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Everything posted by Remarkabull

  1. All of my dogs are great with my 3 cats. In particular the Dobe and the big black cat are loving friends. The cat will seek Acheron out and rub all over his face and then lay in front of him as if asking for some attention :). However, I have no doubt that my 3 adult dogs would kill any cat that came into our yard. Our neighbour has a cat that is quite nasty (it attacks and chases all other cats in the street and has bitten my daughter severely on the shin) and all of my dogs go nuts when they see him. Lucky for this cat he is quite smart and avoids our back yard.
  2. 1 sleeps on/in the bed 2 sleep on their own beds in our room and 1 sleeps in her crate in our room - she has only just arrived here and is only 8 weeks old so her sleeping arrangements may change once I trust the other dogs with her. It also depends on if she snores loudly or not!
  3. Only a couple of crappy pics taken with my phone today, but will have to do for now. Having a sleep after a big day And cuddles and kisses with my hubby
  4. Acheron - Mythology and also a character from The Dark Hunter books Simi (who will be joining us on Friday) - Acheron's pet demon from above book series Flash - OH picked her name, he says she 'just looked like a Flash' Barkley - from Sesame Street (Mr Snuffaluppogus (?) doggy friend. When I first saw him he had a long shaggy orange fringe
  5. She is a little shorty bum and is almost as wide as she is tall! The photos don't do her justice. She has the most adorable, boxy bulldog face. Hopefully when she comes home I will manage to get some better pics of her (I'll use my camera instead of my phone ) to show just how adorable she is.
  6. Went to visit Simi one last time before she comes home with us! It was really hard trying to get any pics of her as she wouldn't keep still. She is the most outgoing and active pup in the litter and we think the cutest too :D Here she is with my youngest daughter sharing a kiss She comes home on Friday afternoon
  7. I just showed that video of the dogs playing at the park to my husband, who prior to meeting me had very little to do with dogs. I asked him what he thought and he commented that he was worried that the smaller dogs and pups could have been easily injured by the larger dogs (accidently, in play) and he wouldn't have been comfortable with it if it was our pup based on that. I asked him if he noticed anything in the brown dogs behavior and he did not. I, however was very uncomfortable with the brown dogs 'play' and would not have let my dog/pup remain there playing with it. I often see dogs 'playing' in ways that make me uncomfortable and so many owners don't see anything wrong with it because they think their dog is being 'friendly'. I once knew a dog who used to 'guard' puppies and small dogs from other dogs. Everyone thought is was cute and sweet of her. One of their other dogs had a litter of pups and when the pups were around 7 weeks old the bitch who was always 'guarding and protecting' the pups mauled one of the puppies. The owner had a hell of a time getting this bitch to release the pup as she was so intent on killing it. Everyone was so surprised that she did this and couldn't see that her behavior had never been cute or playful, but a disaster waiting to happen. Never think of dogs behavior from a human perspective - it is rarely right and could end horribly. Personally I would never let any pup of mine play with a dog I didn't know, owned by a person I didn't know that was so much larger and take their word for it that they were 'friendly', regardless of breed. Oh, puppy that was attacked, although badly injured, did survive.
  8. 10 days till Simi comes home! :D I can't wait, it's so exciting
  9. No benches or tables and the Dobe is not allowed on the leather lounge in the main lounge room (only because he takes up so much room!)They are allowed on our beds when invited and can go into any room in the house whenever they like.
  10. Don't get a Doberman if * you want a dog that will obey other peoples commands without checking with you first (including husbands, children etc) :D * you like having a shower and going to the toilet alone....... * you want a social butterfly who wants to be everyone's friend. * you don't like walking/exercising regularly * you can't establish and keep leadership, they will dominate you if you let them * you don't want/like a lot of love and attention from a dog
  11. My JRT is also very loving and affectionate. She is good with kids and just loves people. She is fine with other dogs but she doesn't like her personal space being invaded by rude, pushy dogs. At our house she is the highest ranked dog and she certainly puts the sometimes clumsy and excitable Dobe in his place. We also have 3 cats who she gets along with no problems, but she also likes to boss them around too. Her nickname is 'bossy bitch' :D
  12. I've only ever used boarding kennels a couple of times, but I was always allowed to walk my dogs to their yards and go into the cattery area. I would have been upset too. I do understand though about the 'clingy/needy' owners who just won't go away and they do make it so much harder for staff and their dogs. When I first joined DOL I was surprised by the number of people who say they insist on watching while their dog is in surgery. All the vets I've worked for would never allow that. I think it would put more stress on the vet and personally I wouldn't want to do that to the person operating on my pet. The policy was always that those kind of owners had to sit in the waiting room until surgery was over.
  13. That is exactly what Flash does, grab and shake, then move on to the next one. Great video :)
  14. My JRT is a killing machine. She loves nothing more than catching and dispatching mice and rats with great delight, screaming in excitement during the chase. Her focus and intensity is like nothing I've ever seen before. It makes me glad that she is only 6kg and not a much larger dog!
  15. I have been feeding raw (exclusively now - no dry food any more) for a few months and my dogs look great. At first I was preparing the food from scratch myself, but it was too time consuming (I work full time) so I have switched to VAN. I am feeding 3 dogs - Doberman, JRT and small fluffy X breed - and 1 meal consists of approx 1kg of meat (either minced chicken frames or a mix of horse and buffalo pieces), VAN and occasionally I'll add sardines, raw eggs (inc shell), yoghurt or a tin of salt reduced baked beans. The dogs love it and look fantastic. I will add that the Doberman is only 2 and he runs around 5-10km a day so he does get fed about 3/4 of that mix and the rest is split between the other 2.
  16. I'm starting to get very impatient. Only 2 weeks to go until my Simi comes home and it seems like forever! Here are a couple more pics of her (just because I think she is so cute :D ) and this is Cooper - he is 7 months old and belongs to the breeder. He has been a very good baby sitter to the puppies and very much enjoyed his cuddle with my husband!
  17. Lot's of people! I was once walking my BT and a woman approached cooing and baby talking to him and dropped to her knees and started kissing him on the face! Just as I started to say "I wouldn't do that, he is wary of strangers" he had a little snap at her. Fortunately he did not connect but it did scare her and she backed away and apologised to me for 'being so stupid'. My husband is not from a 'dog' family. He basically had no clue about how to behave with dogs and I have on many occasions told him off for approaching a dog in the wrong way and also having to tell him to 'back off' certain dogs as it is clear to me they don't want him to pat them but he just can't see it. I'm surprised he has not been bitten TBH.
  18. Three weeks to the day. It's going to drag by I'm sure, but at least I work full time so will be distracted a lot. I'm going to have a few days off work when she comes home and I bet I'll hate having to go back and leave her at home!
  19. Have been to visit our baby this morning :D , she is so adorable. I also got some pics of her litter mates as they are cute too! The photos really don't do them justice but will have to do. getting a scratch yawning Simi watching her sister having a sleep
  20. They all looked very happy and cared for. All 42 tails seemed to be wagging
  21. Yes, and my parents are nanny and poppy :D . I know they are not really my kids (duh) and I do have skin kids of my own and they are my babies too. It's harmless fun.
  22. Thanks guys, I think she is pretty cute too :D I can't wait to cuddle her and get puppy kisses!
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