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  1. Quick update I am already getting dramatic improvements in these dogs over the last few days using suggestions posted here. They are even starting to approach without me having to have treats, happy to receive a pat and some attention. Thanks Nekhbet the advice of totally ignoring the behaviour really seems to have been the key.
  2. thank you for all your quick repies the dogs have come from a breeder but neither of them have bred yet as only just old enough to do so. the breeder has other dogs and was just getting out of breeder cockers. they were on property out of town, quite a long distance from me and I met her halfway so didn't see the dogs in their home environment. the dogs just shy away no warnings or any sort of aggression, they even at times follow me around when I'm doing things outside and want to be near me but if I turn toward them they shy away unless they're unable to get away quickly and then they'll accept a pat etc. ( sounds a bit weird to me!!) I will be taking them to my local dog training club I just wanted to let them settle a bit first. I am going to try your suggestions of separating them to help with bonding and I was just reading pinned forum on triangle of temptation which says works with shy dogs. thank you
  3. I'm a bit new to forums and this is first time I've posted one, so please bare with me. I need some advice on two dogs I have recently purchased. two cocker spaniels female 18mths and male nearly 2. as it turns out I think these dogs have had very little human interaction. Now I was told that the female was a bit shy and the male had quite a playful personality, and that they had no experience with small children. I have had these dogs for nearly a month and although they have coped with my children they still just run away from me all the time. now they are fine once I have a hold of them I can do anything with them (groom etc) but won't willingly come to me ( the only one they seem to let get close enough to catch them is my 3yr old daughter). I've not had previous experience with overly shy dogs. the funny thing is when I come home they are really excited to see me, (wagging tails, jumping around), but if I try to pat them they run. I have had progress with lead trainging as they had had none. We took them to the beach and they loved it. The male will come and take treats from my hand, but will take off if my hand moves toward him. the female won't take any food from anyone. It has as I say been only a month, I just thought I would have seen better progress from them, or am I expecting too much? Any advice would be appreciated. thank you
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