My staghound x pup (14 wks) is suffering from separation anxiety. When I leave for work, he is put into the back part of the house. He has towels that carry my scent, I leave the radio on. He has ample water, food, chew toys, chew bones, etc to occupy him. I also take him for a good brisk walk before I go to work, and also after work.
When I got him 2 wks ago, I did a letterbox drop of close neighbours and let them know that I had a new puppy that might take some time settling in, and to let me know if he was noisy. Yesterday, I got a knock on the door from a 'trying to be understanding but unimpressed' neighbour, who said that Caspers' barking is very loud and incessant through the day, when I am not home.
I have today, got a small doggy companion from the shelter that I got Casper from, to see if some company might settle him when I am away from home. He knows this dog already, the little fellow is a sturdy, quiet little chap and is tolerating Caspers' enthusiasm about seeing him with patience and only the odd snarl and snap. I realize that I have to give the two dogs time to settle in together and also time to see if this settles Casper.
As you can imagine, I am feeling very stressed and feel like I am 'failing' as an owner of this rescue boy, even though I am doing my best. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
ETA - I have tried putting Casper out while I am home also and just ignoring him. I have left him for reasonably long times, up to 2 -3 hours and didn't open the door until he was actually quiet, as I thought it might reinforce the behaviour if I gave in and opened the door when he was crying and barking.