floor. He was so distressed. Eventually he sat still, facing the wall, and did not move one inch - except his eyes. It was terrible. Ours looks a lot bigger than the one Mars has - its at least one size to big for Max so that probably doesn't help matters. So we got out the bitter spray. Also an unpleasant experience. Sweet little puppy is getting so many things to chew on - he must think its Christmas! But its working for distracting him. As for the crate - last night while I was preparing dinner he hopped in of his own accord and was happy to sit there watching me!!! He has absolutely no problems going in and out - I've been throwing all fore-mentioned chew things in there for him to find again, as well as other random treats. Its also a handy place to store his toys - ha! We haven't shut the door as yet. But I'm very happy with progress so far. Lili_star - that snow looks amazing. Its been that wintery here today in Melb, I'm almost waiting for it to snow too. I keep checking out whether its snowing on Mt Dandenong. Has Ruby seen snow before? She must've been pretty impressed! And to those curious - the job interview went well, but I don't think its a job for me. I'm at a bit of a crossroads at the moment careerwise. In fact one thing I'm considering is applying to Canberra for a government training/job (IP Australia) - but the logistics make it probably too hard.
  12. Well we're safely home again now. Max seems fine. Didn't want to leave the vet - I had to carry him!! He's been having a little lick of his stitches, and when I tried to move his head away, he actually had a little growl at me. That's not nice. They look all big and swollen and sore. We have an 'elizabethean collar', however I can't figure out how to put it on him. And yeah right in a dreamland, he's going to let me! Ha! I gave him some food, and he devoured it. Poor hungry puppy. And to divert his attention from his 'pinched pockets' (what the vet nurse said...) I've given him some kind of bone to chew on. I put it in the crate, and he was happy enough to get it out of there after having a sniff. But wasn't going to stay!! That's okay, we take it slow. He's lolling around on his blanket now in front of the fire. Oh I hope the licky thing doesn't get worse!!!! Wuffles: that's so cute! We had mini poodles when we were young - they looked just like that!!! I don't know what to say about easy vs difficult dogs. Its hard to know before you get a dog I think, what it will be like. And the owner-dog combination I think has a big big big influence on how things go. And just like people have different standards of cleanliness, people have different standards and expectations for their dogs - so its hard to judge objectively. ETA: have a great time at the puppy-welcoming party too everyone who's going!!!!
  13. Yeah good luck! And good luck with the recovery. We are home safe and sound now. He seems fine, though a bit licky, and tired. We have a collar, but I'll be lucky if I can figure out how to use the thing!!! The vet nurse said, 'we pinched his pockets'. I thought that was a lovely way of putting things!
  14. Thanks for the laugh pre-interview. Though its a bit of a worry having a chuckle - all my 'good' clothes seem to have gotten a little ehrm *tight*. Oh dear! I can't even think of what to reply without laughing.... Max has always been a curious puppy. Um... what dandybrush said. Now I'm really off.
  15. Okay... some huffing and puffing and a few broken toes later... From there he can look out to the kitchen - watch me making dinner - and can be happy next to us if we're on the computer. He's also nearby if we're in the loungeroom - and actually I've found its not so hard to drag the thing around when set up so we can move it into the bedroom at night. Cross your fingers all! I bought a water-proof pillow thing that goes inside it and chucked in some of his favourite blankets. That table used to be in our dining room - and I've just moved it here - swapping it with the table that was here (a light square wooden one). All by myself. Its got a stupid glass top, which is stupid for eating off, as every plate and glass makes clattery noises on it. And its extraordinarily stupid heavy when dropped on said toes. Mein Gott! I've got a job interview in 1h20min (eeeeeks!) - how am I going to be able to explain my limp! Ha! Okay better get ready! Dandybrush: you can see in my photo I'm looking at your georgous puppy on the computer!
  16. While I'm here... and sans Puppy chewing my feet... check out the dog on the crate-box: How cute is that dog? Before we got Max, my OH and I would always go up the dog-food aisle at the supermarket coo-ing at the pictures of the dogs/puppies on the various dog food packets... hehe... we were hopeless! KTB: The aim with the crate is for it to be a place he is happy to be in, but I'm not necessarily fussed about whether he sleeps in it (he's an under-the-covers kind of dog.... terrible I know) - though now it starts to get a little warmer (though not today) and he a little bigger, he'll jump off the bed and stretch out and sleep on the floor. The idea is we'll need it in the future for flyball competitions, and just in case for travelling, for example on a plane. I think unless we got a new car, a crate in the car just wouldn't work, and we're happy enough with the car harness. Do you think its better to have it in the house where we are? Or is it really better to start to enforce it for bed-time. Oh I just don't know!!! (A crate for every room is starting to sound quite workable). Wuffles: I was away this past weekend and my OH didn't take Max to training. I think its because he can't do the high pitched happy voice (like Mickey Mouse on helium we were told). Also, he's German, and our instructor is German, and there's something funny there - she's from the north, and he the south. Like comparing a laid-back Nth Qlder (south Germany) to an uptight politically correct Victorian (north Germany). And the OH undoes my good work by repeating commands, so Max thinks he doesn't need to do things when I say it once. It usually goes like this - my OH: 'sit', Max: 'woof', my OH: 'sit', Max: 'woof'. Meanwhile he hasn't come to flyball training yet and considering that training ended with the puppies getting to run around off-lead together, and the handlers getting out their camping chairs and opening a cold one - it might be his kind of training!!
  17. RE: the 'OH' and dog training. Mine won't do it. And would rather undo any good work I'm doing.... hmmmmmmm.... RE: training. I bought a crate today (only slightly influenced by the vet experience). A bit late to get started I know, but we'll give it a go. Its one of those giant cage boxes. Okay question. Where's the best place to keep it? Its a bit heavy to move around too much. And any tips people have would be much appreciated...... :party: Come on more photos from everyone!
  18. I love the photos of Elbie and Hoover playing together!!!! And poor Poover..... I remember I was doing washing every day at the start. Max had runny poo from worms and until we realised what it was we had some interesting non-hygienic experiences! We used to call him The Poo-Machine. Its funny how names like that stick - be careful with Poover! Clastic: was thinking of you as I dropped Max off this morning. Rolling my eyes at all these happy dog-vet stories. First off Max knew something was up when he didn't get any breakfast. My OH and I were talking in the kitchen and he told us off very plaintively - rooo rooooo oooorrrr. When we arrived at the vet, it took him about 45 seconds then he remembered - GREAT!!! I LOOOOOOVE this place!!!!! And all the people!!!!!!!! He got so overexcited! First there was the vet cat there, which he loved. Then the lady. Then the post-man arrived and ruffed him up a bit - oooh what a cute puppy....! Then the vet nurse who took puppy pre-school came out - Max just adored her and he was beside himself. Then there was another dog..... We had to do subtractive weighing because he wouldn't stand still AT ALL to go on the scales ie (me+Max)-me = Max = 15.1 kg! You can imagine his shock and horror when we took him out the back, put him in the box and LEFT HIM THERE. Well we all got to hear about it - so embarrassing! (I made a very quick exit). I'm sure they all think my poor dog has never left the house before..... And of course, last night at the park, Max decided it would be a good time to try out swimming.... in the mud-puddle hole. Actually he waded in, then decided to sit down, and I think even he was surprised by the wetness. Not a water-lover my dog. Photo of very meek dog pre-spongedown follows: And we've been working on 'shy dog'. It seems his natural instinct is to roll on his back to wipe his face - rather than sit up and do it. So while not authentic, we might go with that (not the best quality video sorry!): And another one we've been doing 'peekaboo': Wuffles: hope you are feeling better! Its raining down here too.... perfect day to have a sleepy puppy....
  19. Is that plastic sheeting you have down??? I was really wondering, because it looked just a wee bit like you'd gone to a photography studio on your way home. Though I did doubt it! Ha! I'm sure the toilet training will be easy pee-sy. I was re-reading the poo-corner story from Nicques - then watching Max 'go'. He walks it from one side of the yard to the other - I'd have no chance with a poo corner. (Aside: technical question - unless you're picking up every poo pronto, how do you stop them from standing in it if its in one small area?????). I love the photo of Hoover looking over his enclosure - he's such a dorky puppy (in the sweetest possible way!). So so jealous! But happy for you. And for Elbie too. (And Hoover too for that matter). Its really nice (in my opinion) they have a friend, or a 'pack'. I always feel a bit guilty to have just one. Somehow it doesn't seem quite fair. Often we walk home from the park with this guy who has three dogs - they're beautifully trained, border collie x's and a boxer x - and they just walk together in sync. Max will join their 'pack' as we walk along - then when we have to turn to go our separate ways he'll look so longingly after the three of them. Its quite a job for me to convince him that it'll be really great actually if he comes home with me! Looking forward to the puppy frolicking photos/movies!
  20. Such a sweetie. And a chunky monkey!!!!! 9 kg!!!! Good luck with meeting Elbie. He knows. They always know. They'll be best friends before you know it! Chasing each other round the place - lots and lots of laughs to come I'm sure! Congratulations!
  21. Nothing like a bit of healthy competition! But by all accounts, Wuffles, you and Ava are going great guns! That rescue dog was pretty. I like that they're all so the same, but have hugely different faces.
  22. Lurk Lurk..... Max's fallback trick is a cross between a spin-around and a roll-over. So just generally an all over body wiggle with some turns and ducking. Then he barks. I think if I tried holding a treat and waiting for him to sneeze he'd bark the house down. He's quite adamant when we're not 'doing our bit' with the trick training. KTB: re the crazy dog person comment and then the link to that thread. I think you have a point. I think I'd be considered a heathen! Meanwhile after showing my sister some of Max's tricks, she asked me pointedly 'do you ever JUST pat him??????'.....hehe
  23. And two (they're in a series, one taken after the other) of the sweetest that I found in my album. (Just been doing - oooh ahhhs with the OH..... )
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