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Everything posted by TsarsMum
hey I have a lovely samoyed boy. but please dont think they are all lovely and plasid etc etc. mine is not he is HARD WORK. he tests me all the time he is a challange he is hyper he is SUPER smart and you can undo all training with him in 5 seconds. He is good with kids but must be watched he cant be trusted. He has challenged us more then once and has moods where i just wont deal with him til they pass. BUT i still love him. He is who he is. He can stop eating and decide that he wont like what im feeding him for weeks on end. and its ALWAYS a battle of the wills. They are not like any dog you have owned before. My boy we call the people slut he loves going out and meeting other people and will choose people over dogs. but at home he is hard work. I read so much saying how wonderful family dogs they are but they are alot of hard work to get them there. As a pup my boy was sooo good and he has got worse as he has gotten older. he is only just over one now LOL but he is starting to get good again.
they more likly changed it or are moving maybe?? so they where not found. at least the put her there and not at the pound. they must have been desperate.
Unable To Keep Dog Thats Under A Contract
TsarsMum replied to pinkpuppy's topic in General Dog Discussion
funny how its about a different dog yet the dog was 2.5K with a 1.5K deposit but we totally would not think its the same dog. oh thats right just on sell it in the trading post like you posted in the first one i just had another thought. we got given a dog by a realative we called the breed contact was the same there was no refund for relative even when he was a pup. also they could actually sue u for more then the pruchace price as there is a contract saying about a litter. thats money they can no longer get. who is going to pay good money for an unruley young dog who needs alot of training. if you cared about this dog it would be back in the breeders arms. where she can put the work into makeing her a good dog. that is going to cost money -
Client Showed Up At The Door With Dog -
TsarsMum replied to Andisa's topic in General Dog Discussion
yep dog grooming is a sucky job at times. I used to and dont do it anylonger. I remember this poor poor newfie i had. the most lovely dog and i could have stoped and called the rspca. this dog had what look like an entire poo stuck to it. it smelt like ammonia. and was completely matted and covered in sand. it was just heart breaking i spent probly 1/2 day sorting this dog out for bugger all. and never saw it again. im sure it was just put out the back til it got that bad again. I did have a pushy owner like the OP. but i did it as he offered my double for his chow chow. was not the nicest dog to do (had such a thick coat) and the guy stayed as apprently it could be agressive. the guy was like wow he must like you as he is normaly not very freindly (thanks for saying that NOW grr). nice dog another i never saw again. He worked away and had split with the wife. seen what state the dog was in and payed me to groom him as he was so up set about how the dog was. -
im just bumping as i will need somewhere for after chrissy it think
Poll On Yahoo - Should Rottweilers Be Outlawed In Australia
TsarsMum replied to TrinaJ's topic in In The News
i have voted No and linked it to my FB. Rottis are amazing dogs -
why not complain to the news paper saying WTF. and why are you brining it up?? make a stand SA dog lovers
i would call up and put a complait in that was not sounding like you live there. like i was at my mates place or was doing a letter box drop and .............................. add what you like
First Time Foster Carer Of A Pharoah Hound!
TsarsMum replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
i think you need to speak to who ever you are fostering him through. He sounds like he needs alot of help and time. and showing fear aggression i cant help you with any ideas but i would say a behaviouist is needed. so see if he end up being ok to rehome -
Question For A Friend About Agession
TsarsMum replied to TsarsMum's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Thank you for that she is doing that exactly I'll email her the link above and I'm sure she will get help -
Question For A Friend About Agession
TsarsMum replied to TsarsMum's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Question For A Friend About Agession
TsarsMum replied to TsarsMum's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
this dog does have good manners but this issue. thats why it threw her owner and me. She is in W.A SOR -
Question For A Friend About Agession
TsarsMum replied to TsarsMum's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
i said the same but she just wanted opinions on it she is in W.A south of the river -
Hi i have a friend (i dont want to go into too much detail about said person) She has asked me what i think and im not sure so i thought i would ask on here. She has a Spitz breed dog. She is a lovely lovely dog with great manners and has had alot of training. BUT she has this thing that IF she is doing something naughty and her owner says NO at her in a gowly voice (this dog has never been hit or anything like that) she will spin around and growl. its not been one time its been a few. She is semi standing her ground at the owner Growl at her and then will bolt. The dog was not cornerd or anything. She has chidren and is concern understandably Said dog has been known to do things like leap onto the couch and then when told to get off she will growl at the owner. and then will get off. what do you think??
Saw My First South African Boerboel Today!
TsarsMum replied to RiverStar-Aura's topic in General Dog Discussion
I LOVE the look and what these dogs sound like. but do they drul (sp) -
i think MOST dogs give warning. but as a dog groomer i have seen dogs who do not warn and just snap at you. I can read most dogs but the ones i was always careful of where border collies. I had 2 just snap at me. no warning. My vet boss said then same that there is some dogs that just dont warn you. they just snap. this was not from a newbie vet and a extrealy good vet at that. also the parents or the owners might not be able to read the dogs. hope the little one has a full recovery and can learn to love dogs again.
my samoyed is an outside sleeping dog he as a pup was soo noisey during the night and one night i just went back to bed. he was happy out the back and so he sleeps out there. he was just too hot in the house.
i agree with others you need to get some propper help him. he has done it once and it needs to be fixed before there is a next time and he makes contact and then it might mean putting him to sleep. I would not be playing the waiting game. As vigilent as you might be it might be your back gets turned for a few seconds and thats all it takes for something to go terribly wrong. and with more then one child its easy to take your eyes off them.
Hey the cat is desexed and has been since before i got her. She was 18 months old when we got her and we have had her for a few years now. Thanks of all the suggestions much apprecited.
hi guys. the reason why is is not desexed is that it makes them loose there coat alot more and as we only have 1 dog at a time him being entire was not really an issue. I believe he is marking not just peeing. He is very obediant normaly. he listens to me straight away. i would not say he is naughty (bar this) He is 1 and does 1 year old things but i would say he was a terror at all. bar 1 other issue this has only been it. i was thinking back on when i think he has done it and it seems to be when him and the cat have been playing heaps. he leaves her when i say so just will go back to her after a bit and start playing. I have today being a nice day put the cat out and got him in and he has not even looked sideways at anything been really good and not done anything wrong. he has played with the kids and is now sitting at my feet. Out the back he only pees on the grass he has never peed on anything eles. the trigger is the cat and seems to be when they play for ages. maybe when he gets worked up he does it??? He is not agressive or nasty to the cat. She will actually come back for more. She is a bengal and is as loud cat. Just seems to get over the top and trys to hump her and then the peeing thing has happened Im thinking of ending the cat and him playing and if he is in I'll have her somewhere so he cant get to her and see if this helps more... then reteaching him that she is not to be played with at all. Do you think this may help?? thanks for all your thoughts and sugestions Just so you know what traing he does know. he sits drops on hand signal and by just voice. he stays, does touch, shakes paws by saying left or right. he does stand. He will not touch his tea with out my say so and he will not look at his tea he keeps eye contact with me, He heals. gives, goes back. He is not a bad mannered dog i have done ALOT of work with him
Hey im in need of some advise. My samoyed has taken to marking. I believe he is marking where our female indoor cat goes. This morning was the first time i actually courght him in the act. another time he did it on her litter tray and i think but we cant be 100% certin it was him (cat has issues her self when stressed) on a beanbag, I have blocked off the path to the back of the house so 1 she can get peace as he harrasses her to no end. and 2 as thats where the litter tray is. SO this morning he peeéd on the thing blocking the way. He has also been courght trying to hump the cat which he was told no for and sent outside. I have also been keeping a much better eye as the cat gets sick of it but will not go away just screams. so i now watch him at all times and tell him to leave her and he will listern for a bit and will go back. He is not desexed and is 1 I am prepared to desex him if this will help really im happy to do anything. anyways HELP thanks heaps
Hey im in need of some advise. My samoyed has taken to marking. I believe he is marking where our female indoor cat goes. This morning was the first time i actually courght him in the act. another time he did it on her litter tray and i think but we cant be 100% certin it was him (cat has issues her self when stressed) on a beanbag, I have blocked off the path to the back of the house so 1 she can get peace as he harrasses her to no end. and 2 as thats where the litter tray is. SO this morning he peeéd on the thing blocking the way. He has also been courght trying to hump the cat which he was told no for and sent outside. I have also been keeping a much better eye as the cat gets sick of it but will not go away just screams. so i now watch him at all times and tell him to leave her and he will listern for a bit and will go back. He is not desexed and is 1 I am prepared to desex him if this will help really im happy to do anything. anyways HELP thanks heaps
you 2 lovelys need big and you are both
where i am the pups class's are not held in a high dog traffic area (in club rooms). you can start them now or wait. totally up to you
I have learnt alot from this forum and taken alot of advise but one thing i think i should not have taken was about not being able to take pups food and give it back or pat pup while eating. I did this with my first dog and after reading all the stuff on here i did not with my current and he ended up my resource guarder. He was not bad but i got help as soon as it started. I wont make that mistake again. I want to know that if my dog gets something like a cooked bone i can get it back with out the worry of been bitten. I now can not trust him (as much as you can trust any dog) with being able to remove things he is not allowed. Sounds like you are on track with your pup good luck.