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Everything posted by juice

  1. There is no quick fix with this, it will always be there and its upto you to manage it for the rest of the dogs life, even with the the help of a trainer. You need to man up and ask yourself wether you can protect every child 100% of the time that come into your house, or if the dog gets out. Personally it would be getting the green dream with me.
  2. Jill is local to you , kennels are Londonderry way , she is on here too , so shoot her a message for advice .
  3. Taking them seperatley to training would also be better , you can focus on one dog at a time
  4. I would still contact Jill at Jack Russell rescue , she will be able to help you with advice on what’s going on . Also people often think dogs want to be kept together when in fact they are stressed at trying to be in charge and are happier and more relaxed when they live alone , no more vying for position which makes for a calmer dog easier to train .
  5. You said you would be putting her in the bathroom when she is big enough to jump out of the pen, even 7 to 8 hours locked in a room with nothing to see is pretty crap, a dog walker will give it relief for what an hour tops. Why does she have to be locked in a bathroom?
  6. I still think leaving any dog in a bathroom for 10 hours a day is a crap life . Don’t care if you think it’s attacking you .
  7. can she stay outside at all? Do you have a secure garden with shelter? just thinking it might be more exciting than locked in a pen for 10 hours a day. Shame you are not in Sydney as i walk dogs.
  8. When I lost Ozzie last year Zelda just shut down , became scared of other dogs , even dogs she used to love to play with she tried to bolt if she saw them . She stopped wanting to do anything , she then developed a runny nose , and bleeds , ended up at specialists and 5k later nothing was wrong with her , I think her immune system shut down . I got a stag pup , big mistake as she was scared of it and after much deliberation I rehomed him . ( other factors too ) . We had a few trials with older cattle dogs which didn’t work either , but she did start to improve with them . We now have another bully and she is back to normal .
  9. Perhaps you could say what you want out of a dog ? And what you like about those 2 breeds ? Both pretty vocal !
  10. The pup has clearly become either show or breeding prospect and they don’t now want to sell it . Bad form I think , as Pers said , have you met the pup ? Personality and matching the right pup to your home is the most important thing , however you have also lost trust in this breeder now so ruins an ongoing relationship. Did they actually say it was your pup , did they mention keeping it st any time ?
  11. I know Denise at Paws let’s you advertise private rehomes on her page . I know she is in NSW but it might work . Also Dogmad knows heaps of people and always might know someone looking for a poodle .
  12. I was offered an exchange if I pay postage both ways ($20).
  13. I was offered an exchange if I pay postage both ways ($20).
  14. juice


    yes, they shed without moving!
  15. Sorry WM , wasn’t meant to be sharp with you , just tired and frustrated . We have LOVAN , haven’t started it yet as she has just been desexed and kinda of reluctant but know it might be best way .
  16. I think we are way past thunder shirts .
  17. juice


    Mine was brilliant with other dogs and people too. I used to foster dogs and Appollo always showed the new pups the way, he was a great judge of a dog, a few times on walks he stood behind me when a strange dog approached and i knew the dog must be dodgy. His recall was perfect, he had the softest velvet ears and the biggest knowing eyes. they do feel the cold as they get older as their coat isn't that thick so a good coat is a good idea and keep his bed up off the floor and out of drafts. He was on Mobic for the last 2 years which helped with his stiffness too. i have never met another nice dally , they seem to be a bit snippy and weedy looking too.
  18. You probably feel like crap right now , but you were the better person . Take time to regroup , perhaps if you say what you are after someone can point you in the right direction .
  19. Don’t get upset if people here question you , we get a lot of trolls . I think you should hang onto the dog till she can prove she has somewhere , which right now looks flakey. is it possible she found someone else she knows to take the dog and that’s why she wants it back ? Is it a pedigree she has been offered money for ?
  20. I am torn too , my concern would be what if this apartment doesn’t work out and she then rehomes the dog again ? Without meeting her and getting a gut feeling for her loyalty it’s hard .
  21. My mum has a pub in the UK and there are always dogs chilling with owners in there . I walked through the park and families were playing and having picnics, lots of loose dogs runnning upto other families to say hi and no one panicked and screamed like they do here ,.dogs art chilled because they can go everywhere .
  22. Interesting as I emailed the problem and was told the lead had a 12 month warranty which had run out so nothing they could do .
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