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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Ohmygosh Cleo, that is just the cutest video I've seen in ages! What gorgeous little puppers! If you hadn't told me they were Corgies though, I would have thought they were Border Collies or Aussies No fridge yet Fix-it people said it was the thermostat and they've ordered a new one (around $150) and should arrive tomorrow. I hope that means it will be fixed tomorrow. I was charged $55 just for them to look at it to start with! Is that standard now??? Operation mouse trap will begin tonight. I wanted some of those traps that just open like a peg that you put peanut butter on, but the supermarket didn't have any that I could see (and the 12 year old shelf stacker I asked had no idea what I meant). I didn't want to get the old school ones where you have to melt the cheese on, so I bought this. Cost about $5 and I have no idea if it will work, but I'll set it up tonight. The Laziest Cat in the World is lounging in Roo's Very Expensive Dogbed being lulled into a false sense of security that the house belongs to him again. Ha! Enjoy your peace while it lasts, cat. Roo is back on the weekend. And by the way, was that a mouse you were eyeballing last night behind the heater???? Did you even attempt to catch it while I was slaving away at work to keep you in kitten crack and the doglet in rawhide? Hmmmm? Wizzle, dare I ask why you named the dead rat Bindi??? (and hee! at Miss G's lack of snout ) -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
What a happy, smiley doglet! I hope your video finds her the perfect forever home -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Apparently Roundup is fairly harmless* as weed killers go. Goodness knows my dad and brothers and anyone on the land have practically bathed in it when spraying paddocks! * I am by no means an expert. Annecdotal evidence only -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Hi all Not having a fridge sucks I was hoping the fix-it people would have rung me today to let me know whether it was fixable or whether a new fridge was in order, but no word I'll ring them tomorrow. The fridge wasn't completely full, but the freezer was. Which may have been why it died...that and the fact that I had been meaning to defrost it for weeks but hadn't So when I got home on sunday night, the freezer was defrosted, and the fridge was hot. Nice. In the meantime, no fridge = very limited dinner choices (mowed the lawn and couldn't be bothered going to get takeway after that), so dinner consisted of tinned spaghetti heated up ;) I snavelled a muffin from breakfast at the hotel today, so I can have that in the morning rather than sitting at the staffroom table eating cereal when everyone gets to work like I did on Monday Koala, I'd be interested in hearing more about your trip to Steve. I've been dreadfully slack with Roo's training, but life is pretty mixed up right now, so there's not much else I can do. Hopefully things will settle down soon, but I have no idea when. Ruby has her collar on all the time. Her collar has a snap thingy rather than a buckle though. Lately I've been taking it off her at night when she goes to bed. No reason for that really though Ruby doesn't get water in her crate at night either. She's usually asleep on the floor at my feet by around 10, so I take her out for her final toilet break a little while after that, then its bed for her. My cat found a mouse on Friday morning His first real live mouse (as opposed to toy mouzers) and he had NFI what to do with it! I think he chased it all night, but I was the one who caught it in an ice cream container and threw it outside. I hope it eventually just died of shock I couldn't set a trap because a) I didn't have any, and b) I was going away for the weekend, so I'm just hoping that it doesn't have a family in the house here somewhere When is KA going to Vietnam??? Did I miss that? I may already have a Facebook account under a fake name that I never use... -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Hey lovelies Just a quick post to say hi. Miss Roo is staying at her 'breeders' as I've been away on the weekend (and came home to a dead fridge- not fun), and am currently in Dubbo for an inservice. Dubbo is currently having the worst cricket plague EVER!!!! Seriously, the little buggers are EVERYWHERE! I killed about 20 last night in my hotel room and about 5 tonight since I've been back from dinner, and they're in all the shops and restaurants . Wuffles, I hope your wedding went well and you're enjoying your holiday. I will have to get on Facebook one of these days I guess... -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
I hope I haven't got my dates mixed up, but I think this weekend is your big day, Wuffles? Just wanted to wish you and Mr Wuffles the happiest of happy days for your wedding day, and every day afterwards Look forward to hearing all about it :D -
*Waves at fellow Lab owner* When I first brought Ruby home, her first pigs ear lasted almost 2 weeks! Now it's lucky to last 2 minutes! I do give them to her as a very occasional treat. She loves deer ears too, but again, about 2 minutes :D A forum member on here, Sway, sells deer antler bones on her website for a very reasonable price. Ruby chews on hers for a little while each night, but doesn't seem to love it as much as I thought she would. She enjoys her Nylabone too. I haven't ever given Ruby a roo tail (I assume you mean the dried ones?) since they look a bit scary to me. She does get rawhide chews from Petbarn every now and then though (about once a week). When she was younger, the rolled ones would last a couple of weeks! How old is your doglet? I used to give Ruby chicken necks when she was little, but not for much longer than that. Lamb shanks are Ruby's (and my ) bone of choice :D I actually gave Roo half of a half of a marrow bone today, but scooped just about all of the marrow out first.
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Awww Koala that's such a gorgeous photo! Elborino looks so happy and smiley! Welcome Fen :D Welcome to the best kept secret on DOL. We call it the Cozy Corner -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Awww, Satch looks so cute in his hole Of course Miss G would sleep on top of her crate. She's a fancy lady In thread watching news, check out the Dear Thread post #18350 and beyond. -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
He would have been to The Ex though, right? Although, it's not quite the same I guess. How long has Mr KTB been in Australia for? I suppose he's yet to experience a good old Australian country town show, eh? Drag him along anyway Buy him a Dagwood Dog and some fairy floss (just call it a corn dog and cotton candy) and a show bag and he'll have a great time! :D -
What Did You Feed Your Dogs
lilli_star replied to ShesaLikeableBiBear's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
When I was growing up our dogs were fed a mixture of tinned food (Pal) some nights and biscuits (Good-Os, Meatybites, those biscuits shaped like cheese and love hearts and these other biscuits that were long and thin that looked kind of like mince but separated if that makes sense. Can't remember the name). They also got shank bones and brisket bones and the leftover bone from the roast lamb when it was finished, treats like rawhide chews and Smackos as well as other bits and pieces from us kids (sliced cheese was a favourite. I remember folding it up as much as it could go and sharing the pieces with our dog, Patch . ) Our dogs all lived well into their teens, except for our Foxie who was bitten by a snake. -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Wow Raven! Astrid has become so very tall! -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
I know what you mean. Roo was a bit stinky when we drove to my brother's on the weekend- I think it was the 4 Legs balls. Anyway, the last of them were eaten tonight. Have you tried your doglets with a deer ear? Roo loves those too (they're very much 'sometimes' treats though ) -
Boarding Kennels, Anyone Recommend One?
lilli_star replied to moonbaby's topic in General Dog Discussion
I believe they have statements like "Inspections by appointment only" and between certain hours etc to make sure that they are available and not exercising dogs, cleaning kennels etc. Well, at least, that's the case with the two boarding places I have used (neither of which are in Sydney, sorry). -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
KA, great pic of Kuma. He has such a sweet face :D wuffles- I am sure you'll be fine. You have seemed so calm whenever you've written about your wedding...then again, that may have been when it wasn't just 10 days away! Clastic, I haven't really tried Ruby with vegetables. She's tried apple and liked it, but ignored carrot when I gave it to her (fair enough really ). I was having a few Clinkers with a cup of tea last night and she came over and put her head on my arm and looked at me with such pleading eyes! Sorry, Roo, not for you! It rained all day here today Not fun for teaching little kids- I was marking a book and a boy came up to me and said "I just want to go for a run" and I said "Well, sorry buddy, but it's pouring rain outside, AND we're in the middle of Maths..." Thankfully Roo's palace survived the rain too. Miss Roo was waiting for me when I came home late. She was wet, but not as wet as yesterday, so I'm assuming she spent most of the time it rained in her shed. I had enough time to give her a shank bone (and supervise her eating it of course :D ) and then left her with the leftover 4 Legs balls and a pig's ear before going to another meeting. I'm pretty sure the pigs ear was crunched up before I'd locked the gate ;) -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Hee hee! Elbie needs a birthday hat though! -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Wishing Signor Elborino the happiest of doglet birthdays from me and Miss Roo :D The anniversary of his coming home day will be special again, Koala, as he has so obviously brought so much joy (and a wee bit of angst ) into your and Mr KTB's lives. And thus, by association, into ours too :D I wish I could say that Miss Roo spends the entire day while I'm at work sleeping, but sadly no. She definitely knows when my car pulls into the driveway, even though she can't see me. When I walk down the side of the house to see what she's destroyed, uhhh, been up to, she's always sitting up at the gate into her yard waiting. Even today in the rain :D And going by how wet she was, she'd been there awhile. Depending on what's been happening at school, most days I'm not home before 5pm, and tomorrow I won't be home til much later, and then off to another meeting after that. I do worry and feel guilty, but only because I don't have a verandah or enclosed area next to the house for her. The plan is to put an extension onto the house with a deck/verandah hopefully by the end of this year, but in the meantime, Roo just has her shed and her 'palace'. I'm going to have to rethink that come winter though. Ye olde $2 shoppe gazebo is not built for long term use -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Happy birthday Ziggy! This is my favourite pic Max looks like he had a lovely time at the beach I wonder what Roo would do if I took her to a beach?? You know how I told you a couple of weeks ago that Roo's best dog friend next door ended up breaking through the Tunnel of Love under the fence and got into my backyard? Yes. Well. His owner has not been well, and so Roo and best dog friend have not had a playdate in over a week. This afternoon I was cleaning up her yard (the wind had torn the tarp on her shed in half and Miss Roo worked out how to open her Bottle Buddy and take out the bottle today too Found the lid luckily) and Roo was playing bitey face under the fence. Then I looked up and she had 3 legs under the fence! Then she was under completely and gone! Luckily my next door neighbours were really good about it (I think he would like Ruby to visit more often ;) ) and when they eventually caught her, both doglets had a playdate in my backyard and had a great time. That thread about drinks must have degenerated quickly today. I read the first few posts on the last page and then closed the window Gross. As for the Groodle/Golden Noodle thread, meh. Cross breds are a part of life- we've all had them and I'm sure for the most part, have all been much loved family pets that are remembered fondly. Personally, apart from a Foxie that my mum bought for my grandfather that ended up living with us (probably backyard bred, but how else did you get puppies apart from an ad in the paper????), and my dad's Kelpie workdogs (definitely farm-yard bred), Ruby is the first "purebred" dog I've had. All of our other dogs when I was growing up were rescued/given to us and crossbred anyway. We had a dog called Angie who looked like an Ewok! I'll have to find a photo of her. Such a gorgeous doglet she was. However. I find the whole DD craze beyond ridiculous. There's a difference between accidental crossings and purposeful ones to create a dog with a made up name to sell for squillions of dollars. My hairdresser told me once last year that her husband wanted a "Jug"- a Jack Russell X Pug- I said why??? Why not just a Jack Russell?? She didn't answer. Anyway, KTB has a good point (as usual ). It is known that there are as many unscrupulous breeders as there are ethical breeders, some even that breed "Oodles" on the side (or so I read on DOL- therefore, must be true ;) ). And when a "breeder's" website advertises puppies at an almost constant rate, you have to wonder Of course, the one I'm thinking of charges different amounts according to the colour of the dog- that's ridiculous too in my opinion. Okay. Leaving soapbox now ;) -
Ruby: Roo (most of the time), Rubes, Ruby Grace, Ruby-Roo, Rabbit, Puppa-Girl, Wigglebum, Black Monster, Black Dog. The last two go well with the other dogs at my brother's where her mama dog is- Yellow Monster/Dog (mama dog), Blue Monster/Dog (the ACD X my brother recently rescued) and Half Dog (their Foxie) ;) Jasper (grey and white tabby cat): Jasp, Jaspy, Piglet, Piggly-Wiggly, Jasperificus
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Hey Kwala, that dog show you posted pics from the other day was on tv today! I was taking a break from unpacking stuff at my dad's new place and tuning in his tv when it came on. The only way I knew what it was, was that it had the segment with the black Lab Nepal! I was watching it with my niece and saying things like "Hmmm, I should teach Ruby that" (when the dog was opening doors etc). But when it came to the part where Nepal got up on the hospital bed I thought, oh dear. No way could Ruby ever do that without jumping all over the poor person and saying "Hi! Hi! Hi! Love me love me love me! Wanna play? Huh? Do ya?" ;) I dropped Roo off for some quality Mama dog time while I was helping Dad unpack, and I think she had fun. She's fast asleep at the moment My brother has one of those huge soft plastic tubs with handles (that you can use to put drinks in at a party or storage etc) that is used to catch overflow from one of their gutters. I caught Miss Roo snorkeling in there this morning a couple of times! Hmmm, she won't play in the clam shell to cool off, but on a day like today that was more humid than hot (it ended up raining), she'll happily snorkel away in a big tub! Santa Penguin lost one of thingys off the top of his hat the other night. Miss Roo chewed it off. It, uhhhh, appeared, intact this morning Don't think I'll be reattaching it though :p -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Hmmm...I don't see Lab. Maybe Husky/Malamute? I think he is part wolf At least his eyes are. And you're right- it wasn't until I was a vid/pic of Satch near Kuma a little while ago that I realised how tall Satch is! -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Hee! Evil Koala is so funny! And so handy with the diagrams :D I think Hoover has some Muppet in there too though I am VERY impressed with Elbie's treat balancing! :p One of those threads went bang, but the other that Aussie started is still going (for now). So. Many. Options. In. Polls. Couldn't be bothered choosing, or even reading beyond the first page. Thought about writing something along the lines of "Well, my dog's breeder is really nice. He's my brother after all...." But alas, that may expose my precious black monster to the label of being farm yard bred :D KA, sorry your night out at obedience turned out so crappy I hope the next one is better. -
Alternatives To The Elizabethian Collars
lilli_star replied to heroeswit's topic in General Dog Discussion
Tasi was fantastic, but as it turned out, I didn't even use the one I bought Ruby was fine after desexing with just a bit of Woundguard and Vicks around the wound to deter her. Still, it was so cheap, and such a great idea. I'll keep it "just in case", but hope it's one of those things where you keep it and never have to use it -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Yes! That was such a cute thing to watch. Clip here. Reminds me of when OH and I were sitting at the lights one day. We saw a toddler run away from his mother. OH said: "Ooooh - offleash!" The kid ran back to his mother. We both said: "Ah - good recall." Then it trotted next to its mother and we said: "Nice heelwork." :p We are geeks. We were joking that we'd better never have kids or we'd attempt to crate train it :rofl: :rofl: Oh that's too funny! :D ETA Oh my gosh, don't look now, but Ruby is actually sitting in her Very Expensive Dogbed!!!!! Ack! Spoke too soon Now on the floor next to me. -
Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!
lilli_star replied to koalathebear's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Hee! House was just using a clicker to train Cuddy's daughter!