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Everything posted by Genabee

  1. Finally photobucket cooperated! Here is my upstairs dog! I think she thinks her crate is part house part hammock!
  2. Hi Lovelies! Sorry I have been a bit slack again. I've had a few days of being slack in general and just taking it easy as haven't been feeling so great. Genevieve the little bugger! We have lost another corner of the couch (that is now 3 corners we have gaffer taped!) and last night she thought she would try and chew the iron cord - while it was plugged in!!! I was ironing away and I didn't realise, but she was lying under the ironing board, chomping on the bloody cord!!!! It wasn't until I flipped the table cloth around to do the other side, that I saw her under there!!!!! I've been a bad dog mum... She hasn't been walked in about a week as I have been having issues with my back (I now have to wear this hideous back brace thing to keep me upright), so walking and sitting for long periods haven't been fun. So, anyone wanting an extra mutlet to walk, please save me from my goat-dog. :rofl: In the meant time, she seems to be happy chatting up the mail man, or sliding off my lap while I am lying on the couch! Sorry for the me post - I have skimmed through the last few pages.
  3. Clastic - It has been drawn to my attention that I mixed Mars and Pepper up in my last post!!! I am sorry!!! I hope the doglets won't be offended! I could blame any number of things at the moment... Their ears are so similar in colour, it was difficult to tell them apart!
  4. Hi Lovelies. Been a crazy few days, so have just managed to skim through the last few pages. I am loving all the pics! Clastic, that one of Mars asleep against the wall!! And KTB, I LOVE the evil dog shot!!! The size of the biscuit on Elbie's nose made me laugh! I don't think Genevieve's nose is as big as the biscuit!!!!!!! Well, Genevieve's flirting with the postman has paid dividends. She hangs out the front around midday every day to obtain her 'pat' from the postman. Should we not have mail and he keep riding past, she barks at him! So now, he always stops at our mail box, even when he doesn't have mail for us! So the other day, he stops past (leaving no mail), but has a present for Genevieve! He had bought her a ball!!! Didn't she think she was the ants pants!!! Unfortunately it was one of those soft foam jobs, so it was massicered (sp?) within about 30 minutes. The postman was telling Hubby that he loves coming past our house and chatting to the pooch! And for those who have been feeling deprived of Genevieve destruction stories, she has now destroyed the other corner on the couch. I made the mistake of having a shower this morning and the after effects included more foam and one wagily (as my God-Daughter would say!) tail! Also included one not so happy Mummy!!!!! I do have some photos on my camera, but just haven't had five minutes to myself to load them on to the computer. Will hopefully get a quiet period tomorrow to try!
  5. :p :p :rofl: You have made me chuckle!!! First of all, you all have way better behaved dogs than my mut! I guess because she doesn't get treats anywhere near as fancy as DEVON or STEAK or SAUSAGES! Clearly that is where I went wrong! *Mummy smacks self*. Genevieve gets her cup of Artemis kibble in the morning and generally that is it for the day! We feed her puppy treats that I buy in a bag from the pet shop (beef liver in a biscuit - because they are easy for me to pick up and I don't get it under my nails!) when we need to bribe her and on walks! When we were going to school regularly, I just used her normal kibble, didn't bother so much with the treats. I actually got really annoyed with a lady there who was giving her shredded BBQ chicken (who insisted dogs don't have allergies - clearly she wasn't the one with an itchy dandruffy dog), as we worked out that she is allergic to chicken (or at least large amounts of it doesn't agree with her, after months of diet amendements). Worse than old ladies feeding your toddlers lollies! She gets the knobs of carrots and the odd bone (lamb I think. I just buy a bag of bones from the butcher for $3. They are the right size for my freezer and her little head) from time to time. Like Kuma, she really just likes to lick it and not chew them... after she sneaks them around the house! She nearly does cartwheels for ice cubes! Poor dog. Anyone would think she is from a second rate dog shelter and never gets fed or watered, let alone treats! She must have a secret facebook account and communicates with all your doggies... Hears of them having wonderful treat parties as if they were up the Magic Faraway Tree and she thinks she should have in! As for being coordinated enough to manage treats, clickers and feral psycho dog... I'd need a lot of wine. And I just don't drink at that time of the morning!
  6. Aww.... how cute!! Treasure these moments... I remember someone saying that to me, but I was too busy tearing my hair out. Now I miss (some of) the puppy moments... Like her not being able to walk on the cork floors without sliding....
  7. :D :D Tunnel of Love! ;) :) Bitey Face! :o Thanks Lils! It has certainly taken the edge of the last few months, especially knowing she is healthy!
  8. Totally unrelated to dogs, but for those of you confused by my facebook picture... We found out this morning that we are indeed having a little girl! We are over the moon as we are probably only going to have the one and were secretly hoping for a girl! So, I have a picture of the character 'Madeleine' (although she spells it Madeline), with her dog 'Genevieve' from the kids TV series (was huge when OH and I were little).... The story goes..... We have always loved the name Madeleine and have always said if we have a daughter that will be her name. So when we were adopting a puppy into the family and debating names, we named her Genevieve in the hope that one day, Madeleine would come along. And sure enough, this is exactly what has happened. So a bit of trivia for you, on how our fur kid and soon to be human kid (today she looked more like a seahorse cross dinosaur) got their names.
  9. Hi Lovelies! Minky - I hope K is feeling better soon!! Genevieve felt sorry for herself for a day, but then she was back to her normal skitzo self. Lils - You have to see the funny side in the trashed trampoline!!!! Seek consolation in knowing that it was her own place of comfort that she ate and not yours!!!! Rav - How cool are those snow pics!!! I have never seen snow IRL before! I wish we could have some right now... I am over the heat (and we've only had it a few days!!!) Clastic - Even more of a reason to get a new blender!!! He ruined YOUR present!!!!! I have some pics of Genevieve sitting 'upstairs' on her crate, but haven't uploaded them to the computer yet. Will attempt to this afternoon. I chucked a sicki so not at work today. On the topic of Furbies and phobias... I was never so cool as to have a furbie, but I remember playing with them at friends houses! But I have had a phobia or two in my time! My sister's is the funniest though... if she knows you need to go and pee and you (for whatever reason) don't, she becomes borderline hysterical. Seriously! She gets all worked up into a frenzy. I used to be mean and tell her I needed to go (we used to work together) but then go and serve a customer!!!! The whole time I was with a customer, she would be flipping out!!! She would be in tears by the time I was putting the sale through the EFTPOS machine!
  10. I'm sorry to hear that very cute doglet is missing! I hope she is returned home soon!
  11. KTB - You should have been a comedian! Or a comic writer!
  12. Niques - I spat my drink out in laughter at the pictures of James, particularly his nun impression!!! How adorable is that!! I love that it is a crisp white towel! No way would I be so trusting in our deliquent canine! Betsy - No new tales of destruction, but never fear, the night is still young! Hubby did catch her with a snail collection that she was munching on and proceeded to show me the remains of . I am not sure if his intent was to test my upchuck reflexes, but he was successful. Genevieve of course couldn't understand why I would react in such a way to her delicassy. KTB - I will take a photo of her for you! It is cute, but it does concern me. And she certainly has 'doginality'! I am pretty sure she is running for president of the dog world or something... She gets on her soap box about something and won't for all the treats in China shut up!!! Then of course she sooks.... KA - Poodles were never my preferred pooch either. I must confess, I have never been a big dog person. As a little girl, I was attacked on three separate occasions and even now, I will cross the road to avoid big dogs. I think taking Genevieve to school was as good for me as it was her, because I learnt to relax around bigger dogs. I still can't stand their slober and don't like any dog that jumps. Genevieve has recently only just started this and I think it is because she senses that I am pregnant... She seems to jump on me and not really anyone else . Genevieve is one next month! I would like to say she can have a party, but I have too much else going on and Hubby would give me shit for the next ten years... She will get a treat no doubt and I want to get her a new tag as hers is worn out (and I am bored of it and loving the new tag pics btw!!!!) and just for a laugh, I will see if I can put a party hat on her for a photo! Hubby might tell me off though! Lilli_star - Maybe Ruby is like me and it just has to be really really hot before she gets her toes wet?!! Sorry to hear about the clam shell... Those plastic outdoor toys don't really last long in the heat at the best of times. Have a look on gum tree and see if you can pick one up that someone is getting rid of. Clastic - I meant to say to you... buy a new blender!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no way I would keep mine after those circumstances and ours was an (expensive) engagement present!! I'd be paranoid I would end up with a finger in my milkshake!!
  13. I love this thread!!! KTB - You always manage to make me laugh! You have the most awesome knack with words!! And how awesome is your OH!!! Kuma - You are just as funny! Clastic - I am pleased to hear that Mr Clastic is at home licking his wounds. Rav - I too swear by ice cubes and frozen carrots for teething pups. The carrots also help with doggy breath (which I found to be worse when she was teething). I used to put ice cubes in an old sock and wet myself laughing at Genevieve trying to get them out! Now whenever I open the freezer she comes running! She loves ice! (The frozen water variety, not the drug). How cute is Echo!!! Don't worry Niques, the old lady look is more Genevieve, rather than the Arabian Hoover! Actually, she kinda looks like a horse being saddled up! The daisies on the hand towel definitely give it the granny vibe though. Occasionally we get asked if someone can pat the pooch... normally Genevieve is licking that someone to death first before they get to ask anything! The post man has learnt it makes his day easier if he stops to pat her... She barks at him if he doesn't. I did once have a little girl (she was about three) ask me if she '... could pat my puppy...'. Awww she was so cute! And thankfully Genevieve just sat there and let this little girl accost her! It was beautiful to watch (ok, so I get teary at anything these days...). Well, third night in a row last night that Genevieve has taken to sleeping on top of her crate, rather than in it. Apparently it was too hot down stairs, so she opted for the upstairs view. Today when I came to work I rigged up the fan on top of the dryer, pointing down on her. OH came home to find her on top of the house again! He thinks it is insanely funny. I think it makes her too close to the laundry bench for my liking! I wouldn't run it past her to grow wings and fly one day.
  14. Hello Friends!! Clastic - I hope your other half is alright!!!!! That sounded somewhat horrible! KTB - Sounds like you have had a lovely weekend! I don't like the snake. I am phobic. Seriously - I freak out at pictures, don't go near them at the zoo... Didn't have such a great experience with Brian the snake man when I was 5.... Yes, I should have got over it by now, but seriously!!! Snakes!!!! You can't trust them! Niques - Your dream made me laugh!!! Isn't it weird, the things we dream about!!! Betsy - Sounds as though Ziggy had an awesome time!! Isn't that how we all feel after a big night on the town? ;) It wasn't an awesome night out unless you spend the next day puking! I has been so hot here the last two days, and we don't have air con at home. So after my routine morning swim yesterday, we spent the day on the couch watching some TV series of Simon's... I was doing washing in between. Genevieve was hilarious! She spent the morning lying outside in the grass right under the sun!! She wouldn't come inside and seemed happy enough. Finally she came inside (when we were eating lunch ) and she was SOOOOO hot!!! I draped a wet hand towel over her and she was walking around with that until we went to bed last night! I should have taken pictures, it was pretty cute! She kept sucking on ice cubes, but wouldn't drink from her bowl... Even though I kept giving her fresh water!!! Of course, all she wanted to do was sit in our lap... and I am here to tell you, this fatti-pumba who has her own global warming thing happening at the best of times, did not appreciate a wet-dog smelling, hot fur ball in her lap!!!!! PS - Loving all the pics!!!
  15. Ooohhh you've done chores!!!! Aren't you good!!! Husband hasn't phoned or sms'd any dog related disasters in... this is good!
  16. How is everyone today? Very quiet in here... I am at work, no idea what pooch is doing. She was naughty and woke me up very early this morning... after what felt like just managing to fall asleep! Melbourne looks like getting some of the warm weather for the next couple of days, so no doubt G will spend her days lying in front of the aircon!
  17. Hi! Wow, you guys have been really feeling the heat!!!! We have had such mild weather! Apparently Monday is going to be warm, but then back down again on Tuesday.... No KTB, Genevieve hasn't done anything particularly destructive in the last 24 hours! Hubby was a good man and got up early to her this morning when she started (I wasn't feeling very well so I stayed in bed for a bit), though he didn't feed her or bring her water bowl out! I didn't notice until I got up a few hours later!!!!!! Poor dog! When I put it all out for her though, she just looked at it, then back at me as if to say 'Can't you find something more interesting than kibble and water for that thing?'. She has been a sook the last day or so. She loves the attention, that is her trouble! God help me when there is a child and a fur kid. I joked this morning that this baby is really another puppy, because I have terrible heartburn (apparently there is an old wives tale that suggests that heartburn during pregnancy leads to a hairy baby). Genevieve looked excited, Simon just laughed! One fur kid is more than enough for me... I don't know how those of you with more than one do it! I would possibly have no furniture left if I had Genevieve in duplicate! G likes ice cubes too! Every time we open the freezer, she comes running. What I find funny, is we will give her a cube and then she runs of and hides with it! What I don't get is, we have given it to her!!! We have allowed her to have it!!! Why hide??? Dog logic I guess! It is funny watching her bark at and bounce on ice cubes!
  18. Hi peoples and doglets alike! It sure looks as thought you Canberrites had a ball this morning! So jealous!!! I see the common trend is to see who has the longest tongue!!!! Lilli_star - Sorry to hear it is hot for you! Down here in freezing cold Melbourne, it has been mild and cool all day! I've been in leggings and a jumper! I was soooo cold at the pool this morning and found myself thinking, how the hell am I going to get through winter when it is this cold in summer!!!! I can't believe how much all your doggies drink!!! Genevieve has a bowl of water that looks like she never touches!!! But she does stay inside all day... Well, we have had friends over for a BBQ and some street cricket today. Poor Genevieve had to umpire from the front garden as I wouldn't let her out on the street. She so was not happy Jan!! She was running from one end of the fence to the other, as if to say 'I'll get it!!!'. Very cute, but the winging was so sad! Punishment for destroying Daddy's couch (caught her trying to remove the gaffa tape we have used to cover the hole!!!!). Anyway, now I am at work being a good citizen!!! Hope you all have lovely evenings and have a drink for me!!!!
  19. Sorry to hear Echo has been giving you grief. Not sure I am much help, but after a few issues we started using the easy walk harness too, and I have never looked back. She still carries on like a pork chop if we don't put it on her. As Wuffles said, it takes ages.... some dogs can be years old! Don't let it put you off though. Find what works for you and make the most of the small milestones.
  20. 47.3kg!!! Never mind the dog, that was me before I got knocked up!!!! Poor Genevieve... so mini. What she lacks in kgs, she makes up for in chewing capabilities. She ain't no pint sized princess! She was relegated to the dog house this morning. We woke up to find the corner of our leather sofa missing... and the lounge room looked as though it had been snowing as she had managed to spread foam (stuffing) from one end of the room to the other. She had completely mutilated the corner of the sofa.... there was nothing left!!! She was sitting all pretty, rather proud of her efforts too. I thought Simon was going to kill her... and I mean, I had to pick her up and take her away otherwise she was going to be tonight's dinner. When I asked him if he had taken a photo, I was met with the grim reply of 'It's not cute anymore. We are not putting the good couch in this room, so don't ask!' (The 'good couch' is currently in the baby's room with the intent to move it to the lounge once Missy stops 'chewing'. Needless to say, I want it out!!!)... So not only is she destroying her new toys the day she gets them (to the point I have stopped buying them), she has moved on to furniture!!! (Damn her cuteness and ruining my nursery plans!) And I ask you KA, what did Little Miss Naughty have to confess to you about that one?????? If she keeps it up, she is going to need a good lawyer because I am not sure if the puppy dog eyes and waggily (as my God-daughter says) tail is going to be enough!!! Clastic - Genevieve doesn't have a dog bed. She'd just eat it (as recent activities would suggest). We use a soft crate for night times (which she has partially chewed) and during the day, she has hyjacked two of my crochured rugs for her own, so now they are hers (I mean, who'd want them back??!!)... She has one under the desk and one outside our bedroom door. I think she likes them because they smell of us. I do wash them once a week!!! KTB - Love the video!!! I had myself a giggle. Don't worry, Genevieve is too posh to beg. She does this weird dance thing instead. I love your oven by the way (no wonder you bake awesome things!). I will be celebrating Aust. Day with you in spirit. We are planning a BBQ and a trip to the park to play cricket (a tradition we do every year), so Naughty G will be running around. Hopefully some locals will have their muts out and about too, so she might leave our cricket ball alone!
  21. Hello! Lilli-Star - I am in the process of weaning Genevieve to adult food too atm. I mixed a bag of puppy food with adult food and the plan is when she has gone through that, she will move straight on to adult food. She hasn't seemed to notice! I notice some brands change them over at different ages too... Wee Wizzle is being much nicer to me these days. Since I was about 14 weeks the morning sickness eased (though I did have food poisoning in Thailand which was probably worse than ms!). It has started moving around a bit now and we have a scan next week so will hopefully find out if it is a boy or a girl. I can't believe we are half way already! Some pics of the rebel fur child as promised. Genevieve trying to chase a bee! Thank god she hasn't been stung because I am allergic to the bloody things! I do have the polaromine on standby though! It's OK Mummy, really, it is! Umm.... who's pregnant here? Incidently, she barks at me whenever I go near MY fatti-poomba pillow!!!! I have since taken it away and hidden it in our room. As the room is off limits to her at the moment, she hasn't worked out it is in there. I am pretty sure if she knew it was, she would be whining constantly. She likes hanging out in the nursery though. She just lies on the floor watching us move stuff in and out. Last night we were reading in there and she fell asleep under the cot! I wish I had got a picture of that!!!
  22. Hi Lovely Peeps! I don't profess to have caught up on the last two weeks worth, but I am back! Phuket was nice, but I am in no hurry to go back and glad to be home. One thing I was amazed at was the sheer number of random dogs in that place!!!! They were everywhere! They would lie around on the side of the roads, stand (yes, I repeat STAND) on the back of scooters, be hooving around for food, walking around.... They seemed harmless enough, but didn't look well cared for. A lady told me that the Thai people don't care to greatly for dogs as they believe that they are ex murderers reincarnated!!!! I am not sure how much truth is in that, but if it is the case, there must be a lot of murderers in Phuket!!! I missed Genevieve terribly, but she was very well looked after in our absence. I wrote out a huge essay on all things Genevieve, complete with commands, instructions, do's and don'ts etc. She managed to eat our house sitters specs though.... Don't like my chances of having them come and stay again!!! Here are a couple of pics from yesterday... Apparently Genevieve likes tempting fate. I swear she is going to eat herself to her death. Being a sooky dog! We have a great couple of shots of her from when we were setting up the nursery. They are on Simon's camera though, so once they are uploaded I will put some more up.
  23. Hello Lovelies! Happy New Year! I hope someone is nursing a hangover for me!!!! Sorry I have been awol for a couple of days. I find it harder to get on the computer when Simon is home!!! Its like I lose all my 'Me' time! I am loving all these pictures! We took a drive down to Anglesea with Genevieve the other day and had the best day!!!!!! She was the most well behaved dog she has ever been!!!! We hung out at the dog beach for large part of the day and it was so funny watching her! We were in fits of giggles! She was pouncing on feathers and then running away from them, then pounced on them again! It seemed to keep her amused all day!!! She seemed to be oblivious to the other dogs and people!!! Wasn't so keen on the water though... at one stage, she had an attack of the zoomies and was running around like a mad thing and ran towards the water, and when she realised what direction she was headed, she fell over herself trying to come back to us!!!! She dug for buried treasure and sun baked on the sand! She handled the two hour drive each way pretty well, perched on the surfboard, staring out the window! I loved how she kept at my side all day, even when off the lead!!!!! And didn't try to attack anyone out of excitement like she normally does! We also discovered she loves strawberries! She stopped mid zoomies and threw herself into the down position on the sand for one, then tore off again! Of course, I came home looking like a bloody beetroot, despite the litres of sunscreen I applied! And I was a bad Mum, I took no photos!!!!! Genevieve didn't seem to notice the fireworks! She generally doesn't get too worked up by thunder storms or other loud noises... She might pop her head up to have a look, or her ears will move, but rarely does she move to look and start barking I am grateful for small mercies. It is birds that get her barking! Sorry for the lack of personals. I'm kinda stuck for time today as we have house sitters arriving and I am part way through cleaning the house, ironing and other stuff. The dog though, is now clean and snoozing (paw on lappy!). We are off to Phuket for 2 weeks on Tuesday, so I won't be on for a bit. Hopefully Genevieve will be nice to our friends and if I don't pop in before we leave, love to you all and big puppy licks!!!!!
  24. I have no idea Betsy! But for someone who rarely dreams normally, I have been having some shocking ones lately! Last night I dreamt we saw the baby on ultrasound at it was laughing at us, like a horrible chucky laugh!!! Maybe we are destined for the devil child? Betsy, pleased to hear that you have made the most of sale time!! Your new camera sound fancy! KA - That is so sweet that he was zonked! Poor dude!!! I am sure he is happy to be home!
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