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Everything posted by Kailam8188

  1. Early July is pre-school. We were told that the pup was 8 weeks. It wasn't until we said to them, when were they born? And we realised and said to them that they were younger.
  2. Hi all, my name is Kailam and this will be my first post on your forums! Although have done plenty of reading. I have just gotten a new German Shepherd puppy around about 2 weeks ago. At the current moment she is 8 weeks old. She is booked in for puppy pre-school for early next month. However I'm a tad worried. I've got 1 other dog who is around 3 years old now, but I missed his early stages of life as I was away. So having this GSD is new to me. I assume that she will grow out of going around picking up everything with her mouth and playing with it. But will she grow out of dominating over my 3 year old dog and my older cat. My 3 year old dog is a very very calm Jack Russell X who never barks, growls, bites and would much rather a pat then a play. So the new pup keeps biting him and the cat and playing around, and jumping on them and their only exit is to jump up on the couch. But it won't be long for the pup to be able to jump up there after them. My dog never plays with her back or anything. But they do sleep together every night. Will she grow out of this and learn from my older dog that its nice to be a calm dog? So far she is pretty much toilet trained, she can also sit and stay on command. So she's a smart dog and I know people say not to use the word NO but I do, and she knows what it means. Thanks in advance for your input. Hope it makes sense with what I'm asking. Maybe for advice?
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