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Everything posted by Buckley

  1. Sheree and Evolving, what gorgeous pups! All this puppy talk is making the wait unbearable!! :D
  2. Thanks spitzbaby, we are taking her (and Ringo) to the beach for the first time today, I can't wait. Awww do they get to play in the water? it's a lil cold here where I am though xD any photos? photos? and more photos? Hi Buckley! welcome.. I'm new here too and also waiting on my baby boy Mine won't be coming home with me as soon as yours though.. but I'm already excited.. can't imagine how it feels for you.. remember to take photos and show us :D Thanks for the warm welcome! I'll be sure to take many photos ;)
  3. Hi all, I'm a total newbie, so I figured I'd start in this post seeming as I found my puppy through this very website ;) It's been 5 long weeks now since I first met 7 squirming little Welsh Pembroke Corgi pups, one of which I get to keep. Nearly two months ago, my Corgi X, Shandy, passed away. She was turning 15 this year. It was absolutely devastating, especially because it was so unexpected (she ran under a family friend's car) and for her age, she was doing so well. She was losing her hearing a little (I think that's why she didn't hear the car), but other than that she was fine. She was my childhood companion, my best friend, and it still hurts thinking about the fact that she's gone. I just never thought (or wanted to think) that she would ever leave us. Whilst I'll always miss Shandy, I knew that it I couldn't live without another little friend to look after, which is why I did some extensive research and found a reputable breeder to get my little boy from I'm getting him next Sunday, so I'm pretty excited as you may expect!
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