Rubbish. Local and state government enforce regulations that they themselves create. Local governments lobby state governments for changes in legislation that they enforce. The police lobby for changes to the criminal code.
I would hardly place RSPCA, a private organisation, in the same category as elected governments and sworn police officers!!!
The statement was that the RSPCA is the ony body that puts forward what rules it would like as legislation so it can then go out and enforce them. It's twaddle, because plainly other bodies do too. I noticed that you stated 'elected' governments - like that makes a huge difference. I mean, who exactly were these governments representing when they brought in legislation such as BSL?
Yes, the RSPCA is a private organisation as opposed to the government, but in enforcing legislation they are agents of the government.
And what is the problem with a welfare organisation wanting to lobby for legislative change in animal welfare? Would you also not think that the very people who try to enforce animal welfare law and bring positive results for animals would have some idea of what works and what needs changing?
Clearly there are problems with what the RSPCA is proposing. Why not then engage with them, put forward other views and suggest alternatives in a positive, collaborative manner? After all it is a proposal - a plan that they are seeking feedback on.
Killing dogs because of their looks is hardly an animal welfare issue. In my view it is animal abuse. If they took on animal abusers rather than the mentally ill and poor they may learn not to c*ck up when they didn't have soft targets.