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Everything posted by Abbiestar

  1. Suck it in Princess!!! :laugh: Dry your eyes and get out there! On your bike! M :) :)
  2. Hi All, entry details are available for the ET in Canberra. 2012 ENDURANCE TEST SUNDAY 1 July 2012 ACT German Shepherd Dog Association Grounds Exhibition Park (EPIC), Flemington Road, Mitchell ACT Check In Time: 9.00am Start: Test 1: 10.00am Test 2: 10.30am Entry fee: $35.00 including catalogue and GST. Cheques to be made payable to “Dogs ACT” NOTE: + Please include height of dog on entry form. + Please include a 110 x 220mm self addressed envelope. + Please note whether the handler is competing on foot or bike. Entries close: 22 June 2012 Entries to The Endurance Trial Manager PO Box 815, Dickson, ACT 2602 Phone 62302494 IMPORTANT: + Dogs A.C.T. reserves the right to ballot entries should it be necessary. + ACCEPTANCE OF ENTRY FOR THE TRIAL WILL BE SENT OUT WHICH INCLUDES THE REQUIRED PAPERWORK FOR THE VETERINARY CLEARANCE TO BE PRESENTED ON THE DAY OF THE TRIAL. + Dogs participation is subject to Veterinary Clearance as per Endurance Test rules. + This Test is conducted in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Dogs A.C.T (ACT Canine Association Inc.) + Bitches in Oestrum are not permitted within the Trial vicinity.All participants must be a member of a State Controlling Body. + Dogs must be on collars - NO CHAINS.Refreshments are available. + ALL COMPETITORS COMPETING ON A BIKE ARE MANDATED TO WEARING A SUITABLE HELMET. Canberra puts on a great ET. Let's give them plenty of support! M
  3. Good luck for the ET at the GSDCV. Glad you got your entries in! M
  4. Yes. quite sure of it. Build her up to 6 ks, and then 8. Remember there are rest periods between each leg of the run and dogs recover really quickly. if she can do the 8 k's, the rest will be a breeze. M
  5. Good Luck to those competing in tomorrow's ET for the HVCV. The weather looks crappy! Looking forward to hearing results. M
  6. You could be. How is your training coming along? M
  7. Have just heard, the ET in Canberra will be held July 1. Have been invited to judge, but unfortunately cannot accept this year. We will have puppies at the time. Canberra puts on a great event, if you haven't been before, give it some thought. They have a terrific course around the ACT showgrounds. M
  8. Hi All, I am back! Have had quite a few non-dog related issues to tend to! :)) Heart rates vary between dog breeds and sizes. There is no numerical rule of thumb to follow. As a judge, I rely a lot on the vet team that assess each dog for it's heart rate, pad condition, temperature and general well being. It is rare for a dog to be failed for poor health at a vet checking station with the exception of pad damage or cuts. The timing of the vet checks is at each interval between the 8ks, 6 ks and final 6 Ks. The vet team move in really quickly and at random places in the lineup as they must check up to 20 dogs within a 15 minute rest break. It is luck of the draw as to whether you are vetted first or last, but generally this does not matter. If your dog is in good health and has been reasonably prepared, you will pass. M
  9. Hi, I believe that Sydney ET is in early August. Contact DogsNSW for exact details. Dogs must be a minimum of 2 years old to compete. M
  10. Hi murve, you may have to choose another ET. Sale is cancelled this year. M
  11. Hi 3BW, I have competed in nine ET's and judged ET's in Victoria and the ACT. Happy to answer your questions. Firstly, you cannot use a chain at all. It must be a fixed collar, leather or webbing. Harnesses are also acceptable, but I do not recommend them. The dog should not be pulling you, or lagging for that matter. If your dog can "heel" well, use the "Heel" command when training. Condition the dog to working alongside you the same way you would at obedience. Dogs recover really quickly from strenuous exercise. Even so, one training session a week of 15K is more than ample. Good luck for your test. Which one are you considering entering? M
  12. Hi Esky the Husky, looking from your signature, I assume you are in SA and will enter the ET in Adelaide. It is being run by the GSDCSA, and details of the test are on their website www.gsdcsa.org You can email the club secretary at [email protected] and they will let you know who and where to send entries to. The test is being held on Saturday June 23. If you need further help, please let me know. Good luck! M
  13. It is worth spending a few extra $$ and getting a device from your bike shop so that the staff can fit it and make sure it is properly calibrated. M
  14. Yes, you can join. And welcome!!! Sounds like your training is going well. You have a sensible pattern happening, so am sure you will do well. Please DO NOT worry about the willingness test. As I said in a previous post, the name was changed from "obedience Test" to "willingness test". it is no longer an obedience test, just a test to see that the dog is "willing" to follow your direction. I am one of the judges appointed to judge the GSDCV event in June and I can tell you that as a judge, I am not looking for trial standard obedience. You CAN double command, you CAN use your hands to physically assist the dog. I just want to see that the dog is prepared to work for you and is capable of following basic directions. If you need any advice, please ask. M
  15. Thanks for letting us know. That is a shame. I believe that they only got a couple of entries last year which is disappointing. M
  16. Hi, you can swap handlers as many times as you like, however the handler that performs the willingness test prior to the run, must be the same for the willingness test after the run. M
  17. Best thing you can do....go to your bike shop and buy yourself a pair of padded lycra cycling shorts, or "knicks" as they are called. Trust me they work! M
  18. Hi CC, Springers is open during the week. The course runs from the rear of the building across the front lawns and down the gravel paths where the McMansions are to the second footbridge and back. All level, but you do encounter the public walking, dogs, bikes, etc. during the test. Hope to see you at GSDCV. M
  19. Best of luck also for GSDCV ET. Good luck with the training. At least you know what to expect this time! M
  20. Hi, I believe it is in August, though i don't think a date has been finalised. Will make enquiries for you. M
  21. GSDCV Schedule is up. Go to gsdcv.org.au ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY JUNE 1st 2012 GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF VICTORIA Inc. OPEN ENDURANCE TEST Saturday 23rd June 2012 VENUE: Cherry Lake Reserve, Civic Parade, Altona. (Melways Ref: 54 J9) JUDGE: Ray Ashman. Reserve: Michael Stuart. ENTRY FEE: $35.00 (incl VCA levy and catalogue) ENTRIES TO: Trial Secretary: Dearne Jackson PO Box 397 Ashburton 3147. Ph 0413 278 042 (Please - not after 9pm). Cheques/money orders payable to German Shepherd Dog Club of Vic Inc. Stamped self addressed envelope must be included with entries so we can forward vet checklist to be completed by your Veterinarian. In compliance with the ANKC Rules a veterinary certificate issued within fourteen days immediately prior to the date of the test MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR EACH DOG ON THE DAY OF THE TEST. Entrants must include on the entry form whether they are riding a bike or running Online entries available at www.gsdcv.org.au/entries (vet checklist will be forward via email) SPECIAL CONDITIONS: All entrants who choose to ride a bicycle must wear a suitable safety helmet to comply with the State traffic laws. All bicycles must be in roadworthy condition. ENTRIES to be on prescribed entry form and must be legible with correct spelling of dog’s name and include all dog’s titles so correct details of entry can be included in catalogue. This event is open to all breeds and required ages are: minimum 2 years to under 8 years on the day of the test. In the event of an excessive entry a ballot may be held. ENTRIES CLOSE: Friday June 1st 2012 CHECK IN: 7.00am to 7.30am. Dogs to be vetted by the Trial Veterinarian prior to the 8.00am commencement time of the trial JUDGING COMMENCES: 8.00am. AWARDS: Title ribbons and Pass cards. CATERING: Limited catering will be available. IN THE EVENT OF THE TEMPERATURE REACING 24oC AT ANY TIME DURING THE TEST ON THE 23rd JUNE 2011 THIS FIXTURE WOULD BE CANCELLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ANKC RULES. Online entries available at www.gsdcv.org.au/entries
  22. Hi, I note that you are from NSW. Get in contact with DogsNSW and you can register your dog as an "associate" breed. You will then be able to enter endurance, agility, obedience - any discipline except conformation shows. There are two ET's in NSW around July and August, and one in the ACT in August. Good luck. M
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