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Everything posted by mona

  1. Just saw this thread and my heart goes out to you Kaffy... I can only imagine the worry and pain you are going through Hang in there Chase - you can do it Sending multiple healing vibes to Chase and hugs to you
  2. RIP Herbert :p Hugs to you Mark - i can only imagine the shock and pain you have been through .. Take it easy
  3. RIP Hamish Cannot imagine the images the poor lady will have to live with - horrendous Hopefully the council / authorities will definitely prosecute the irresponsible owners
  4. We were possibly going to face this situation earlier this year .... ( before the contract fell through ) We decided we would fly up and settle in first and our little girl would stay with my parents in the country until we found a pet friendly apartment etc etc and were sure we would be staying the full terms of the contract ( 3 years ). We couldnt imagine our home without her - she is definitely part of the family. It also depends what country you are looking at relocating to in terms of when you want to bring your dog back to Aus - living in some countries can make it very difficult ( ie mainland China )
  5. I've had a crap day BUT this news has put a smile on my face and a happy tear in my eye..... Yippee for Harry and his family
  6. Thank you for that beautiful tribute with beautiful pics.... RIP Gorgeous old girl
  7. Another waste of space on this planet ...... Hopefully karma will come a calling to both in the near future ....
  8. I saw this story on the new this morning . The 'person' who did this made me On a brighter note - the story concluded with the fact that there had been a flood of offers for providing the pooch with a new home .
  9. Yes - just saw this online ... very sad news for Derryn. He is a true fighter though and is not one to give in .. hopefully this will stand him in good stead for the road ahead .
  10. mona

    Surfing Dogs

    Some funny shots - thanks for sharing
  11. Go Derryn Alot can be said about him, however, once he raises an issue , he tends to get a lot of attention , and gets things done Great to have him championing the cause
  12. I would never leave without our little girl ..... She is only 3kgs , so I'm sure i could sneak her in a bag , but she would definitely be coming with us .....
  13. So nice to read a good news story Willy is one lucky pooch - I'm sure he is being spoiled rotten by his grateful owners
  14. I read this the other day ... horrendous and dispicable act... Also saw this in our local paper ...... http://wentworth-courier.whereilive.com.au...it-in-vaucluse/ Some very sick people out there
  15. I have just seen this thread and am so sorry to hear about poor Yogi's horrible accident Take care of yourself and try to stay calm ( I know... easier said than done ) ...i am sure you will feel a lot better once you have seen him , and he will be all the better for seeing you . Sending you lots of healing vibes
  16. Our girl loooooves bananasa Our other girl though hated them and would just turn her nose up and walk away ......
  17. Hi Miss Danni You could try Rose Bay Vet - they were running puppy pre-school a while ago , so they could still be offering it now .... ( they are in Newcastle St , Rose bay )
  18. Like others have posted , we waited until our first girl was 6 before we introuduced our 2nd girl. We did not want to have to face losing 2 dogs so quickly together if they were similar in age. Our first girl passed away last year and our other girl is now 7 , and we are now contemplating a new girl to enter our lives. i dont think there is any right or wrong - there are things to weight up and ultimately , you will know the right time for you, your family and your first pup
  19. Such a lovely update on this story At at time when there are so many animal cruelty stories , it is lovely to see what has gone on here. Well done to all concerned - you should rightfully proud of your efforts
  20. RIP Little One it was lovely of you to help care for her and show her some love .
  21. How scary for you K9 Angel.... How is Whitey this morning ? Thinking of you ....
  22. So terribly horrific and sad RIP little fluffy..... Another case where hopefully karma will come a calling
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