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Everything posted by mona

  1. RIP Page May you find peace - free of pain This has been a beautiful story , if only the ending had been happier and Page had been cured Sivaro and Ambervale - you are both angels for all you have done for this special litttle girl
  2. Thats great news You must be thrilled....... Well done Ollie dog
  3. Hi They are a great idea We got out from babies galore at Randwick Cost around $100 , including an extension part to make it wider We originally bought a wooden one - and both our girls walker straight through it The $100 one was much sturdier , and has very narrow gaps ... so no break outs possible
  4. Hi there We use Laser Lites and / or Squirt... I find both leaves a nice smell on the coat
  5. HI Chibella I agree with tramissa ,if she hasnt passed it by now - definitely off to the vet Hope your little baby is feeling better soon please update us when you can Take care .. all will be fine
  6. RIP John He looked a very sensitive, gentle and wise old soul His last days with you Rozzie would have been special to him ...
  7. Hi Our faves are ... Laser Lites Squirt ( such a yummy smell )
  8. So very sorry ot hear of your loss Take care and stay strong ... time does help heal Fly free Cody
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