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Everything posted by Amerigo

  1. You take her to the vet and get a progesterone test done, you will then know whe she is ready to mate Thank you!
  2. Thanks for the advice! I show horses on the weekends - zero time for dog showing to be honest. It is not something I am highly interested in. BUT.. I do want to breed healthy, correct dogs with good temperaments. Getting the stud prefix etc, is the easy part - the hard part is the knowledge of breeding itself! So, how does one breed a bitch who doesnt bleed? How will you know how many days along she is in her cycle?
  3. I breed Pure Spanish Horses, and have been wanting to get into dog breeding for a long time. We have a nice bitch who adheres nicely to the breed standards and is a good height (not over height like many Amstaffs these days). She is a nice Terrier type, with a very good movement and a temperament to match. We have had nothing but positive comments from breeders when she was younger and went to breed society training. One lady said she was 'on the small side', but She has measured on the lower end of the breed standard which I am more than happy with. The same breeder that we got her from is quite well known and shows quite successfully - we saw many youngsters out at shows before we decided to buy a pup from them. That is why we were so shocked about the whole ordeal we had to go through with registration. I specifically want to breed my bitch with a moderate type male, with a nice boxy face and good temperament - I think the terrier type x the moderate type will result in some nice stock which I would hope to retain for future breedings. I have a breeding 'plan' so to speak - I just find that the dog world seems to be very anti new people breeding. i can understand there are some very valid reasons for this, but why discourage responsible people who want to breed lovely healthy and quality dogs? How else do people get into the breeding 'scene'?
  4. Unfortunatly, we had a lot of trouble with the breeders, who didnt do the right thing and bred their bitch too young (which we only found out later through the canine association). So we really cut ties with them after we found out about that. I do have a friend who breeds a lot of small breeds who has said she will help me through the pregnancy, but she doesnt understand how I could not have seen any blood on my bitch's season... So I am asking the greater dog world for some general advice!
  5. I have a lovely 2yo full register Amstaff bitch whom I would like to breed with in the near future. i have MANY questions! 1. She has had a season before - her always largish vulva gets even more swollen so it is quite obvious that she is in season, but I have never seen even a single drop of blood...and she sleeps in bed, so I am worried I am going to miss her most fertile days for breeding...any tips? 2. How to tell when your bitch will have her next season???? Or is it always at end of winter for spring time birth? 3. Can any one recommend vets in Perth (south) for health testing (ataxia and Hip score)? 4. I do have a friend who breeds some small breeds who will help me with the actual birth - what I really need is help getting the 'buns in the oven' LOL - Is there a stock standard procedure, or does it depend on the individual, and the breed? thanks!
  6. yikes okay, well she comes to see my horses with me and they do have a golden retriever who still has nuts....but i watched closely and there was no funny business... i will keep her inside from now on lol! She has been swollen for about one week....as you guys say, i think the blood is yet to come. thank you guys! i thought she might of has some weird vaginal infection or something...!
  7. we have recently been through this with our Amstaff pup. we did the whole vet thing which was a waste of time but has to be done...we knew she had ALLERGIES and not just parasites. We got a refferal to murdoch for allergy testing... she is allergic to pine, many grasses, some pollens etc...... we also have had her on a strict grain free diet as we think she also displauys allergy symptoms when fed this. To save yourself some money.. try an elimination diet. First eliminate all grains, and feed sweet potato as the carb, and a different meat, like kangaroo. If she settles down and improves her condition in 6 weeks or so, you know you have food allergies there.
  8. My 10 month old Amstaff bitch has always been 'large' in her nether regions lol. She spent two nights in a kennel while we were away last week, and when we picked her up, the guy said she was in season... Her 'area' is all puffy and enlarged, and her vulva looks a bit swollen and redder than normal...BUT i thought dogs bled when they are in season...no bleeding here! what the hell is going on with my dog?! She is also more sensitive there too
  9. any ideas??? also what is an acceptable age to start breeding from them should they receive good test results?
  10. As a horse breeder and trainer who knows the industry well, i will just warn you that most of the horses that go for dog meat have been fed pain killers/anti inflammatories etc before death as they are mostly ex pacers and racehorses. be careful!
  11. her ears are nearly always 'perfect' nowadays! these pics were taken when she was about 10 weeks old - she is now 9 months!
  12. Thanks Clyde! It doesnt really bother me, but we were interested in showing 'Bella' and i was wondering if it was something that would be marked down in the ring and if it was something i can change. Seems the answer is 'no' to both of my questions!
  13. ive got no idea about colour genetics...but as you can see, mum was very blue!
  14. Ok, her dad is 'blue fawn' and mum is blue... don't know any other genetics... Dad: Showsome whiteheat Lucifer: mum: Jenchristo Blue Sasha:
  15. Do you know if they are marked down in the show ring?
  16. ABOVE: this is when she was a bit younger...looking quite bronze all over which happens sometimes but not too often... BELOW: NORMAL!!!! BELOW: the patches i'm talking about...
  17. My Amstaff is 'blue'... but she often appears a bronze colour on certain days...and seems to have symetrical bronzey patches on her 'withers' (top of her shoulders). What causes this?! How can I fix it! working on pictures now....
  18. great, thankyou! I am still concerned that she is easily ploughing through a whole kilo of meat every day!
  19. ok - she occasionally gets a roo tail... I really don't think she is allergic to different meats; our vet was the one who recommended roo. will chicken necks be a good daily bone to give?
  20. Hi Guys, I'm new to pedigree dogs, and new to the american staffordshire breed. Our puppy has allergies to many grasses, but I also suspect she has allergies to wheat and wheat by-products. We have been feeding her kangaroo meat and potato for the last 2 months which seems to work well. i am however, concerned at the amount she eats and also if this is a balanced diet for her. She is currently eating 1 kg of meat a day, plus 6 medium sized potatoes per day with some calcium powder and olive oil... Should she be eating this much meat every day?! she currently weighs 20kg and looks healthy/sleek.
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