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Everything posted by Edenishy

  1. Thanks for those great suggestions......something I will be looking into more for sure! Feel free to keep them coming! I am after a "general" training class to begin with (and will most likely extend afterwoods to advance puppy and obedience etc) but like mentioned, without clickers and without puppy free for alls during class time.
  2. I cannot offer advise sadly....im three weeks away from getting my first ever puppy/dog. I just wanted to say though, your puppy us absolutely adorable!!
  3. Dear Brisvagans, Ipswichians, Sunshine Coasters etc (basically anywhere in the South East)...im hoping you might be able to help me out a little. In 3 weeks and 2 days time, I will finally be introducing my first ever puppy/dog into the family..im just about ready, supply wise (spent over $500 today alone! I think I have been to every pet shop in a 100m radius) however I am having troubles finding some services to help me along...mainly being a great vet and some top rated training. In my local area, there are soooo many vets So so many...and I guess thats a good thing but then it makes the choice very confusing. Does anyone highly suggest any great vets?? I have one vet I use but only because they specialize in birds (those are a more rare breed of vet) I dont really mind where it is...im thinking central to Brisbane would be ideal as even if we moved (and we wouldnt move to far out of the city), it would be pretty quick and easy to get to in an emergency but when it comes down to it I will consider branching out a little to get that extra quality of service. Sadly, the only friends or family with pets are the inlaws and the vet they use, they claim is ok but just, ok. They claim they would like to find a better one but because the one they use is so close, they have gone for convenience over quality. Is it ethical to "interview a vet before choosing them and what sort of questions would one ask etc. I would prefer a more personal vet...not one of the hospital type ones where you may see different vets each visit etc. Secondly, im having trouble finding the right trainer/school. Some have been suggested and im still looking into them but again, because the choice is so large, again its confusing. Im willing to travel from the tweed coast to the top of the sunshine coast for that right trainer. There is one place that I think would be the perfect choice. Sadly its out of state and the prospect of using them, getting to them, even if it was just a week is not possible at the moment. The do offer distance learning however this is a method im not to good at these days (was ok when I was studing nursing). I learn much more and get more motivated with hands on training and studying. I have read many books on training, watched many DVDs but it's not something i would feel comfortable doing, completely on my own. Does anyone know of any exceptional training schools. I don't think I want one however that does puppy free for alls (off leash etc. My inlaws great dane was seriously attacked during his puppy school training) and I would prefer one that doesn't use clickers. Any help, advise etc would be highly appreciated as this, as a first time owner, is finding this process very confusing and overwhelming.
  4. My first puppy, arriving here at her new home in 3 weeks..... She is a beagle....what am I in for?! hehehe Question if I may...don't mean to sidetrack though.. Some people, here and elsewhere have suggested that a Beagle is not the right dog for a newbie (I have wanted one since I was a young kid and 30 odd years later im ready to take on the challange) However, when i was at the Royal Brisbane Show on Saturday, watching the beagles on show....each and every one of them seemed so well behaved...so calm. (edit - even the puppie classes) A friend that was with me even went so far to say they were most likely doped up. Does this seriously happen or is it just a case of some very well trained, well behaved Beagles? Because if those beagles were anything to go by, Beagles would seem to make the perfect first dog. I guess it all comes down to what a owner us up for....high energy, detailed and lengthy grooming sessions etc Thinking about it, I don't see why any breed wouldnt make a first great dog. As long research is done, the right puppy is picked and proper training and stimulation is practiced what would be the problem?? My inlaws got a Great Dane as their first dog and he is just a gem....a real sweetie (except when he wants to sit on your lap to watch tv....or if his wagging tail whacks you in the nether regions. Now they have a dalmatian and although they are now pretty well experienced with the Dane, the Dalmatian is giving them some issues (jumping up and been toilet training for about 4 months now with little success but then, he is a pup still. Of course im a newbie and have nooo real experience on this matter, only that as a young kid. Just my observations so far.
  5. I don't believe I have made any wrong choices at this stage but like mentioned, I now wonder if I have looked for everything that I should be to ensure me and the puppy get the best chance from the start, so to speak. I did also pick this breeder by default in a way....we have already waited many years and we were growing impatient (but not enough to adopt from a pet shop) I recently moved back to QLD after being in SA for 10 or so years. In SA, I was on a breeders (highly recommended) list to receive a puppy but years later, our name still hadn't come up as we were picky in the fact that we wanted a girl, with certain colors (tri) of "show quality". With the breeder being "one of the best" in SA, the waiting list was a long one. At that stage we were happy to wait for that right puppy to come along. So on the move back to QLD, the want for a puppy increased and in March-April this year, we began researching breeders here in QLD. After many calls to the few highly respected breeders here, we were put onto the breeder we are dealing with now. She doesnt breed often but intended to this year, and has successfully, hence we are getting our puppy in 3.5 weeks time! She has bred a few champions and her dogs also come from a long line of various champions etc. Even though she is in QLD, she is very far away from us so we havent actually met her or her dogs and puppies in person. I guess this itself makes me wonder alot as I have never really dealt with something as important as this in such a manner. Its always been very hands on, personal. (not with someone I have never actually met) She has a small pack of only a few dogs. We have been there from the start...she let us know when she discovered the mating was successful..we were the first people she got in touch with, after a night of no sleep, to let us know about the birth, even though at that stage, it was far from certain that there was a puppy suitable for us. (That has only been confirmed within the last week) She believes at least 2 of her puppies are showing signs of being great show dogs...they seem to have great coats and markings...and with them walking and playing now etc, she believes they are showing great promise. We still don't know out of the two, which will become our new puppy. All others, as far as I know will be placed on the limited registry. She was excited in the fact that we wanted to show and from what I understand, this itself bumped us up her waiting list. There hasnt been a great need to ask alot of questions as she likes to talk. Most conversations are one sided but in this case its a great thing as she covers any questions before we even need to ask! She is very friendly and seems very honest. She also seems to seriously love, anything dog realted. To be honest, I don't believe she is better, or I should say, as well known as other breeders (that have won many awards) that were contacted...however it was those other breeders that suggested we get in touch with her in the first place. This makes me feel comfortable that we have made a good decision. With that said though, this is our first puppy/dog as adults and my experience in breeders up until now is nil. I guess im just a newbie to this all and that makes me constantly questions my decisions and actions....which is to be expected. The good thing about such is that it forces me to constantly research etc but book smart is one thing, experience is another. I haven't had a dog since I was a kid, I havent had a dog since I was 14. My parents used to show Dachshunds and I had one of my own, up until I was 14. I was never really involved in the showing however and my actual dog was never shown. I feel confident that I will make a great owner to my dog and give it everything it needs but with little experience I guess it makes me questions every little aspect. Typing this all out though has made me feel more confident again in my choice and decision in breeder. I think. hehe. Just to hear stories that people adopt from what they believe to be a great and reputable breeder only to later find out otherwise makes one wonder.
  6. 3.5 loooong weeks to go for me. It's getting so close now...yet is soooo far away. Don't think I havent thought about requesting a medically induced coma! Been busy sewing bedding and blankets etc over the last week, thats helped time go by....I think I have visited most pet stores in a 100km radius, looking at/for supplies and toys etc.
  7. What signs, do you think, would one look out for when choosing a good, repsected registered breeder of high quality? I have 3.5 weeks to go before I get my first puppy/dog (on main register to show) from what I believe is a good registered breeder but after reading this thread, I cannot help but wonder now if I made the right choice.
  8. She is a Beagle. These are the 2 potentials at 2.5 weeks old. This is the main one we are looking at, at the moment (with the butt of the second one in the foreground)
  9. 4 Looooooong weeks to go for me! I thought I was excited a week ago.....keeps growing by the hour! Getting a little scared too I must admit...with it being my first puppy/dog as an adult. Ive waiting over 30 years for this! I think I just about have everything now for the puppies arrival...got a traditional crate, plastic travel crate, some toys, grooming items (nail peti trimmer, shampoo, combs/brushes, toothpaste etc), collars, leads etc. I even went to a Build your own teddy shop where I built a teddy bear...complete with a heartbeat for that puppy that misses its litter siblings! This puppy sure will be spoilt! Ive spent more in it in the last 4 weeks than I have on myself in 4 years! Backyard is puppy proof even though for the first few months she will be fully supervised while outdoors. Fence is fully secure and all toxic plants have been removed (tomatoes etc) Indoors is almost puppy proof....Im sure the puppy will test that tho and it will be an ongoing process. Ive been making my own bedding and blankets and although its my first time on a sewing machine (or a needle and thread even!), and im teaching myself, im quite happy with the results! Even have zippers for easy washing! Im quite proud of myself if I do say so. And its all done on one of those mini 50 dollar machines! I can't stop looking at the photos the breeder sent me of the two potential puppies I can choose from (getting show puppy so getting first pick so to speak and the breeder is almost certain that there is at least 2 of show quality) Trying to join Dogs Queensland which seems to be trickier than expected. Its been about 6 weeks now and about 3 phone calls and im still waiting on a membership pack to be sent out so I can read up, apply for membership etc. Looking forward to the EKKA this weekend to see some doggies in show action. How can I make time go faster?! Time keeps going slower and slower. I think I have read EVERYTHING I possibly can about the breed and puppies and training and health etc...well ok, not everything but ALOT. Its to the point now where im re reading everything. Still get confused though on tick/worm and flea treatments...I will discuss this more with a vet once I find a really good one. There are toooo many in the local area and no one I know has pets so cant suggest any. I also gotta find the right trainer too. Wish I could sleep for 4 weeks!! if only it were that easy.
  10. Doesn't time seem to go soooo slow when waiting for a puppy! My potential pup was born 3 weeks ago so there is at least 5 weeks to go. The last 2 weeks has felt like 3 years...whats the next 5 going to be like?!
  11. G'day, I was hoping someone could help me.. I need to get a crate for a beagle and I was wondering what the best size to get would be, for an adult beagle? (that I dont have yet) Im getting some conflicting information...some people and some sites are saying it shouldnt be more than 30" but then some are saying it should be 36". Some say the bigger the better...some say if its too big it can cause issues. I am meant to be picking up a 30" crate this afternoon but now am wondering if I should upsize. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Can anyone suggest any great puppy training classes or trainers in the Brisbane area or surrounding areas eg Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast as I am willing to travel to ensure my soon to be puppy gets the best start.
  13. All your puppies are sooooo cute!! Im another to add to this list of people waiting for a puppy... Ive been waiting about 4 years...I was living in Adelaide for 8 years and while there we went on a waiting list to adopt a female Beagle, of "show quality" and is tri colored. We have been soo ready for a puppy that we have even had a puppy bed, crate, food and water bowls and a stuffed toy (with a heartbeat!) etc for about 3 years! Sadly, our name never came up but upon moving back to Brisbane, we started looking into local breeders and with a bit of effort and luck, we have found a breeder that we are quite impressed by and after waiting for what seems like an eternity, our potential puppy (who will be our only child, furry or not) was born about 2 weeks ago. Never did I think that 8ish weeks would go sooo slow! It's going to be a loooong wait. How did you all cope?! I thought researching, preparing, "text book" learning would help time go faster but I think its actually making time go slower.
  14. I was reading more about neutralizing as it seems very interesting and to me it makes alot of sense.. I couldnt help but wonder though, how does one teach a puppy to ignore other people?
  15. I often feel like im doing the same..but thankfully, the breeder seems of high quality, so to speak, and has been nothing less than extremely helpful, welcoming etc. She was even so kind enough to inform me of the puppies arrival only hours after the birth! She wanted us to know before she officially announced the arrival! Still though, I often feel like I must be driving them nuts with all my questions and concerns etc.
  16. We haven't decided on a name yet but have a few we have narrowed it down to. ATM, Buffy seems to be a favorite....as does Greta or Gretel. Thankfully, I have read about the importance of crate training etc and we already have the crate ready to go. We had always planned on getting her into training and puppy school from day one pretty much however I have been reading many horror stories and it's made me question it a little. In a few weeks we are going to visit the training school we had planned on using to watch a puppy class. We have other family members that have used them and have not a bad word to say but I will feel better about checking it out before hand anyway. They do have new classes starting weekly which is good if we do go down that route (which we most likely will) as then we will be able to start training without delay. We understand the importance of training a Beagle one way or another. The breeder will be doing at home training too of course before the puppy comes to her new home.
  17. PS - Thanks again for all your honest and interesting posts.. I know it can be tricky for some to admit "mistakes" but we do learn from such all the same! I expect to make many small errors of judgement but I at least can try to minimize such and with your help, thats making it more possible.
  18. Wow... thanks for all the wonderful replies so far. You certainly have given me a lot to think about! My little one is a beagle. She was born almost 2 weeks ago yet it feels like it was last year! It's going to be a long 7 weeks but i'm ok with that, gives me more time to get ready, research, research research. My plan was to have a "pet" however I always wanted to show a little too. That depends however on how the little one grows in the next couple of weeks. The breeder has 1 in mind that she thinks will meet the standards, we are just waiting to see how she walks etc. As good as it is to research the specifics of training and showing etc, its hard to get a good feel of peoples real life experiences...hence my question above so all your replies I find very interesting. I will no doubt have a few questions about some of the things mentioned...need to process all those great tips etc first tho. One thing that did raise a flag however was the mention of neutralizing over socializing. Would someone mind explaining this a little more. I have read over and over how I need to get onto socializing straight away so find this interesting. I also like the idea of the oil to stop chewing of furniture too...how does this work exactly? Anyway, I will leave it at that for now....process all this great information.. Im off to look for those DVDs mentioned above now!
  19. Getting my first puppy as an adult, ive been reading, researching....getting consumed by the world of canine companions.. never has time gone so slowly while I await the arrival of my puppy in 7ish weeks time. Anyway, I was thinking, while I prepare.. What would be the one thing you would have done differently upon bringing a puppy (or dog for that matter) into the home?
  20. Please excuse my ignorance.. Ive been researching dogs for a while now (in prep for getting one) and one thing I can't seem to find any info about is names. All the pedigrees I see have, what some might consider, to be odd names as opposed to singular names like Fido etc. I understand and personally like that these "odd" names make a dog much more distinctive and individual but I do have to wonder how people come up with these names. I also wonder how people come up with the breeders prefix. Theres some really interesting names out there! Do they just get assigned or ?? Finally, theres another name thing I don't understand....and can't seem to find any information on it.. Is it the registered breeder that decides what a puppy is called or is it left to the adopter? If the breeder decides when registering the litter or puppies, does the new owner usually give the dog a pet name or do they just use a shorter version of the breeders prefix and name (I think its called Pedigree name?) ? I was reading thru dogs QLD rules and it did have a section about naming and mentioned names you couldn't use...common names etc. Is this in regards to any member naming any dog with any name or is this in relation to what the breeder calls the dog after the prefix? What is a common name too? Is it like "fido" or "Spot"? Does it include human names like Bob or Charlie? I do hope some of these questions make sense. I've never been so confused about names! I will look forward to seeing some of the answers from above. Thanks in advance for your help! Being the newbie that I am, im sure there will be more silly questions in the future.
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