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Everything posted by lilli_star

  1. Awww, KTB, Goofy/Patch looks like a sweetie! I wonder why he's being moved on so quickly? Especially when it says "No kill"??? So many needy doglets out there
  2. Either what I ate for dinner last night (nothing out of the ordinary), or a bug picked up from kids at school I was sick last night and stupidly went to school this morning, but came home at lunch and slept for the rest of the day. Just had some toast and Vegemite, so hopefully that will do the trick. I was going to msg you KTB to see if you had seen that thread. I saw it before Little Miss All About The Rules got on her high horse and made that post
  3. I haven't seen the original post which has unfortunately now been deleted but my understanding is that owners of cross breeds are permitted to post here and discuss their dogs so long as they do not extol the virtues of cross breeds ... If the OP referred to the dog by a funky DD Portmanteau name, given that it was a simple nomenclature error it might have been a little gentler to just ask her to revise the name in accordance with forum rules. I've seen other members do it quite nicely. loungefly: Please repost. One of my doggies is a crossbreed and I've received lots of useful advice from DOLers. The doglet is a Kelpie/Lab X who IIRC from the original post is named Mia, and I'm sure is gorgeous. There was nothing wrong with the post or the title. Please post again loungefly.
  4. That's what I call my Magical Dog Trainer Lady (obviously not to her face lol ) who runs Roo's dog school. Max has expanded the acronym to include the male of the species :D
  5. Hee! I love how my acronyms are being used by others* I tend to use them a lot to talk "in code" with people I work with I'd love to see video of Max when he really gets going at flyball * Except I'm not sure what MDTP stands for... :D Ahhh...of course!
  6. Roo has only had apple so far. I wasn't sure which other fruit was okay for doglets :D My sister's dogs eat mangoes and peaches right down to the seed though
  7. It had some other name...began with a P... Oooh! Paddywhack?? Paddystick??? Something like that. I just read the 1st page. Started to get a sense of deja vu of where it was headed, then saw your post and laughed a lot! Hee! Also Fruit???!!! :D Oh the injustice of it all!
  8. :D Like I said- I wasn't sure whether to laugh, cry, or throw something at her! Bless her, it was the first time she'd really had a chance to run around all day since the rain had finally stopped, and how nice of Mama to bring home a big blue flappy thing for Roo to drag around! :D It's raining again (so much fun to toilet a dog in the rain as you know ), but it didn't really start to rain until after school. Nonetheless, I came home to a dry dog, so the tarp did its thing and Miss Roo decided that staying in her shed would be better than playing Poor Little Match Girl out in the rain. I also bought her a new waterproof mattress/bed thingy to go inside her kennel yesterday, so that might have helped too. Now, about the 'chews'. I saw one in the supermarket yesterday that I'm sure to the average person it would not click that the beef whatever-cutesy-name-they-gave-it was really a beef penis! I don't feel squeamish about giving the ears, but THAT, well, yes I would
  9. Catching up, but jumping in to say, yes I agree. I actually started to post about it on Sunday, then changed my mind. There won't be any updates on there anyway from now on apparently.
  10. It poured rain here today all day. I woke up at 6:20am and it wasn't raining, got changed to take Roo for a walk, and it started to pour, and pretty much stayed the same for the rest of the day. As you know, Roo has a garden shed that has her kennel in it as well, but I felt so guilty this morning because the rain was blowing right into it :D I moved her kennel over a bit, gave her her frozen Kong, Buster cube and bone (half of a half of a shin bone, but with most of the marrow scooped out) and had to go to work Since she's destroyed all of her outside soft toys except for her beloved Cow, I was hoping she wouldn't turn on Cow. Thankfully, she managed to keep herself occupied. I stopped at the supermarket on the way home to buy a tarp to rig up somehow at the entrance of the shed to shield it from the rain a bit, but the only tarps they had were MEGA! As in 6 m long! I bought it anyway (not realising at the time how big it really was!) and when I got home, my next door neighbour stuck his head out the window to say hello and to tell me that his beloved older dog (she who guards the fence) now has cancer in her jaw :D She had a growth removed near her bottom a few months ago too. So sad. He loves her so much. I think they lost their other dog earlier this year too. Their boy GSD (Ruby's best dog friend) is helping to heal that hurt, but it is going to get worse again. I then went to try and be all handy-girl like, and, well, failed miserably! At least by this stage the rain had slowed, but (what fun!) the wind picked up, so here I am wrestling with the biggest blue tarp in the world with Ruby running around me. Then I decide (after cursing myself for not even owning a ladder!) that I should cut it, so I lay it out, and Ruby comes flying past and takes off with it! So there I am, standing in the middle of the backyad, not sure whether to laugh, cry, swear or throw something at the dog. I managed to wrestle it off her and went back to try again- lather rinse repeat a few times, and I'm stomping my foot in frustration, but at least I have some of the tarp on the roof of the shed with bricks on top. My neighbour must have been watching me (and no doubt pissing himself laughing! :p ) struggle and bless him, came over with his doglet to help me out. Ruby and GSD boy had a great time wrestling and playing bitey face, and NDN attached the tarp for me. I hope it works. Of course, now we've done it, I bet there's no more rain! :D Ruby loves pigs ears and deer ears. Shame they don't last as long as they did when she was only a baby puppy though! I don't think I'd buy her pig snouts though... :D
  11. Not even breeders can come to a consensus! If you fed what they said to on the packet, dogs would be unable to move! According to the bag, Ruby should be getting more than 4 cups a day! :D She gets about half of that, less if she has a bone. How much do you feed James, Niques? I've just come back from taking Roo on a short walk. I thought the rain had stopped, but as luck would have it, no. So we kicked the soccer ball around for a bit (if it lasts the week, I'll be surprised ), then I took her for a walk around the block where she managed to stir up two households of dogs on the way past. Ruby hardly ever barks (she barked at something in the dark the other night when I took her out to the toilet which freaked me out slightly, but other than that it's usually only at the cat if he's sitting in the window sending her death stares, and even that is rare), but the dogs that live a few houses up are quite, shall we say, protective of their properties, and every time we walk past, they bark their heads off! At least Ruby doesn't join in, but I'm sure the neighbours must hate it when we go past. Sorry. KTB, Mr KTB seems like such a softie, tucking the doglets in I was having a look at the Threadless website, but I think the t shirts have too high a neckline for me. Cool designs though.
  12. And pm-ed a few certain people? :D Stirrer! :laugh: I do stand by my decision as being the best one I could make taking all things into account, and she was almost 6 1/2 months. But, as with the puppy vs adult food issue, it does make you wonder who really does know best- breeders or vets since neither can come to a consensus.
  13. Yeah, my ex's parents' house had a clothesline (but not a Hills Hoist type), but I was the only one who ever used it! :rolleyes: Middle of summer, and they would still use the dryer! I just couldn't get my head around that. Thanks. They're not really going anywhere though :D I've had a prac student on my class for the past 5 weeks which meant that although I was in the classroom, it wasn't me teaching, so as a result, I'm not where I would be usually to be ready to write reports. Having a prac student in Term 4 was extremely unhelpful, and I was kicking myself for not looking more carefully at the dates when the boss first asked me to do it. Anyway. They've finished up their prac now. Oh God, don't even get me started! I'm STILL confused as to when I should stop feeding Ruby puppy food and why or why not I haven't yet. I think I'll change her over to adult food when this bag is finished (not long opened it). I know that puppy food is really only a relatively new "invention" so to say, but all the differing opinions, even just within the one breed is confusing! And as for desexing, well, it's done now, but there's still a niggling voice in the back of my mind that wonders if I should have waited just a little bit longer. Then the voice of reason takes over saying that I did what was right at the time, I had advice from several vets (including my sister), I have no facilities to lock her up if she had come into season (especially with an entire GSD next door, even if he is only a puppy), and at the end of the day, she's a pet, not a show dog. But...still. :D As for raw vs kibble, well, I give Ruby a mix of kibble and meat- sometimes mince (frozen in a Kong), or sardines, or a couple of times a week lamb shanks. My next door neighbour COOKS food for his dogs- I'm not kidding. The other day when I was mowing the lawn, I could smell something really yummy cooking like marinated chicken wings. It turned out my next door neighbour was BBQing some- for his dogs! Yes, he breaks every rule and feeds his dogs cooked bones. He really, really loves his dogs (cooks up vegies, pasta, meat and gravy for them), and even though I have said that cooked bones, especially chicken, are really not safe for dogs, he assures me that he always has, and they're fine, so what can you say? KTB, did you tuck Hoover in, or does he snuggle under the blanket himself? He looks so cute! Ruby is currently curled up on the wet grass outside doing her Poor Little Matchgirl impression again. At least it has stopped raining! Poor, long suffering Elbie! He really does look like he's saying "Okay Mum. I'm doing this for you- but I don't like it! Not one little bit!"
  14. Yeah, me too KTB. I read the first five or six originally, and then didn't revisit the thread until you posted the link. Yikes! It certainly snowballed from there I truly hope that I, and indeed, any of us, never have to experience what the OP is going through. I've said it before, and I'll say it again (sorry, flashback to Fast Forward parody of Derryn Hinch just came to mind then!), I'm so glad we have this cosy corner where we are all so supportive of one another and our doglets.
  15. Yeah it's raining here too. No walk for Miss Ruby this morning, and if it keeps up like this, I doubt she'll get one this afternoon either I have a tonne of washing to do as well- didn't do any yesterday in case it rained while I was at dog school, but typically the rain held off til today. The dryer will be getting a workout today lol. I look forward to seeing pics of Kuma with his stash of pressies too I'm supposed to be doing reports...better make a start I suppose
  16. Loved the video KTB. Looks like a great time was had by all ;) Ava looks quite proud of her stash too We went to dog school today. I put the magical harness on Roo but it was not so magical today Roo did not feel like working in it, and about halfway through I took it off her. MDTL commented on it afterwards too and said that Ruby obviously doesn't like wearing it, and we'll have to work on LLW. Apparently what we all class as LLW is not what MDTL approves of I also need to work on getting Ruby to stand (ie from a sit). Of course MDTL could get Roo to do it, but do you think I could? Ha! The lazy slug would just go into a drop Tonight when I brought Roo inside I saw that His Royal Grumpiness the cat (Jasper) had decided to nap in Ruby's crate while we were outside and was in no real hurry to leave. Wish I had got a pic. My next door neighbour was kind enough to throw an old soccer ball over the fence for Roo to have, so she's had a great time playing with it and carrying it around. Not sure how long it will last though
  17. Hey, we live in a 37 year old house in the Olden 'Burbs of Canberra where people either have mini poodles, elderly fat labs and pugs or garden variety crossbreeds with no portmanteau name! Unlike the Young Urbanites of Gungahlin, there are absolutely no fancy DD crossbreeds in this neck of the woods. The first time I ever saw a labradoodle or cavoodle was at Dog School and the first Spoodle was last night - must be from one of the Thursday classes. ETA: Found some footage on my camera from last week at dog school. It's just some short footage regarding the rubber frisbee which is always so beloved of Elbie. Video . Seems like no matter what happens, it always ends up with Champ the lab. Also, there's a very tiny but cute smidgen of footage of Ava chomping on Hoover. Elbie and Hoover chomp on each other like this quite regularly.Here is with two dogs. Yay for videos! Roo likes frisbees too. I bought her a new one from the supermarket here the other day which she loves, but it's hard for her to pick up How clever are your doglets! Yays for Elbie and his many tricks! KTB, I really think I should post Roo to you or Wuffles to train for me Roo played with the GSD from next door for about an hour tonight and is fast asleep. ;)
  18. Sounds like you guys did a pretty good job. There is no way that my dog would even be able to do 1/10th of those things with all that distraction!On the up side, be proud of your very happy dog! Nor mine! Assessment sounds hard. And stressful. Glad you had a good evening anyway Roo is currently pushing her Buster cube loudly on the floor- dreadful noise! Tonight after I came in from mowing the lawn, I turned the ceiling fan on as it was warm inside. Roo has never encountered a fan before ;) She freaked out a bit! Barking and trying to jump up and grab it :D Silly girl
  19. I'm in NSW (Niques is in QLD- easy to get us mixed up when we both have black Labs though ) and our reports have stayed the same for the past 4 years, but with the stupid A-E grades that parents don't understand (e.g. a C means that their child can do everything at grade level and to get an A would mean that they are well above grade level, but of course, they don't get that, and just assume A means they can do it and C means they can't ) Feral dog behaviour at assessment? Oh no! ;) Do tell!
  20. Ahh, yes, that would be me Front lawn mowed yesterday evening, back lawn mowed tonight and I. Am. Stuffed. I really need to put in some kind of garden bed type items in the backyard in the holidays to try and cut down on the amount of grass I need to mow. ;) I'm so tired . Reports are due next week and mine are not going to be ready- I've had a prac student for the past 5 weeks (yes. In term 4. Great timing-not) and since they've been 'teaching' I haven't been able to assess my kids like I would have usually done by now. Praccie's last day tomorrow though- my kids have been out of sorts and more chatty than usual. Not how they would behave with me. Hope all the dog assessments went well. Look forward to pics and news ;)
  21. A husband? What use would that be? Weeelll, he could start by mowing the lawn....
  22. 10% of the house value..!?!? Our garden will be a patch of dirt for a long long while.. we haven't even gotten anything organised for the curtins/blinds yet. The plan is to just have fabric until we do........ classy. Ditto two fold. I have a bathroom to fix up, a front fence to put in and eventually put on an extension for a new kitchen (mine is the size of a shoe box- and I'm really only slightly exaggerating)/dining room and a deck. Sigh. I really need a husband...
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