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  1. Yeah honestly i cant remember what we did once it clicked what the issue was, but may very well be right
  2. Makes perfect sense. Our little guy is a little timid here and there, like hears a noise like the kids next door playing in the back yard and he will bolt over and prop next to me shitting himself, but i ignor him and noise and he got use to it. I have found by ignoring him he does not seem to worry about things after the frst or second time but with this and him lokking up at the ceiling all the time worried me a little, torch will be pointed down at all times now
  3. We tend to take so much for granted in assuming our dogs understand the things that we understand. Your dog simply doesn't know what the light is about and wouldn't have made a connection with it being from the torch in your wife's hands. Whatever you do, don't turn "spot the light" into a game, because although it might help him get over being worried about it, it also has the very real potential of turning into an obsessive compulsive behaviour (ie chase the light and try to catch it). Ask others whose dogs do this - often starting out by a game and then building to unsatisfied prey drive. Not that you were going to do this, but just in case you brought it out and this ended up being an inadvertent side-affect. Don't fuss on it too much, but give your dog a chance to understand the light is from the torch. Just use the torch as you need to, without making too much of a big deal about it. Avoid shining it upwards and of course not in his eyes - keep it pointed to the ground near your feet. Give your dog a food treat. Don't look or draw attention to the torch light. Only use the torch for what you need - no turning off and on to see if your dog is ok with it or worried about it any more. Just use it as you need to when you go out each night. If you make a deal of it, your dog will (continue to) think there is a deal to be made of it. ETA: It might also be helpful if you turn the torch on whilst you are still inside the house with the lights on and let your dog come out with you. The contrast might not be quite so astounding to him that way. Thanks heaps Yeah the last thing i want is obsessive compulsive behaviour,the little bugger does enough things that i really think he thinks is funny and dont need something else
  4. Hi all I thought i would ask you guys ofr some advise on a little issue We have a 13 month old Lab\Poodle that we have had since a pup, during the evenings when we take him out for a pee we use a torch as he goes around the dead side of the house and rhis has been done since day dot. Lastnight we took him out for a pee and when the wife came inside for some reason the torch shon (spelling) on the roof the dog see it and came cowering over to me, we could not believe it so we tried it again and he really did not like it. Not he spent the rest of last night and tonight looking up at the ceiling every 3 or 4 minutes sometime more often I dont want this to utrn into a habit so what are your toughts?
  5. Hi all and thank you for the replies. poodlefan: Thank god the dog trying to hum the misses seems to have stop when she growled at him and sent him too his mat, and ok i suppose it makes sence him tear arsing around after the rain and damn he sits at the back door looking all wet and sorry for him self when finished Here are some pics Tilly http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/5448/img0164b.jpg http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/453/img0168rg.jpg Hey Frosty, i thought the same think remove the tackle and there is no fishing
  6. Hi all My little guy is 16 weeks old and he does some strange arse stuff that i thought i would run past you all. 1, We can leave him in the back yard and he does not whinge or cry or bark thank god. If it is raining he will ramain in his kennel all dry but as asoon as it stops he is out running through the bushes and ends up wetter than he would had he sttod out in the rain Is that normal? 2. He was desexed pror to us taking him home which is a good thing, but he seems to be trying ot bonk different things the lates being one of his beds he turns it on it s side and goes to town I mean what the hell? He tried on the misses leg but it really looked like he was trying ot climb up b ut now we reall done know What do you all think?
  7. Hi We went through exactly the same thing with out little guy. We used bitter bite on the lead that did not help, i think he liked it. It was suggested to rub deep heat into the lead just leaving the smell and this did not work so in all honesty i cant suggested anything with the lead chewing. But pulling i can, our little bloke was a right pain in the arse, i can across a Ezy walk harness and i can tell you without a word of a lie, it work on the very very first walk, as soon as that lead got a little tight he slowed straight away, best many i have spent
  8. Hi I feed Artemis large breed puppy to Rottweilers and I know alot of other breeders have also with no problems, I don't think 27% protein is a problem. We start to change them over to Artemis Adult though at about 8months (Mixing both) then by about 10months all mine eat Adult fresh mix 23% Protein or Osopure Medium/Large 25%Protein . They don't get a huge amount of dry as I also feed fresh. I had a lot of success with my dog with allegies on ProPlan sensitive Skin and Stomach (Salmon)26% Protein but they are changing it to be made in Australia soon so will have to wait and see if the good results are the same. Cheers Lee Hi Cool, yeah you hear sooo many different opions it makes it bloody hard to make a choice
  9. Hi Yeah he had a trim and wash about 2 weeks ago, its not so much inbetween this toes he chews at but more ankle/feet You could be right about habit
  10. Hi He mainly scratches around his mouth area and down his side, belly seems all ok and as mentioned nips at this feet. He has done this since we got him before going out into the yard and so on. Maybe try an elimination diet, that is a meat he has never had before with sweet potato or pumpkin for 6 weeks and then see if there isnt a change. Hi Funny thing is i was only just reading up on something very simular, it may come down to this Thanks for the responce
  11. Hi He mainly scratches around his mouth area and down his side, belly seems all ok and as mentioned nips at this feet. He has done this since we got him before going out into the yard and so on.
  12. Hello all I was wondering if you kind people can offer a little advice\help please I am trying to do right by my little guy (Lab\Poodle cross) and feed him the best that we can, the diet we have him on is pretty much Raw and Dry.The dry food we are using is the Atremis Large Puppy but we have heard that this may be too high in protine being 27% and our dog being we regarded as a large breed should not be on a high protine diet??? One other thing we are trying to address is the possibilites of an allergy, our little guy scratches and nips at his feet with no signs of fleas or anything it has been suggested it might be an allergy of some sort, so we are looking for a grainfree dry food that will suite him. Any suggestions ? I have looked at Canidea but damn the grainfree mix is like 40% protine
  13. Yeah i would love ot know as well, so bith parts are ok for a puppy, my little guys is a rasonable size 9kg at 13 weeks so should there be any issues?
  14. Hi guys I just read this thread and thought bugger it i will try my little guy on some bananas I broke a bit off and handed it to him, he poped it in him mouth and ran off to his bed, rolled it round in his mouth spat it out, jumped on it , turned his bed upside down, put it back in his mouth , spat it out, back in his mouth rolled it around spat it out then eat it I dont know if he likes it or not
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