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Everything posted by rusty&biscuit

  1. Nala is lovely! You must be so excited, and how nice you'll have her home in time for Christmas :) EtH, don't worry I am the same! I remember when I was contacting Biscuit's breeder I was so nervous, especially because there were other people wanting one of the 2 pups and I was terrified I'd say something wrong! :laugh: Good luck with the breeder, is it a racing husky, if you don't mind me asking? Marg I am the same, will be a few years for me by the time I get enough money to move out, find somewhere pet friendly, and then get another dog...so I always pop in here and the other puppy thread to get my puppy fix :D Dachies are lovely little dogs, good luck with your search, no matter how long it may be, the perfect pup/dog will turn up :) Heroeswit, what a lovely pack you have! Precious is very cute :D Whippytails, any puppy news for you yet? :) ETA sorry DD I didn't see your post! What breed are you planning on getting? :)
  2. BB I'm so sorry how awful for you Ticks are such horrid little things
  3. I do it all the time! If I am going for a morning run, which is 9kms, I only bring rusty. Then if I do my 5km circuit both the boys come, but Cherry stays at home because she's too old to keep up. They are used to it now, they know whoever is left will still get their turn. When I only had 2 and was taking one to training it would make me feel better to give the left one a nice treat like a chicken frame
  4. Yes DD I don't blame people for guessing he is a pom or a pom X, I'll admit they look a bit similar :) I just don't want anyone thinking I've fallen into the designer breeds, you know, that Biscuit is some sort of magical non-shedding pomeranian X
  5. Do you get people guessing at the breed? I usually get Pom X, Pug X (because of the tail) or they think she is my Kelpie's puppy. When I say 'Schipperke' they invariably say 'a what'. I feel like I have to launch into the history of the breed in order to make them believe that it's not a made up name for a designer breed. I am also surprised at the amount of attention she gets. I always figured they looked pretty generic as well. A pug X, that's interesting :laugh: Yes, usually always a pom or pom X, and if he's in his crate at a show he's been a kelpie puppy and a GSD puppy :laugh: I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks they look a bit generic But I agree, you can't get away with saying "it's a schipperke" just once, it's always "a what!?" followed by a brief description of the breed, because no, it is a designer dog :p
  6. I used to, but can't do it anymore when I just no that there is no chance of anymore dogs! Hank looks like he was a lovely boy :)
  7. Loved reading through the thread and hearing everyone's stories! To those of you walking 5-6 dogs, that's awesome! Would definately turn my head if I saw you in the streets :laugh: I myself quite enjoy getting attention :laugh: Walking the 3 dogs usually gets a few comments, then people will often comment and/or talk about Rusty and/or Biscuit. Poor Cherry is the one who'd really appreciate all the attention the most, but no one is particularly attracted to the little generic staffy mix! Have to add, I find it interesting how different people would be attracted to different dogs. If I didn't own a schipperke, to me, they are not the most amazing, head turning dogs (it's their temperament that won me over!), however so many people are so intrigued by Biscuit. Whereas if I see an Aussie, or a striking red and tan kelpie, or nicely bred ACD, it really captures my attention. And giant fluffies like newfies :D What breeds would have your heads turning?
  8. Such a majestic looking dog! Good luck with your move, am looking forward to seeing pictures of your 'American menagerie' :)
  9. Hehe love all the photos! Cherry sleeps on my bed, Rusty is a weirdo and prefers to be outside, so he gets free rein of the yard and sleeps wherever he wants, and up until a few weeks ago Biscuit was also on the bed, but since having the aircon on he's decided he can't hold his bladder long anymore So he's outside with Rusty, but I have a crate out there that he chooses to go into.
  10. Aw isn't he just gorgeous! Love the last photo, he looks so wise and dignified. I love wonky eared dogs, I have a wonky-eared oldie myself
  11. Just went through this entire thread, Sumo is just so beautiful! Certainly seems that he brings smiles to a lot of DOLers, me now included! Glad to hear he has recovered from his injury, I look forward to the next lot of photos to be posted :D
  12. Love the first one of Collie, you've done a great job on his clip You have two very cute dogs on your hands! And Scud is very good too, looks like one laid-back dude :laugh:
  13. So if they had two of these jack russell crosses, would it be inappropriate if I was to yell across the street "nice jugs!"
  14. Here I see a lot of cross breeds, mainly medium sized staffy mix looking dogs, and working dog mixes. I always get excited when I see a different breeds, especially the pedigree ones, like the bernese mountain dog that came into my work, the japanese akita and the airdale. Don't get me wrong, I also adore cross-breeds, I have my own little pound mutt who I think is the most beautiful girl in the world :D I agree kiwifeathers, frenchies have had a huge rise in numbers it seems.
  15. Before the boys, I had Cherry and another bull breed mix, Lassie. Both females, both spayed. They got on much better than the boys get along with each other, and Cherry even got on and liked Lassie a lot more than she likes the boys. They did fight a lot more than the 3 I have now, but they actually used to groom each other, snuggle together and play together...none of which Cherry does with the boys. I always thought girls and boys were supposed to get along best but apparently not in this house...Cherry just plays hard to get I think :laugh:
  16. Sorry, just saw this. That is very responsible and it's great that you're looking for help early As I said I'm sure someone more knowledgable than myself will jump in with some great advice :) PS, would love to see some pictures of your new puppy :D
  17. I hope you won't leave this child alone in a room with any dog for at least the next 10 years!! I completely agree. No matter how much you trust the dog and child, anything can go wrong. I would never leave a dog and child unsupervized, but unfortunately one day my cousins came over when I was at work, 10 year old was outside with Rusty, mum and aunty got caught up and had to rush inside to get something. In that very short minute, Rusty got over-excited and jumped on my cousin. With Rusty being a vocal boy, and my cousin getting such a fright, he thought he had been attacked by Rusty and that's what he told his mum. Now they all think Rusty is a vicious dog, when I know for a fact that he's not, it was just mums easy mistake for leaving them alone for a minute, my cousins over-excitedness would have triggered Rusty's hyper reaction - I know this because Rusty has done it to me before. Sorry for rambling, but the point is that anything could happen - child could enter dogs personal space, and without you there to see the dogs subtle warnings and stop your child, the dog takes a quick snap to tell child off after ignoring signals, then ultimately the dog pays the price. As for stopping the nipping at the moment, I hope someone more knowledgable than myself can step in and offer some good advice - unfortunately I just don't feel comfortable trying to explain things over the computer :)
  18. What a lovely pack of dogs you have, even though one appears to be a sheep, but we won't tell him that ;)
  19. Aussie3 he's adorable! First thing I'm doing when I can get a place of my own is get a rat...mum didn't mind the mice, but she just won't budge on the "no rats in the house" rule :laugh:
  20. Aw she sounds like my cat Charlie! As annoying as she is I really love her to pieces!
  21. Hmm...have a cat, don't like cats; had fish, never again; had an axylotol, too hot here for them anyway; had hermit crabs, boring; had a cockatiel, don't like birds in cages; had mice, loved them and now would love a rat! I've leased a horse also, would love another if I had enough room, and I would really love a rat! But really, my heart lies with dogs, and I'd chose another dog over any other animal any day :D
  22. They've taught me far too much to list, but most importantly they've taught me what it is to be loyal, and how much I value this trait...in people as well as dogs. I will also be forever grateful to "Lassie", my first ever puppy of my very own who was given to be on Christmas when I was 7, who led me to my passion.
  23. Wow, I don't watch or read the news, never realized how horrendous these fires are Everyone affected, please stay safe, my thoughts are with you at this worrying time.
  24. I love it when people are interested in my dogs, I love talking to people, especially when they have an interest in my lovely dogs :D Most people do ask before patting which is nice, and I always thank the children who ask first
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