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Everything posted by Lollipup

  1. You want to come? I have 2 beds in the caravan I'm in and I'm only using one :) Well, asides from the dogs :laugh:
  2. Delta course is Cert IV in Companion Animal Services but tailored toward pet training and mainly dogs. They are more biased toward one style of training from what I understand and have heard from many. I haven't done their course though. I did the NDTF course which covers all four quadrants and then lets you choose what you want to use so more balanced IMO. I have also heard you can do the Cert IV in Companion Animal Services through another provider and it is also geared more toward dog training but is not as "positive only" as Delta is. Its run by Craig Murray in Brisbane but I don't know much about it. I do know someone who did it and also then did the NDTF course though, and he had good things to say about the Companion Animals course. ETA: I think Delta does certifications for assistance type dogs so this may be more what your after?
  3. I'm driving 7 hours to get there and hopefully get there before dark on the Friday ETA: I think its just over the border to NSW (?)
  4. Only 2 weeks until the Emily Larlham seminar at Camp Tailwaggers ("kikopup" on Youtube) Chester and I will be there, anyone else here going? I would love to take Lola as well but don't think I can handle both dogs and 2 crates on my own. So if anyone is going and doesn't have a dog to handle and would like to handle Lola, let me know. Otherwise, Chester and I will hopefully meet some DOLers there :)
  5. How about a bug? I can't wait to see what you come up with :)
  6. Colliepaws that cat picture is great! I was away from the computer for one night and come back to this thread and there are like 3 more pages! Good to see it so active. We got all dressed up last night to go out to dinner for our anniversary and I let me parents have a go of the camera to take some photos of us. Just switched it to auto for them though, ya know, even though my dad is an expert at everything already haha I will try downloading the trial of LR and see how that goes. I know what you mean about how many you throw away. I took about 330 photos at the botanic gardens, but a lot of them were multiples of the same thing. Lots of dogs with turned away heads too. My husband Jamie also had a go on full manual and did pretty well too :) He enjoyed the 300mm zoom lens, he calls it my stalker lens! :laugh: I can't remember who has said what but thanks everyone for all the tips and feedback, very appreciated and I don't mind constructive criticism at all :) tlc, the 17-70 is a macro lens as well as the others said, and I can't wait to see some shots from it because I think I would like one too , one day :)
  7. Yes Lola is so hard to get a good shot of because of the black and white. I love the last shot, I think it's my favourite for the day. They were all looking at some ducks that had just landed on the lake and had a go at each other. I think its a good one because they are all genuinely looking at something at the same time. Lola REALLY wanted to go chase things in the lake, she could barely contain her excitement.
  8. Yeah I know the shadows aren't great, I keep ending up shooting in the middle of the day! But I am just glad I managed to shoot in manual without them coming out all black or all white lol
  9. It's our five year wedding anniversary today and we had a lovely morning at the botanic gardens with the dogs. I learned a little more about full manual operation as I started reading 'Understanding Exposure' and its just so helpful so far. These aren't edited at all as lightroom is broken still This one is more of a funny as Lola thought she could jump up in the hedge, she wanted to go chase fish
  10. Had a lovely day today at the botanic gardens and had the camera on full manual mode, these aren't edited at all as my lightroom is still broken
  11. maybe my screen is set too dull then
  12. I like the heifer, looks reddish brown but not bright red to me. Looks natural.
  13. I love that sky! I like the sound of the 17-70 lens :)
  14. Lightroom was going fine the first few days and then when I clicked on import, it crashed. I reinstalled it, same thing. Deleted all preferences and catalogs, same thing. Updated to new version and reinstalled 3 times, still doing it. I have googled and hundreds of people have the same problem but the few solutions suggested to them aren't working for me. I think it may be happening because my external hard drive is connected and a recovery program is running on it. However I can't disconnect it because the recovery has been running for 150 hours and has 160 hours to go. So you can understand why I don't want to stop it this far in. In the meantime, I need to do some minor editing on photos, the kind of thing I would have liked to do in lightroom. Photoshop is still working but I haven't used it much so is there anything simple I can do in it, like presets in LR? Has anyone had this problem with LR before? I found lots of threads on the adobe site asking for help on it but no solutions that worked for me.
  15. Thanks Kja, that makes sense. I'm sure after some time and experience I'll know which lenses suit me best. But I already love the 50mm. I haven't tried my friend's 30mm but she said she had to get really close to the dog to get the same kind of look I was getting from further away. Which makes sense. :)
  16. But what makes the 50mm rock on all cameras when the focal range can vary? If someone with a FF said to me - you have to get a 50mm because its a good focal distance, does that mean that I would translate it to a 30mm because my camera is cropped? I'm confused. I mentioned in another thread how my friend saw my photos and went and bought the same camera but got a 30mm prime instead of a 50mm like I did. Maybe the store guy that recommended this to her was taking crop factor into account? Yet she finds the lens too wide for dogs shots, even though its on a cropped camera. So does this mean a 50mm on a FF would also be too wide for dog shots? If I sound confused its because I am lol. (Kja, did you get my PM?)
  17. I actually just read about it last night in my book, sounds cool :)
  18. I have a question about the crop factor and lenses. My camera has a crop factor of 1.5, so my 50mm lens is equivilent to a 75mm lens on a full frame camera. So, a 35mm lens on my camera would get the same result as a 50mm on a full frame. So my question is - if everyone loves the "nifty 50" so much, are they talking about it on a full frame or cropped or just both in general despite the crop factor? If I wanted the results of a 50mm on a full frame, should I use the 35mm instead? Hope this makes sense, having trouble finding the right words
  19. Thanks, he is a sooky boy, love him to bits. Wait until you see Lola, she is super cute too and full of mischief! I love your photos, really nice and gorgeous collie too :)
  20. Thanks, that is my boy, Chester :) I can't find a button for tungsten on the camera so maybe its in the menus...
  21. I like it Snook :) cute jammies :) I'm really keen to get into it in full manual mode and finish reading the manual but I am so busy over the next four weeks, its going to be slow progress ETA: When you say set the white balance to Tungsten, I do know how to adjust WB with the dial but is "Tungsten" a preset somewhere else or just a number to set it to?
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