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    Dogs Tracking Obiedence Agility Photography

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  1. I have just a cat (A cat flap with out the flap) Thanks to the Kelpiex who used to fit in it but can only get her head in it) My rescue JRT for only a week he is using it beautifuly and so is that damn Chook!!!!
  2. Well I get totally confused My Girl is a Kelpie X Mum was a Border Collie Lab and my guess her father was a working kelpie some were in the vicinity. Lets say she is a solid tall kelpie with border collie ears and long hackle hairs. I have been told she is crossed with German Sheppard or Rottweiler mainly because she is black and tan and her solidness. When I say maybe she threw back to the Lab I then get she's a bit big for a Lab I have seen some big labs in my time I thought she was small side of a lab (I know that is where she gets her appetite). She also has that neurotic Kelpie drive. In the end It doesn't matter I her!! And for all those out there with their untrainable breeds has anyone told the dogs that yet !!! What they might not be good in some areas may excel in others!!!!
  3. Tilly and I live in the country and we have ads in the local papers saying "Puppies wanted loving homes waiting" . Maybe banning these ads could curb supplies to pet shops. This could also help with the amount of working dogs going to the cities and ending up in the pounds. Sadly I think this is what happened to the rest of Tilly's litter ......
  4. I like mongrel (in the nicest possible way) its better than DD. Though she has no pedigree and parents of unknown orgins or papers I love her and would have a mongrel or Purebred any day than a DD. Yes I too have chuckled when DD owners have said the dogs come with papers just a dearer version of my girl!!!
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