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  1. I know that in reality only I can answer the question, but maybe someone (a Pinscher owner/breeder?) can give me a clue. First of all, I have raised a very energetic and brave little Jack Russell who recently passed away, so I'm no stranger to dealing with an attention commanding dog (she was still playing fetch the night before she died! ). I also have the polar-opposite in a Maltese x Shih Tzu x Bichon (My Mum's dog) who is quite independent and more than content with a 50 minute daily walk. I definitely preferred the energy and affection of my JR, but anything too much more might be a bit difficult to handle. I'm looking for a dog that will be a close companion of mine and of course I will give it a good walk daily and make sure it gets plenty of playtime, but I don't have the health to take it jogging consistently and I also have a pretty small backyard. Basically I need to know that I won't be doing the dog a disservice by having it on a small property and not being able to jog with it every day. Also from experience, are they willing to relax at night time, or are they all go?
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