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Everything posted by mona

  1. Poor little thing - tragic for her and her owners I'm with winterpaws - i would definitely sue the owners and would not rest until justice was served. It would not bring Minnie back , but maybe it would make them recognise their responsibility .
  2. Heartbreaking episode .... Good to hear though that the dogs Caesar and the rescue group rescued all had wonderful new homes.....
  3. My OH and I dont have children .... I cannot imagine the pain of having to leave the dogs behind in a Hurrican Katrina situation. Already things are so stressful and having uncertainty about the fate of your beloved pets would be horrendous. I believe they have now overturned previous legislation in the US ( following Hurrican Katrina ) where domestic animals are permitted in certain evacuation shelters. Unsure of all the details but I remember reading about it online.
  4. They had a little RIP message ( with gorgeous photo ) shown before ' Dog Whisperer' started last night Caesar must be devastated
  5. That is very sad - he was a gorgeous dog , and the bond between he and Caesar was so special RIP Daddy
  6. I just cannot understand the RSPCA.... Blatant cases of abuse - which on the surface this appears to be - are not pursued. And other cases , where there is no abuse , are pursued relentlessly. At the end of the day , your heart has to go out to the poor dogs in this puppy mill .... And to the ' people ' who run this place ;) On ' Dog Whisperer' tonight ( Bio Channel at 8.30 ) Caesar goes in to rescue puppy mills dogs ... will be interesting to watch , as I guess he will then start the rehabilitation process...
  7. That poor dog I just cannot imagine why someone would do something that horrid and barbaric - may karma pay them a visit
  8. Just read the lastest update and this is great news Wilderblu Hoping everything continues on the up and up
  9. They make better dogs when left in their original breeds and bred by someone who knows WTF they're doing. Agree 110 %
  10. I'm so sorry gillbear Those photos are just beautiful - what a soft and gentle face Tammy had Bless you for making her last years such wonderful ones RIP Tammy
  11. Poodlefan Yep - I think that sums things up nicely !!!!
  12. Thanks for posting . Would definitely check Westminster out if we were over in NY at that time ...
  13. PP - they know no shame .... I would not ever spend 1 dollar in any of their stores
  14. I was walking our little girl Lily the other day ( she is just on 3 kgs ) .. and some rude guy commented to his friend " What kind of a poor excuse for a dog is that ? " I just kept walking and laughed it off. I am used to hearing about ' walking mops ' , ' mop on legs ' etc etc People have no idea , but I just dont know why they feel the need to comment ....
  15. This got a really good write up in one of the weekend papers ..... Might head off to Dymocks and use a Christmas gift voucher to get a copy
  16. Well done - he is seriously cute Love the name too by the way - already seems to match him .. Enjoy
  17. Oh how cute !!!! I don't think you will getting that bean bag back anytime soon
  18. This was a truly sickening and heartbreaking story. $9000 is a paltry amount and as for being able to own 1 , let alone 3 , dogs in the future is beyond a joke. There were so many beautiful little cavvies - I'm so glad Ripley that your mum ended up with Charlotte. She is so sweet and I am sure loving her wonderful new home
  19. I lost my heart dog 18 Aug last year - she was 13 . I ( and I think my OH ) always wondered how I would cope when she passed away : she was my little confidante and best friend. Luckily she passed away quickly without suffering , but those first few days / weeks were hard. As time goes by, I still think of her every day , but now always with a smile rather than a tear. We have another little girl whom I love very much, but in a different way to my special heart dog .
  20. I have no words , but know the heart ache you are going through . 16 years is an amazing life - may she run free of pain now, happily chasing butterflys RIP Misty
  21. I've just seen this and feel totally sick. I cannot understand this at all - there are some very very sick individuals roaming this planet RIP dogs
  22. What a beautiful old chap Barney was I am sorry for your loss - RIP Barney , fly free now
  23. Heartbreaking - I'm so terribly sorry RIP dear Dulcie and puppies
  24. I sometimes pat the boxes and talk to them. I do this too dogdog , and wondered if anyone else did.... it is a great comfort having them close by To get our girls ashes back in a lovely little wooden box with her name engraved on a plaque was approx $270.00.
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