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Everything posted by all4addy
Haven't read responses but our previous council (greater shepparton vic) was 2 dogs and 2 cats. Our current council is Moira Shire. I am still iffy on the rules, but I think its the same for residential areas. We are classed as rural, so we are allowed something like 4 dogs and 6 cats, or maybe the other way round LOL. I so pay attention, don't I? We still have to register them with the council here and de-register them with the old council. Although I wouldn't plan to have any more than 2 dogs, once we have a stable-r environment (we are in the middle of trying to purchase a house) so like 5 years down the road, if my dream breed became available, its nice to know I am "allowed" to get it rofl. And its also good for the odd stray we may end up with that may be with us till we get a good home. As I had that problem before when I had two private fosters (i.e. it was my responsibility to find them a new home) so since it wasn't under my friends "business rescue" I was told I was keeping one dog illegally, and ended up having 3 days to find it a new home, or else they would of impounded it, luckily the sun was shining upon her, and the lady down the road took a great love to her and gave her a beautiful home, where I still got to see her walking past daily
Is That A Male Newf, I Want To Use Him To Breed
all4addy replied to newfsie's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yes, it would be nice to see a whole bunch of little fluffy puppies and have a pat, but if they really want to do that, why don't they visit a registered breeder, have a pat and get it out of their system, and if they want money, why don't they try putting their efforts in obtaining dogs into working, or doing a drophsip business or something that actually can't hurt living things. The thing that gets me is it is actually getting really bad in Aus, people are getting these little fluffy crossbreeds that turn into big dogs, then either get out or are dumped. They have then become feral, there is a whole class of feral dogs, especially in the more outback areas, and these are crossbreeding with dingos, so soon enough we may not even have many purebred wild dingos left, just feral crossbred dogs. Try a petting zoo, not a registered breeder. Most would baulk at having random strangers and their children over to "get it out of their system". I could not think of anything worse and the consequences are just far too big. There are a whole lot of legitimate reasons for crossbreeding and breeding unregistered dogs. Being a registsred breeder does not make one ethical, some are but some hide behind those that do the right thing, lumping themselves in with "I'm a registered breeder just like her." I could not think of ANYTHING more terrifying than animal rights groups and the RSPCA being responsible for legislation for animals in this country. Please tell me this is a joke? Dumped medium sized white fluffies finding their way into the outback and cross breeding with Dingoes on a large scale? And these MWF are a whole class of feral dogs? We have wild dogs and Dingoes a plenty and have had some huge problems with them this year, but if there are white fluffy anythings about I havent seen them or heard of them from anybody else. Hi, Not sure exactly what the big consequence you were talking about. Nor the legitimate reasons for unregistered dogs being bred & crossbred, I would love more information/links on this. I may have stuffed up in the word out of the legislation bit. I meant the money currently being hauled in to the rspca could be used for a mass desexing program and to push "clout" which the rspca have to making the courts consider further laws, not for the rspca or any animal rights groups to be in charge of, I think it should be a conjoined thing between the dogs sa/vic/nsw etc and the appropriate state governments. I, myself, also think that putting anyone in the leftwing animal rights category or pounds/rspca/lostdogs in charge of such a program would be very bad, as they themselves are biaised already in certain areas with their own "rules/laws". I never said anything about medium white fluffys. I said they buy fluffy puppies, as per the other thread somewhere, most people these days do not know what a newfoundland, wolfhound, great dane is. And I just meant that they are cute little puppies, my pups a short haired breed, and its still cute, fluffy and little. So they buy these breeds from whereever, have no idea what the animal is (like the surge of adult/teenage groodles being dumped/surrended of late) and once it starts growing they realize it isn't going to stay a little puppy, and that its getting huge, bigger than the little puppy it began with, and stuff like what is currently happening to the dingo population, happens. Its been happening for decades, but its getitng towards breaking point. Heres two links: http://nativewildlifesanctuary.com/wordpre...w-post-dingoes/ http://www.australiaforum.com/travel-quest...-wild-dogs.html -
Maybe I am somehow not looking properly, and she was a male the entire time? LOL. I keep checking...but no, looks female to me. When we were on our way out yesterday, she started "humping" my leg, really going for it. At the time, I was "nudging" her out the way of the gate. I.e. gently pushing her backwards and holding her there with my foot, as she tends to try to dart through doors at the last moment and has almost had her skinny neck squished a couple of times, she gets commands at the same time, and if she does it, lots of positive reinforcement. Multi-tasking thats me, anyway, when I moved her back from the gate this time with my foot, she just wrapped her legs round it and started humping. Actually took me till I was in the car to actually realise....umm, did my female just hump me? I flipped her over, as if to confirm that yes indeed she is a female, when I noticed this small amount of what looks like yellow/fluro green discharge sitting at the outer bit of her "ahem" sort of like sick kid mucous. So....can someone explain to me 1. Why my female dog humped me (shes 9 1/2 weeks, so I would think heat is out, does that only leave dominance, that she was annoyed at the upper hand of the shoe keeping her from being beheaded and wanted her power back? ) and what the discharge is? (vaginitis is the only thing I can think of but I thought that looked different?) I haven't noticed any discharge today, nor humping, just the one time for both things, she also had a bath today with Malesab, as she had a flea infection from her previous place, and her skin also had some kind of dermatitis. We waited till the flea stuff had done its job, so now shes had a lovely bath and is nice and clean, so will continue to monitor for any discharge, but thought I would add this incase its connected with something to do with the dermatitis/dandruff/itching. THanks
They usually won't need a furminator whilst they are that young, and in some breeds,even not when they are older. I wouldn't suggest using it that much, as well, as puppies usually dont shed much so if you are being really technical then for the moment they would be counted in the nonsheeding veriety, which you shouldn't use on that type, as you can shed out hairs they actually need. Also don't use it in the same spot, as it can create baldness over time. We have one, the purple one meant for cats, and use it every so often on our birmans, especially their darn tails, they have monkey tails that wrap around you and leave this ivy trail of hair lol. The lady at the petshop said if I purchased this one brush I wouldn't need to use anything else, which is another lot of phooey, luckily I knew that at the time, so just ignored her. I always have a slicker brush, one with the needles as close together as possible and with the little plastic knobs on the end (like hairbrishes sometimes have on the end of their needles) I use this as my main brush, also for my cats (since my dogs are both shorter haired) I have a pair of mainure scissors (meant for humans) these are small delicate, and have a bulbous circle/rounded end, I use this for snipping any mats/poo off and generally todying up. The de-shedder is for shedding, not for brushing, which is why, when you open their packet, you will see something that says similar to "do not use this if your animls has matts, burrs, dermatitis, sensitive skin, blah blah blah, instead they pretty much sounds like they want you to see a professional groomer eahc time before using the de-shedder, so they can be professionally groomed....then you can use the de-shedder. ROFL. Instead, a good slicker brush (like I mentinoed above) and a pair of bulbous/rounded end scissors will do. The Slicker for general everyday grooming/dematting etc, and the de-shedder (once a week to once a month , depending on the type of breed you have) to take care of the extra hair. I would suggest googling the de-furminator and going to their main US? based site, theirs a bunch of videos on there, even inside the packaging it actually tells you to go to there for further manual/video. If you still want one, get the small blue one meant for small dogs/puppies/cats. The one I got from petstock cost somewhere round $55-60. I would suggest a slicker, and maybe something like a zoom groom or silicone glove thing would do for now though hun, once they get a little bigger and ther coats thicken up, then that would be a good time to purchase the furminator, they are very good quality and will last a long time. HTH xxx
I don't hate them, I just think they could be doing a lot "more" with their power, and I think that people that work there should have a love of animals. I used to volunteer there, when I was originally wanting to become an inspector, I got told that the best thing I could do right now is volunteer there for a year or two, at nearly full-time capacity before I would be considered for moving further up in the ranks. So I volunteered the best I could outside my normal job, but wasn't getting up anough hours to be considered, and if I had quit my working job, I would of had no money to live on, thems the breaks. I also couldn't stand-by watching the dogs get euthanised, and it was sending me very very poor lol. At the last minute, I always tried to save a dog, I think I stopped about 10-11 all up from being euthanised from my end (including 5 of them I had to pay adoption fees myself at something like $250 a pop) the other few they let go free, I ended up finding good homes for all of them. Everytime someone came in, I deliberately showed them the ones whom were due to be put down soon. It got to the point where I was stressing about every dog that could possibly be put down, and wasn't "earning my keep" with the roster jobs I was meant to do, instead trying to get every dog adopted, I became a wreck. I also couldn't handle the hoses, lol, you wouldn't believe the amount of muscle and weight you have ot have to use those, I nearly got quite hurt one time with those things! Overall I am not cut out being that close to the frontlines, I have too much empathy, which in that situation, is a very bad thing. I saw dogs whom were happy, healthy chipper and friendly being put down, whilst dogs that had some agression and other problems were kept on extra days. There was also quite a number of times, people had enquired about one dog, asked its approximate due date, come back before then, only to be told the dog had already been euthanised. Those ones upset me the most. I think the last straw was when I was asked if I was willing to do a personal favour for one of the vets. One of the dogs had come in and needed a quite space after her desexing (the owner scheduled the desexing then phoned the receptionist whilst there were doing it to say he didn't have the money and wanted to surrender the dog or something) and the backrooms were full, the vet asked if I could possibly look after her till it heals. I said yes, took her home, pampered her, and of course, fell in love with her, so when she was healed up, they wouldn't her brough back in, and wanted to do their general tests, I explained whilst the testing was going on, that I was planning to adopt/keep her. She failed the temperment test, lord only knows why, as she was a sweetie, and had showed no signs of any aggression. I fought, but no use, apparently the form Ihad signed at the beginning basically said she belonged to the rspca and I was just holding onto her for after surgery care. She got put down, and it broke me. I quit. I never even got to see her again after she went in to the room for the test. I only have only blurry photo of her playing on her big pillow with a toy.
Is That A Male Newf, I Want To Use Him To Breed
all4addy replied to newfsie's topic in General Dog Discussion
Oh but don't you know? They are "just" dogs *big roll of eyes* and breeding is the new in thing. Its like someone asking if they can borrow your iphone to look at. I think that everyone whom gets an animal from anywhere should be checked to make sure they are all there, a lot of the people that have asked regarding Lila's "entireness" (including a final word of saying "but we'll split the profits!") don't seem to be "all there". I get very touchy on the subject of people whom treat animals as some sort of amusement/novelty/toy. My brother, unfortunately, is one of them. I have watched a great deal of animals go through his hands, without them being seen again. Never dogs though, I guess they are too much of an annoyance to him to begin with. A great deal of rabbits seemed to succumb to one problem or another under his hands And he bought them all for the amusement of his daughter, whom I'm afraid is going to end up showing the same disregard and intolerability that he has shown. Yes, it would be nice to see a whole bunch of little fluffy puppies and have a pat, but if they really want to do that, why don't they visit a registered breeder, have a pat and get it out of their system, and if they want money, why don't they try putting their efforts in obtaining dogs into working, or doing a drophsip business or something that actually can't hurt living things. I just honestly wish I could *do* something, you know? If I had the room and the people, I would take in every stray and crossbreed in the ocuntry, then the monies for pounds, and for places like commercial rescues, and rspca could put their money towards law/legisilations (sp?) and stopping any more crossbreeding apart from where it is medically relevant (and must supply good evidence/reason, which 99.99 per cent of the time there isn't, especially not in the last 100 years anyway) and having all pets (not shows/breeders) desexed. The thing that gets me is it is actually getting really bad in Aus, people are getting these little fluffy crossbreeds that turn into big dogs, then either get out or are dumped. They have then become feral, there is a whole class of feral dogs, especially in the more outback areas, and these are crossbreeding with dingos, so soon enough we may not even have many purebred wild dingos left, just feral crossbred dogs. Whoa, I got way off the subject lol. Thats me when I follow a train of thought, hubby calls it the "Dr House" effect rofl. Anyway, someone should deliver a healthy slap to one of these people to see if its similar to a trance, and they might wake up out of it, lol. WHom do you lobby about changing the laws of Aus in regards to animals though? And does it actually ever work? -
We washed it under cold water outside. The vets are opened tommorrow for a short period, so unless the swelling goes down, we'll take her in tommorrow. If she shows any other signs though, I have the contact for the vet on call. Would love to know if there anything else I should watch for, or do for the wound. I was thinking if I cleaned and bandaged it, she would more than likely just attack the bandage? xxx
I spoke to my parents at length, but they are not able to offer her a foster They have had foster dogs through there for a while, and my Dad now has a new job thats keeping him out quite late, and my mother cannot give the time needed for two dogs The last one that went through them was quite a dominant male, so its lessened Bellas excitement over playmates, so they are concentrating on her for the moment. I just wish I was closer to help out. I would try what the other poster said about breed rescue, she looks like a beautiful dog, and I have such a soft spot for border collies. I am sorry I upset that other poster with a word I used, I was daydreaming back to something that happened a while ago, and it hit a raw nerve. Since I am so far away, theres not much help at all I can be, but if theres anything you can think of that I could help out with, let me know and I will try my best. I hope she finds a beautiful new home where she is loved for every second xxxx
Is That A Male Newf, I Want To Use Him To Breed
all4addy replied to newfsie's topic in General Dog Discussion
hrrmmmph. Thats like the lady on FB on my local buy,swap, and sell. Shes looking for a mala pug? I think it was to mate with her pug x god knows what, because "her dog really wants to mate and she wants puppies" I think I sat there stunned for quite a while. There seriously should be permits to breed a dog. They should start of with something simple, like filling out a 50 page form and submitting to council for a permit. THAT would put most of those people off as there even to lazy to fill out a form. Just something like that, where upon submitting your pretty much guaranteed a permit, as long as you fill out the form, would probably dwindle numbers quite considerably. Most of these people that do this sort of thing, do it because they are bored, want a bunch of cute little puppies that they don't have to look after and whom they won't have to watch grow up. :D A lot of work goes into the gourgeous pedigree puppies that are properly bred, and these ppl just come along grab two random dogs and say "mate!" and think thats all there is to it. I must of skipped over this part, but where did they get their dog from? A lot of breeders from here I know have oral or contract agreements stating if you are not showing/breeding the dog (which then they will usually do a proper brackground check) then you must have hte dog desexed? But maybe I have it all wrong It just makes me sad when I hear people deliberately trying to breed dogs with no thought to the time, stress, money and very much hard work involved. People should understand its a job only for professionals, and that the proper dogs are worth waiting for. There is nothing like a properly bred pedigree dog that has had years of love and dedication put into that breed. And maybe one day I will be lucky enough to own my big beautiful shaggy dream breed. Now that is very much worth waiting for. -
Hi Everyone, The dog has had something else happen to her (she is the queen of all mischief makers!) for those that don't know, about 2 weeks ago (this is our 18month old, not the puppy btw) she got into one of our moving boxes that we were bringing in to the house, and munched up some mosquito repellants, a call to the poisons line, vets, hubby getting out of work and a rush to the vets for them to pump her tummy were all fun. Stupid dog has a stomach of iron, and eats everything, but I wasn't taking chances, luckily she was fine, after that she somehow managed to get the flea spray down from on top of the filing cabinet (still cannot figure out how she did that!) luckily she chewed the handle and all she did was spray her cheek rofl. ANYWAY HERES TODAYS PROBLEM: We hjust got back from a quick trip out and noticed a "wound" on her foot. I'm about to call the vets, but since its Easter Weekend, I have doubts as to whether they will be open until Wednesday. Its on her right foot top of hte paw, JUST in front of her "knuckle" its like a swollen mini ball, about half a marble size, the hair there is missing, skin seems to be free and clear of any puncture marks (so I don't believe its anything like a nail or snake) the skins clear, and it looks like if you just kept scratching you hand back and forth till it starts to get those little tiny blood dots, but not bleeding if you get what I mean. Shes not limping, but I think (I may be looking to closely) tat she still maybe more leaning towards her left side, but there is no sign of limping. Its not bothering her, apart from when I tried to look at it, then she kept trying to pull her paw away and was licking it, and doing that mini chomping/gnawing thing on it. Does it seem to warrant holdiay outside of hous/proper emergency care? Shes eating and drinking fine, doesn't seem bother elsewise, her co-ordination is fine, shes has energy, is happy playing and jumping round. Also, should I clean it? What should I clean it with? Should I try to bandage it? We will still see the vets, just what to do meantime? If she shows any other signs, we will become the fastest ambulancein the world and call and wake every vet in the region lol, but Iam not sure i right now it warrants emergency care?
Where abouts in SA are you? Only reason I am thinking is because my parents are in SA, and I hate dog abuse, they dislike it too, They have a whippet x Kelpie female about 12 months old. If shes okay with other animals, and the odd chance you are near them, I could perhaps convince them to at least foster her, and we would get her treated for her foot. My parents are out near Tanunda. They spoil their dog rotten lol, and have been on the lookout for a playmate for her.
5 Months Puppy Has Mucus On Her Poo
all4addy replied to perla's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
There you go, thanks Stormie! I couldn't remember the full details apart from it was normal and the going into "overdrive" when puppys got some sort of upset. I hope Pups okay, and remember to update us -
200 Dogs Saved, Bound For Chinese Restaurants
all4addy replied to mish13's topic in General Dog Discussion
I haven't ead the replies, but just wanted to say a few things. 1. My DH lived over there for a bit, and his family purchased a "meat pup" from the markets, took it home and kept it as a pet. The thing as blind, sevely malnouished, and well I have seen sluaghterhouse cows in a lot better condition, so even if they are used as food, there are still standards that should be abided by. IMO the whole thing should be banned and jail fo doing so. 2. The state of those "crammed" cages is something you can never forget...ever. Imagine you gabage bin, and how sometimes you get to the point whee you jump on cram down the stuff inside, then you still have bits of bags hanging out and the lid doesn't close fully.....thats what its like. The dogs are shoved in there like some sort of squishable tetris, there are dogs upside down, ones with their paws broken hanging out, its absoutely horible and sends rethcing though my system. Some of these dogs you can still see the obvious owners colla on, a lovely blue collar with gold medallion. An obviously cared for dog. The whole thing is sickening, but I don't get most things today, like bulls ball soups where they have the bull run, sheeps eyes or fogs legs being a delicacy. The place in Sydney that has live scorpion matinis and cockroach stew, with lovely ant incecream fo dessert. We are tuning every animal into some sort of delicacy/rite/ritual/novelty. Ok, Ive ranted enough. xxxx -
5 Months Puppy Has Mucus On Her Poo
all4addy replied to perla's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
This is MO, and from simila situations including a recent one with our new little girl. If the mucus is like clear spit (like someone just spat on the ground) this is usually the anal sac gland, and is good, it means the puppies system is doing its job. When there is an upset of some sort, sometimes the anal glands go out of whack (I foget the whole scientific version right now) and poduce more than neccessay of the "mucus", this too is normal. If the "mucus" you talking about is yellow o some othe colour, its something else. Soft poos (mild diarhea/pudding poos/formed but moussy/soft formed) are usually the cause of some sot of tummy bug/upset. Has she possibly eaten something in the backyad o on one of her walks? As this is pobably the most likely case. If she is still acting normal, and not dizzy/vomiting or lethargic, and its not watery squits poos, its usually nothing seious, but still should be checked out. The usual thing to do as soon as something akin to this is noticed, is to first give the tummy a "rest" and fast her, usually ovenight is okay for tiny puppies, lager puppies and adults should be fasted fo upto 24hours, to rest the belly, someone here should have moe info on ages and how long. Still provide water every 15 minutes, and keep a good eye on the poos, even something like eating hair of the carpet can get serious as the hair can get wapped aound the intestines/bowels? Please excuse any R's missing fom my typing as my keyboard needs a full clean lol. After tha feasting times feed puppy 3-4 times a day, so small meals frequently, and feed rice & cooked chicken (no bones of course) I usually go the exta step and make it a bit moe stewy by adding fresh cold water and a touch of hydralite (or the doggy equivalent I think is pedalite?) but this is usually unneccessary, my dogs tend to be fussy to drinking any water when they are sick, so this just insures they still get hydration, me being sneaky! The chicken and rice is bland and good for stomach settling. Once you have seen the vet, and if she says everything is okay, she will usually give you a timeline of when to evese back to the normal food. I find keeping a poo diay of exactly when they have done there poos and a big desciption of what it looked like (I usually poke and dissect it, to make sue no woms/hairs etc, gross, but helps) I don';t usually take this notation" in with me, but writing it down helps me remembe it, and helps me give a good summay to the vet. If the vet says its pobably a tummy upset, o similar after a couple of days, if the poo hasn't fomed up, you could ty a little canned pumpkin in its food, pumpkin usually helps with firming up the poos. If I think of anything else, I will come back. Sending you good wishes xxxx -
Haven't read the replies but... if they like kids with personalities, they would adore mine! I'm terrible with grammar and with spelling when typing, as my brain exceeds my finger speed ROFL. I have a writers brain where upon what I think right at that moment all needs to be spat out right that second, often with disastrous results towards my spelling, and I hate having to re-read what I write, Jackie French is my idol! Her original book came to the publishers and one person took it out saw all the spelling mistakes and the e's put in by hand (her wombat destroyed the e key) and went to read it out to the office thinking it would be hilarious, next thing everyone in the office is gripped by the book, in 15 years shes written over 100 books, plus columns, articles etc, and all because she can't slow down her typing/reading. Brilliant inspiring woman! But yeah, I must admit when I see ads with either grammar errors or people saying "coms wif a supa suppli" I stop reading lol.
Thanks, but we already decided a long time ago to homeschool all our children, if we can afford to do it, then one-on-one teaching is a lot better in most cases than 1-on-30+ teaching. My kids also have their own individually tailored programs for their learning styles, they don't get "labelled" by school admin, and have lots of fun, all day And an added plus is that I get to learn new things I didn't even know - alongside them Its actually decreased my stress levels, I got CFS after a bad flu-type thing last year, after my MIL tookover and forcibly (against my wishes) enroled A in kinder/preschool. It was a very bad year for us, now things are a lot simpler. And whilst we don't like labels, it doesn't mean we ignore our childrens interactions with other children, because of the crazy-ness of last year, we are starting off slowly, so just casual outings to different places, starting next year, we have lots of camps and weekends away planned with homeschoolers. But anyway, getting back to the subject LOL. We have a list of about 4 or 5 paeds in the local area, I have also asked someone for more info, so we will look up those paeds, make an appointment and also see about an Autism assessment as well with a local team, so I am researching all of this now, so by the end of the week, we should hopefully be set up with some appointments. Whilst we were at a market on the weekend, we purchased one of those hammer pound the ball things, so everytime he has had a "wants to whack" look in his eye, we have talked him over to the game, and let him play that. But this morning my precious little baby girl hid the balls from the game ROFL, have been searching everywhere with no effect, so will have to wait till this evening to search further! I will keep you all updated with future developements, and also, once I get a chance a list of symptoms/problems I have notcied, hopefulyl this will be able to help anyone in the future with similar problems. xxxx
Jeez, thats horrible! Considering how annoyed I was over an incident that was a lot more trifling than yours, I would complain, big time! The poor baby. What on earth did they do to her? Some dog maul her or letting her play in brambles? Its sounds shocking. I, like you, don't use kennels hardly at all, I try to avoid them whereever neccessary. We were planning to take our girl to a family kennel for her weeks stay (during a hectic move) but ended up deciding on a more commercial bigger one that was closer. When we picked her up, the guy was complaining that "all she wanted to do was play in the pay area, and didn't want to go back in her cage" he was whining, and honestly, could you blame her? All she wanted was to run and have fun, not stay caged in a small area. Never, ever using that place again, I mean, its in her genes to want exercise, lots of it, I thought they understood that when they took her! So if I was in your place, I would do as others said, take lots of pics, explain from one professional (show person) to another (business owner) that this sort of thing does not make a place look professional and now you are out one dog for showing. I would pobably be absolutely steaming in your place. A good kennel is worth is wait in gold, and unfortunately, I have yet to have seen one.
Sheena - Hes an outgoing boy. Hes walked upto 7 & 8 year olds in the park before saying "wanna play?" they've looked at him like whats the baby doing talking to us? lol, but it hasn't discouraged him. Honestly his grandparents don't even want to try handling him, so I would feel immense guilt sicking him on a poor preschool teacher with 30 other students lol. Hes quite full-on. I'm about the only person who can handle him, hubby can only half do it, before leaning the reins back over to me. Anyway He's polite, happy and outgoing with other kids, but is too rough with anyone his size or smaller, I think hes made of pure muscle (hes skinny) as sometimes he can outweigh me. Shyfig - Thank you! you have no idea how it feels for me to hear another person speaking like that. I keep having the sociopath thoughts, and then have immense waves of guilt flow over me from even thinking it. I also keep having panic attacks. Its really nice to know someone out there has gone through a similar situation even if the diagnosis may not be the same. So thank you
Thanks. My husband and I had a big fight today (obviously not my day is it?) but he called our educator to get a referral to a good paed, we will go from there. The cats are seperated via 1-2 baby gates (the first is the metal one that seperates the kitchen/schoolroom from the rest of the house, the second is one of those retractable mesh ones that make it hard to climb over, its off the ground a bit, just enough to allow the cats to go under from one part of the house to the next.) So hes mostly seperated during the daytime, its just when the cats decide they want to come in the kitchen that the problems begin, or at night when they are with their dad in the lounge. The puppy stays with me through most of the day, only going outside for play & toilet. And our elder dog stays outside most of the time (we give her the option of coming inside when we are not eating, most of hte time shes happier playing in the yard). We have begun 3rd stage seperation, in that DS is not allowed in any room that there are currently animals in. My eldest also protects the puppy (shes called herself the puppys secret spy bodyguard lol) if I am making food and puppy is near me, so I only have to keep half an ear and eye out. So hopefully that will stop any further "attacks" but we still need him checkd out as he can't be totally seperated from the animals forever. He was being quite good this morning with supervised pats with the cat and got lots of encouragement and calsp and smiles, praise etc from me for it. After watching him with the cat, I think it might be provoking a response? him trying to figure out how far he can go, and the noises the animal makes when he does so? So if that interests him, and thats the total of what it is, that actually makes it harder, if hes obssessed with the different noises and tones of the animals? Anyway heopfulyl we should soon have an appointment with a good paed and start getting to the bottom of this. Oh, I should mention, he has an obsession with anything stick-like, plastic tubes, toilet rolls, anything he can whack somethng with. And it seems as the "whacking" of his sisters has lessened, thats when he seemed to be more interested in the animals?
Thanks for the replies, I do appreciate it. My husband is going to call a nearby psychologist, who seems to do things under medicare, workcover, and does reports & assessments, so she sounds qualified enough for the moment. If we need a referral I will speak to our diabetes educator about seeing a paed to get a referral. My 2 year old girl has a better understanding of animals, she understands to be gentle and kind, so does my 5 year old girl. Its just him that he doesn't seem to be grasping the concept. I always encourage the kids to be gentle with every living creature. They play with ants, locusts, everything, and watch and try to understand it. I'm just at the end of my rope with him. I have cfs that is triggered worse by stress, so right now I am feeling absolutely exhausted and at the end of my tether. If I see the psychologist, should that be a good example of whether to further assessment to an autism team, or should I book an appointment with the assessment team as well? xxx
He's only three and a half, so not schooling yet. He gets too rough with his sisters as well, but that has calmed down lately. He's quiet and his speech is a bit behind, but he is very smart with logic/maths type puzzles etc. We have been thinking he might have a type of autism or ADHD, but we mostly get the "boys will be boys" response. As I said, I am starting to fell like he just doesn't have any sort of empathy, like that bits missing, and it really scares me, I may be over-reacting, hence why I want to see some sort of professional with him. I just don't know how to manage the situation anymore, since nothing seems to actually get through to him. Thanks I will look into psychologists in our area.
Hi, This is probably the wrong area, but I really really need help. My son is 3yrs old. Hes my only boy (I have 2 girls) he has always been a very full on boy (the type where you say boys will be boys etc) and has hurt his sisters numerous times, which we duly let him know is no on. Now he has gone onto hurting the animals! He is 3 not 7, and I understand that most people think it is not a cause for concern till then, but to ME it is. I am a passionate animal lover, and just can not understand why he does it. We have tried reprimanding him in several ways, being kind, let to make him understand gently that he is hurting them and its making them sad, and also yelling, and several times, a smack. NOTHING gets through to him, he just ignores. We have been consistent and vigilently watching him, but this can't continue forever, I can't be a step behind him for the next few years, or I won't have any time to spend with the animals and children or my husband. I just fully don't understand what is going on, its like he is missing empathy and just doesn't understand feelings. Having an animal-less life is not on for me, and besides we can't just ignore hte problem by getting new homes for the animals, he knows they are part of the family. Examples are: he came running in the the cat, threw it down and did a dive bomb onto its head (sat on it) he was promptly removed at the cat checked to make sure it was okay, he KNOWS when the cat yowls, it means it doesn't like it, he stillgoes ahead with it regardless, the cat has scratched him, still does not deter him. With the dogs & cats he hugs them really tight, lik at death grip, he is prompty removed from the situation, I have even heldhis hand, and gently patted the cats/dogs, showing him to be gentle, he whacks the dogs over the head with any sort of stick and when they try to defend themself he thinks its funny. I want this to stop now. Its breaking my heart from both sides, I really don't understand why hes doing it, and to me, my pets are my kids too. I do not care if its "normal behaviour" for a 3yr old (according to some sites on the web) to me, it shouldn't happen at all. I just don't know what to do next? My daughter has diabetes, so I am in touch with the diabetes educator at the hospital, if I speak to her she may have a suggestion, or do I just make an appointment with a fmaily councillor, or a psychiatrist, or psychologist? I am at dead end of where to go, whom to speak to? Does anybody know or can help? We need to get this sorted right now, It is A1 on my list of priorities as its kicking me senseless, I am so unbelivably upset. Thank you to anybody whom can help xxxx
We are just about to take out all the different kinds of insurance in the world lol, and the first up is Pet Insurance. So, any opinions? We'll need it for one Puppy, One Young Dog, and Two Birman Kittens. I am looking now, myself, but its always good to hear from "real people" how good certain places are Does anyone also have cats (if this makes a difference?) and have opinions about the best pet insurance for both Cats and Dogs? Also if the puppy is not yet desexed (will be at 6 months or whenever our vet reccomends) does this make the insurance higher? The rest of our animals are spayed and apart from the puppy (will be remedied wednesday) are all upto date with all vaccs, worming, checks etc. Is there insurance carrier that is better than the others for yearly perks, or anyones better in the case of hip dysplasia or problems (i.e. if surgery or medical management is needed). Our dogs aren't showing signs or anything, its just the one thing I would rather make sure I am insured for if its possible to get it. Thanks for any opinions/advice.
Thanks Koalathebear. My dogs are always fed on either Atermis Maximal or Puppy, or Royal Canin (when I forget to order Artemis) right now, both the cats & dogs are on Royal Canin as K9 Katz Kitchen seems to be closed and I haven't looked into a suitable alternative supplier. I think the puppy has Purina Supercoat for the moment as we saw her Sunday afternoon before we went shopping, so only the supermarket was open, I don't really like it (I think I used to use Opitmum? when Lila was little) but it'll do till I order some Artemis and I will slowly change over. I appreciate the hlep and nice reply
We will of course do everything possible to save her, shes a fit young little thing, so chances for her making it through treatment (if she has anything) would be favourable. We are not going to dump her or anything like that! I am just keeping my fingers crossed that shes all good, as its terrible when these young little pups have to go through treatments, especially when its caught too late, and you realize that then are not "fit" enough to survive the treatment. She will be loved and well cared for, and have a house where she can sleep inside and have some acreage to run round.