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Everything posted by lilli_star

  1. Great photos Koala I love the ones of Elbie being a lap dog There is no WAY I could have Ruby on my lap though- she's way too big! I don't know how much she weighs now- I should take her in to the vets to find out. I do know that if she doesn't want to be moved, there is very little I can do to make her! I take it Mr KTB didn't enjoy his first country show? Surely he was impressed by the big pumpkin? :D I went to Petbarn today as well (I'm sure I was Teebs' best customer today- I spent over $200!!!) and bought a Furminator (among other things). I used it this afternoon and combed out half a freezer bag of hair!!!
  2. Aussie, that's a shame that Mindy will not make it as a Guide Dog. But I know how much work you have put into her training and how attached you are to her, so I'm secretly happy that you can keep her. I hope you can get her skin allergies sorted out soon.
  3. Ooooh! Yellow babies! :D They're gorgeous, Tapua. Hope you'll post more pics in the Labrador thread hint, hint What did you end up naming them?
  4. It poured rain most of today again (stopped raining long enough for my kids to have sport and be outside for lunch and recess which got them running off some energy before the heavens opened again right on home time ) I got home late from school (homework to mark- ugh! and classroom to sort out as the windows and carpet are being cleaned this weekend- ugh x2), and naturally the black monster was not impressed at all. She had dragged her bedding out in the rain (to be expected), torn some of the sheet (again, expected) and was soaking wet (yep, expected that too). Sigh. I had a shank bone in the fridge for her, but didn't want to stand in the rain while she ate it, nor did I want her to eat it inside. Solution? Back car out of garage again and have dog eat bone in garage while I sit on my old computer chair. Classy, no? The black monster was happy and forgave me leaving her out in the rain and ate it all up, except for a skinny piece of bone about 5cm long. She's now asleep at my feet. You'd think she would be more comfortable in her V.E. Dogbed, wouldn't you? :D
  5. I have just fished a squeaker out of Ruby's mouth from a toy she has destroyed. *Eyeroll* Crazy dog. Crazy dog did crazy dog zoomies in the rain tonight when I went to get her- she wanted to come around the front to go inside, but did not want to put on lead. The black monster must have been bored in the rain today- a few holes, no biscuits left in her Buster Cube (which has been ignored for a couple of weeks now), box destroyed; but thankfully bedding was kept in the shed, not dragged into the rain as I had suspected. Here are some photos of the Mexican standoff from earlier tonight. Jasper making himself at home. What's going on? Roo the other night- when all was well with the world, and the cat was sleeping in his own bed!
  6. Hmmm...maybe that's it then? It's too hard? To look at Roo's antler, you'd think she had barely touched it- about 3cm from the end has scratchy teeth marks, and a little bit inside has been eaten, but the rest looks 'new'. I bought 2 at the time not knowing how long they would last, or if Ruby would even like it. And she didn't really to start with, so I gave the other one to the GSD next door. Roo is currently laying on her back with an el cheapo stuffed toy in her mouth. She's happy
  7. Max, I joined the dark side last night...you can too! I'm not into the whole "high school-ness" that Facebook has become, and I have resisted for years, but I like chatting to everyone on here Meanwhile, I'm not intending on tracking down people from high school etc*, and I use a fake name * Case in point A few days before school went back, I ran into a parent from school. After exchanging pleasantries, she said "Oh, I see you're friends with my husband now" *Blank look from me* "On Facebook," she explained. "Oh no, that can't be me, I'm not on Facebook" I laughed. *Puzzled look from mother* "Really? But it said *insert real name here*" she said. "Nope. Not me" I said, and left her wondering about it with our school secretary. I guess she didn't think there could be anyone else in the world with the same name as me And wouldn't she be slightly concerned as to WHY I would be friends with her husband on Facebook when I've met him about 3 times????
  8. Roo loves toilet rolls too The black monster is having a gnaw on her chewie (deer antler) at the moment. She usually only chews it for about 5 minutes, then abandons it for something else. Short attention span? Yes. But those of you who have bought one for your doglets, do they gnaw on it for very long?
  9. Wuffles, sorry to hear about your training session last night. I hope the lovely Miss Ava is okay. At least Ava HAS recall- Ruby does not This morning after I stumbled out of bed (not a morning person) to take Roo outside, I didn't put her lead on like I usually do. I have no front fence (which is on my to do list) and as the cat has his litter trays in the laundry, to get to the backyard, I have to go out the front then around to the side gate. This means Ruby has her toilet breaks at night on lead (annoying, but necessary), and when I take her around the back, she's usually on lead too. Except this morning. I was still half asleep, about to wander around to the backyard in my Elmo jamas (which technically don't match, since the bottoms are 'summer' jamas, and the top is flannelette, even though both have Elmo on them) with Roo, when she spots two of the ladies who live in my street out for their morning walk. "OOOOH! FRIENDS!" thinks Ruby, and runs across the road towards them "Love me love me love me love me! Hi hi hi hi hi!" bum wiggling, just as a car is coming up the road! So there I am in the driveway (wearing my jamas and thongs) saying "RUBY! COME!" to no avail. Luckily the ladies grabbed Roo's collar, and held her for me, and as it turned out, the car was turning into its driveway 2 doors down. Ugh. I then dragged her around the back and gave her a severe talking to. Which worked...not one bit unsurprisingly. Naughty doglet.
  10. Oh, God, so was I! It was the school holidays when I got Ruby, and I would seriously sit outside with her and think to myself wtf have I done????? How will I be able to just leave her in the yard when I go back to work (hence why I begged my dad to build me a fence ) Will the cat ever forgive me? etc etc Then I would get annoyed with myself because I grew up on a farm for goodness sake- of course, it's a lot easier when you're a kid, and you don't have to do everything by yourself. Plus it was winter, and the weather last year was so wet and crappy. I was a complete basketcase! Ruby did a lot of what Elbie did (ie, normal puppy behaviour :D )- leash grabbing, pant leg pulling, chewing, eating strange things (she ate a 5cm chunk out of her blanket when about 3 months old), toy destroying, digging etc. I have to say, I am in no hurry to get another puppy anytime soon. And although she still makes me worry about her, and drives me crazy at times, I have to remind myself that she is still only 10 months old- still a puppy, and for the most part is a lot calmer and well mannered than most other dogs I know. I really need to work on distractions with other dogs though, but don't have anyone to practice with :D
  11. I bought one in January from the Reject Shop- cost me $30. My best friend (who is a lot more handy than me) reinforced in with duct tape around the joins, and then wired the legs to short steel posts. It may rot, but it sure won't blow away! Shame it's not waterproof though. BCF has waterproof gazebo thingies, but they are much more expensive.
  12. Oh MM, I'm sorry to hear that Hector is having an unsettled time at the moment. It sounds like you have taken all the advice offered on board, and I really hope it works out for you and Hector. Filming sounds like an interesting option too- call me cynical, but I wonder if the neighbours have done something to stir him up
  13. Hmmmm...puppy shopping list. I bought (and actually didn't use more than one or two) some of those puppy training pads from the $2 shop. The $2 shop was good for toys, dishes, doggie/baby wipes and the bed that is still in Roo's crate (one of these days I will get around to replacing it :D ) Oh, another thing I bought and didn't really use were those compost panels from Bunnings. I bought 2 lots- tied them together with cable ties and attempted to use it as a play pen. Meh. A couple of days later my dad fenced off some of the yard for Roo that she still uses now, so didn't need them. I did use a small wheat pack I got from Big W a lot though, until Roo got a bit bigger and discovered chewing! I almost bought one of those snuggle safe ones, but to be honest, the wheat pack was fine for the time I needed it, and I only used it at night in her crate. I put a clock on top of her crate for the first few nights, but she was already used to sleeping apart from her mother before I got her, so that part was okay. I had a few pigs ears for Roo to have in her crate to get her u sed to it too- one ear lasted a week back then! Lol. I used white vinegar and water to clean up any messes, but thankfully Ruby only had a few accidents inside. Raven, what a night! Poor Astrid! I've had a few nights like that with Ruby. Not fun. I hope you and Astrid are feeling better and getting plenty of rest. ETA- I failed with cat/dog interaction. I thought I did everything right, but at the end of the day, Roo wants to play and say hello, and Jasper blows raspberries at her and says nyer nyer nyer nyer nyer in cat language. Ruby was forever finding surprise items in the yard too- bits of wire, wood, lino. The fenceline between my house and where the GSD lives was like a treasure trove for Ruby! She'd stick her head under, find some contraband material and then run around the yard daring me to chase her! Gah! Don't miss those days!
  14. Apparently there's an email???? Anyone had it? PS We have a doglet in the dogbed people. It was not just a one time event Through trial and error I've discovered she will only lay in it if the brown blanket is in the bed. Funny doglet.
  15. :p Poor Mars Great photo though *Raises Ruby's paw* I do believe you've described Roo to a T, Betsy! Shame we're nowhere near each other! Koala, my brother has both sheep and cattle, so his doglets work both. My brothers always give their dogs "interesting" names- for instance, the Kelpie that was given to us was Bert, plus my brothers have had dogs named Wal and Neville! ;) Thank God my nieces and nephews are all well named! The dogs in the photo with Roo and Lucky are Wags, Joy and Missy. Wags is a boy, still a pup really. Joy is Missy's mother. Wizzle, Roo gets bathed when she's stinky...which is rare when she's home with me, but if she goes to visit the 'cousins' at the farm...a definite must!
  16. Ahhh, yes. That would be the realm of "Off Topic", and can only be reached after 150 posts I think (or maybe 100?), upon which a whole new world of over-sharing and TMI shall be revealed to you Sadly, posts to our cozy corner don't count (boo!), so you have to get cracking in General to rack up enough posts to get a glimpse of Off Topic Land. Look forward to pics of your new pupper when it arrives
  17. Double posting because I can My smiley girl, who doesn't often smile for photos. Taken about a month ago now, but just downloaded from camera tonight
  18. I apologise for hijacking this thread, but I had no idea dogs could get Lupus Is it treated in the same way as humans?
  19. Ooh! ;) :) Clastic! Hope you've had a fab day wizzle, that first photo of Miss G with the apple core is an absolute classic! :laugh: :rofl: Love it! I have my black monster back! She was waaaaaaay stinky due to general merriment at the farm- swimming in the dam, rolling in dead sheep and cow and sheep poo, eating the compost etc etc Also, completely ignored me when I got there Here she is with my brother's workdogs and the doglet he rescued, Lucky (aka Blue Monster). Lucky was very domineering over Roo when we first arrived last Friday, but before long, they were best mates getting up to all sorts of mischief. I guess that's due to Lucky's bumpy start in life All the dogs get along really well together, which I was surprised at because the workdogs are usually kept separate to the "housedogs". Ruby is currently sleeping off a big week in...wait for it...HER VERY EXPENSIVE DOGBED!!!!! Yes, that's right people, I have proof! She's still snoring away. This was what greeted us earlier tonight though when Roo and I went to get her "chewie" (deer antler) from her crate. That's Jasper my cat doing what cats do- taking over all furniture/spaces as their own. A bit Goldilocks-esque though, isn't it?
  20. While I haven't had any close encounters with these dogs, one day I would like to learn a bit more about them and perhaps own one (Based entirely on superficial-ness looks only ) Australian Shepherd Boston Terrier French Bulldog
  21. I have my fridge back- yay! I was stuffed around a bit, but bless the husbands of people I work with for picking it up for me Operation Mouse Trap is still ongoing- no mouzers caught so far. Wuffles, great photos Loved the ones of the doglets on the beach (what a huge beach and such a gorgeous day by the looks of it), and of course the one from your wedding. Very pretty, and the flowers are so striking in contrast to the dresses. Oh thank God! Bloody stupid name anyway- couldn't believe my hairdresser said it with a straight face last year when she said her husband wanted one! Hope you feel better soon KA. I haven't been to Vietnam, but I think my sister has (hard to keep track, she's been to so many countries, partly through her work). I recently tasted Vietnamese food for the first time, and if that's any consolation, it was delish! Koala, I'm not a fan of boofy type dogs like Pitbulls etc, but Delta looks so dignified. I really hope she finds a happy home. What's the secret to Elbie's heeling? Please share! My sister in law said Roo should come home about a stone lighter since she has not stopped running around with their blue monster (Lucky their rescue dog) the entire time! I'll go over and get her tomorrow- and thus the sulking shall begin. Roo will sulk for me taking her away from all of her fun, and the cat will sulk because the black monster will be back. Hopefully she'll just sleep like Max The local show is coming up soon. There's a pet show as part of it. Dare I enter the black monster???
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