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Everything posted by Remarkabull

  1. Ok I'm still in VIC so I will be coming too! Haven't decided yet which dog I will bring along with Acheron. Odie is such a good boy but spends all his time playing with the ball and not the other dogs! I'm thinking Barkley (MalteseXShi Tzu). He doesn't chase toys but likes to check out other dogs. DOLers and Dogs- pip1981- Dakota and Tika MavericksMission ~ Maverick & Hector Pointees - April, Alexis and Shaun. Lucycharzie - Charlotte Evolving - Alera and Bobby Kirst_goldens and John - Decided ill bring Lunaberger again and try again to bring Mo Mo the greyhound next month Misha&Milo-Misha, Milo and Flash ( no one has met flash yet) spitzbaby - Kairu Groupfive - Flash Hannah - Beethoven the labby boy Canine Friend - Dexter Sharon and Sax Keroppiyo - Buffy Dobesrock - Acheron + 1 List of DOLers and food pip1981- marinated chicken wings, toss salad, soft drink (cups, plates, cutlery & condiments) MavericksMission ~ Potato Salad and something else Pointees - fairy bread and pigs ears. Lucycharzie - a couple salads Evolving - Sausages. Kirst - Drinks and a cake... im thinking cheesecake... hrmm Misha&Milo- snags, tomato suace, rissoles and whatever else i think of spitzbaby & 2 friends - homemade brownies (I think for now) Groupfive - Pasta Salad and COKE!!!!!! Hannah - Chippies Canine Friend - hamburgers and bread Sharon D - Tai chicken burgers Keroppiyo - Fruit salad Dobesrock - Softdrink and plastic cups & something else (not sure yet)
  2. Hopefully this will help put a stop to exotic animals being used for the entertainment of idiots. Sadly, I doubt it though. I don't understand how people can sit and watch what I consider animal cruelty and be amused and entertained. What's entertaining about some moron poking a lion with a stick and making do things it obviously doesn't want to do? Poor lions
  3. I don't know what else to say other than I am so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help. I am hoping with everything in me that they both make it.
  4. A DA dog can still attack another dog whether it is on leash or not. I know my DA dog has grabbed another dog while she was on lead. The dog she grabbed was not. It was on a public footpath and the owner had let her dog out the front door and it ran towards us. She called the dog, it ignored her and my dog was giving very clear signals about her intentions towards this dog and it continued to run to us and jump on her shoulder and put it's face in hers. After we separated the dogs and I took mine home and went back to check if her dog was ok (it was, just sore and sorry but no punctures) she proceeded to give me a lecture about how I shouldn't own a dog like that and that it is irresponsible of me to keep her especially as I have kids (she is lovely with people and especially loves children and is very gentle with them, she just doesn't like other dogs). She had no idea that she was in the wrong. Her dog was off lead and not under effective control, mine was.
  5. The dog was already 'angry'. It had just attacked 2 people. Better that the cops turn up and shoot it than waiting for 'trained animal control officers' and possibly giving it the chance to hurt someone else. By using the pepper spray and taser it sounds like they were trying to avoid shooting the dog and did it as a last resort? Who knows, we were not there to see. It's not a good situation, but what would you expect people to do that are scared and pannicked?
  6. You're assuming that such dogs have a social bond with their owners - some do not. Keep a dog on a chain, fail to socialise and train it and the dog simply regards you as a food source not 'pack' Dogs that haven't had boundaries put on them and that have the right potential temperament can attack when thwarted. The few facts available don't lend themselves to any analysis of this attack I'm afraid. True PF. I was assuming that the dog in question was a family pet that was treated like my dogs are. Obviously a dog that attacks it's 'owner' in such a manner would probably not be a valued part of the family nor would it have received any real training or socialising. Either that or the dog has an illness that affects it's brain function and it just 'snapped'. (Happened to some people I knew, their 9 yr old Dobe attacked their son for no reason and was PTS. Vet did autopsy because dog had never been aggressive before and found dog had something wrong in the brain. Can't remember what, was long time ago)
  7. Not good. I have to wonder about dogs that 'attack' their owners (or maybe more precicely what the owners have done to the dogs). I can't imagine my own dogs doing it to me. Even if I was doing something to hurt or provoke them I wouldn't expect more than a warning growl or snap (and I it would take ALOT to even get that), certainly not a mauling.
  8. Snap!! God its frustrating when whole areas you could exercise your dog are off limits because people can't show some consideration and control their own dogs. The last time I went to the beach I ended up waist deep in the ocean, pulling her along side me because someones dog would not get away from us. The owner was about half a kilometre down the beach and had been yelling for their dog to come to no avail. Funny though how I was the one getting dirty looks from others because my dog was wanting to have a go at the other one. Apparently having your dog take off, run 500 metres up the beach to harass another dog and ignore all of the owners commands to come back is ok though
  9. I have a DA dog and I take her places and let her off lead when I can. I don't take her to dog parks or beaches though because other people with 'friendly' dogs can't keep their dogs away from us. I used to walk her on a lead at the beach but stopped doing that because it didn't seem fair to make her walk slowly beside me instead of running and playing in the water like she wanted to do. She is obedient and does not chase after or approach other dogs however plenty of other dogs would come rushing up to us. I know I've said loudly (and probably rudely) to people to keep their dogs away as she might 'rip their dogs head off' because politely asking people to keep their dogs away doesn't work. They usually repond by saying 'oh it's ok my dog is friendly' or something like that so I resort to overexaggerating so they act quickly and get their dog under control. Better to be rude and avoid a nasty incident than to be polite and have something bad happen.
  10. I voted yes. I have a JRT and she would go nuts until she got it if it was at our house. She has caught many mice in the past and she LOVES catching them. Although it's not for the faint hearted, she let's out an ear peircing scream while chasing them down and once caught she shakes them and throws them in the air and there is often blood. Once they are dead I remove them so she can't eat them (although she has never tried to and usually loses interest in them once they're dead).
  11. I'm not sure if I can make it or not. We might be on our way to Darwin by then but if not I'll definately be coming.
  12. I have a Maltese x Shih Tzu that was going to be a byb/puppyfarm stud but lucky for him he had a undecended testicle and they got rid of him. He is now 18 months old and has 2 normal testes in the right position! It just took some time for it to drop.
  13. Lovely work Looks one hell of a lot like guidance to me - dog touches handler and handler touches dog's head. They are seeing physical injury arising in obedience dogs taught that style of heeling now. Look at the dog's gait.. completely unnatural. Not to my taste at all. Its exaggerated IMO. I'm with you PF. The way the dog is moving just looks wrong. There was a police dog on Send in the Dogs last week that was almost wrapped around it's handlers leg. They were competing for some major Police dog trial. During his run he stepped on the dog a couple of times (hard enough to make the dog yelp). They came 3rd and moved on to the finals. Surely a dog that can be trained to that level of obedience could be trained to heel in an appropriate position? (Not just police dogs, but any dog that is trialled in obedience)
  14. Me too Erny. I saw this a while ago on FB and it made me feel uncomfortable.
  15. Nope, definitely not. No tricks taught in this house. Lily will bark on cue but that was kind of an accident. I'm not really into "performing" animals in that kind of way. Dog sports yes but not behaviours I consider "amusing". Same here. We do basic commands but no 'tricks'. I didn't like the dancing dog video either Persephone.
  16. I use it for all 5 of my dogs (as well as raw) and I think it's great. Dogs love it and look great.
  17. Poor puppy, hope he is ok. I hope he gets taken to the vet, though didn't sound like mum was too concerned for him I hate when parents let kids do stuff like that. There is 2 different kids where I live that walk their dogs by themselves. Which would be fine if they were older or the dogs were smaller, but one is a very solid SBT and the other is a 9 month old Lab puppy. The 2 boys look to be about 8-10. If those dogs really wanted to get away they could.
  18. Wow, I have never really liked Labs, but have to say that pic of the WL Lab could change my opinion. He/she is lovely. #2 could definately do with some dieting . Would a lab in that physical condition be considered correct for the showring?
  19. Me too, and in every one so far I have preferred the working dog over the show one.
  20. Saw this a couple of days ago. I love it. so cute and the music is great too. I'm such a sook, whenever I watch videos like this it brings a tear to my eye. Makes me think about all the horrid things we (humans) do to animals and they still love us and make us happy.
  21. I have a working line Dobermann pup and he is definately alot more work than my other dogs (although they are JRT's and crosses of, MalteseXShih Tzu and RidgebackXAmstaff so can't really compare). I have never owned a show line Dobe, so can't really comment on the difference in personality or trainability. Personally I really like the look of the working line Dobes and I researched breeders (both show and working) for 2 years before getting my boy. I would love to show Dobes but as I prefer the working line 'look' I would probably not do very well in the show ring (even though I think he is the most handsome boy ever!)
  22. Not sure about specific breeds but I have had dogs of all different breeds that were/are more 'grown up' than others. My last Dobe (RIP) was a very grown up, serious dog. He never acted like a puppy or did naughty things. He was the most intelligent dog I've ever known. My current dobe (only 6 months so may grow up yet ) is completely the opposite. He is a massive, overgrown puppy and is always behaving like one. He is smart and can learn things fairly easily, but is still a silly, dopey puppy and is constantly seeking reassurance from me whereas my last dobe was very self-confident and sure of himself.
  23. My puppy sleeps in a crate in my room. All of my dogs are crated at night (I have 5). When the weather is warmer they sleep outside. The one in my room is a 6 month old Dobermann and I wanted him as close as possible to us so I could take him out to toilet whenever he woke up. He now sleeps through the night (has for ages now), he will also sleep outside when the weather is better. Having them in a crate, close to you makes it much quicker and easier to toilet train them. What kind of pup do you have? Make sure to put up some pics Good luck
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