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Everything posted by Abbiestar

  1. My OH loves bike riding so he is doing all of it he thinks its a great excuse to get a mountain bike, as he only has the road bike. I think the road bike will be unhappy going over different terrain. its certainly a fantastic way to exercise your dog :rolleyes: We took Digby swimming today as we still need to try to get him fit. Its hard, as he is possibly the laziest dog in the world. Hi, If you are going to get a new bike, a mountain or hybrid would be fine. A good idea would be to take the springer to the bike shop to see how it would fit on any of the bikes you are considering. I would NEVER consider a road bike for an ET, especially if it is carbon framed. Sorry to hear that Digby has injured himself. Let him heal properly before recommencing training him. Once well, I am quite sure he can do it. M
  2. Our friend Fiona's house in Rochester was saved. The water filled her whole street and all the houses had water to their fence lines. Fortunately that was as far as it went. The downside is, she has no power or running water and she says the smell is absolutely shocking! M
  3. Don't be nervous on the bike. Practice to a level you are confident with, and then introduce it to the dog. The dog will pick up on your nervousness very quickly, so it is important that you develop your skill first. M
  4. This is great news! You will be ready for an ET in no time. Remember it is an easy slow pace of 10-12 kilometres per hour. If you bike has a speedo try riding at that speed for a distance to get used to it. On shorter, flatter rides, take the dog along too to start getting used to the bike. M
  5. Thanks for your concern, boxagirl. Have not heard from Fiona today, but guess I will when she gets a chance. Glad Wolf took to the bike well. I have just walked in the door from a 50km road cycle. Two years ago I NEVER could have done this. Even doing 50ks in the car would be exhausting! What I am trying to say is, it is amazing how quickly your body can adapt and get used to excercise. Keep the practice up. Try to increase your ride distance each time, just by a little bit. Practice with and without the dog. Good luck. M
  6. Hi All, Spare a thought for Fiona Colenso who lives in the Victorian country town of Rochester. Fiona campaigns her Vizslas in conformation, obedience, agility, jumping dogs, and endurance tests. (CH Abbiestar Ever Smart CDX ADX JDX ET, CH Abbiestar Premium Red CDX ADX JDX, CH Abbiestar Made To Order JD). Fiona has today been ordered to leave her home and head for higher ground along with most others in the town. She has packed up the dogs and a few possessions and awaits the order to leave. Fiona took her caravan to higher ground, only to have it sideswiped during the journey. She returned home where the water is at the fence line and heading towards the house. She is now unable to leave her home. Hoping the situation is not going to be too bad. M
  7. Am watching this all on the news right now. It is terrifying. Every year we drive to the Sunshine Coast from Melbourne. It is devastating to see towns we drive through and know such as Warwick and Ipswich completely cut off. M
  8. One of the ET list members here is from Ipswich. With the terrible floods we are hearing about and seeing, I hope that they are OK. Please let us all know when you get a chance. M
  9. thanks! Yeah we will try to prepare him well and obviously if its looking like its too much for him we just won't do it - so no biggy If we do it, we'll be going to Canberra Thanks for the info on checking his heart rate. We had a go at that... So next question: are there some guidelines about what we should be aiming for with heart rate? Hi Raineth, I do not know enough about his breed to give accurate advice on that. Best you check with his vet. Explain what it is you want to do with Digby and ask the vet for his/her advice about the optimum heart rate. Canberra has a great, interesting course at the showgrounds that is mainly flat. There are a few hills, but not big ones. It is a good, fun ET that is superbly run. M
  10. Hi All, Just noticed that for the first time, Dogzonline is INCLUDING the Endurance Test title in it's pointscore competitions. This is a great move. Go to http://www.dogzonline.com.au/showdog2011/rules_advance.asp The ET can contribute 20 points to entrants in the Dogzonline pointscore. M
  11. ooo cooler down that way Cooler climates are always preferable for an ET. Remember, the test is immediately cancelled if the ambient temperature reaches 24 degrees. This is why the tests are held in the cooler months and start so early in the mornings. M
  12. Good work! I think if a dog has learned to heel properly, all the hard work is already done in adapting to a bicycle. Best of luck with Wolf. M
  13. Hi Raineth, welcome to the ET list. Digby certainly is a big boy at 60kgs! As you may have read, the ET course is broken up into three stages of 8k, 6k and 6k again. Each with a rest break between them. I think that any dog can do it with good and proper preparatory training. Given that the ET's are not held until the cooler weather starts, this gives you approximately 4-5 months to get prepared. This is more than enough time. I do not think it would be cruel to make Digby do this. Just start his training now and build up the distances over time. The ET is run at a steady 10-12kph. It is a gentle gait for an average sized dog. I notice you are in NSW? this would mean that you could go to Erskine Park (Sydney), or to DogsACT in Canberra to do your ET. To check Digby's heart rate, get him to lie down on his right side. Bend his left front leg at the elbow. Touch the elbow to his chest. This is the area where you can easily hear the heartbeat. Place your fingers flat on this area and count the beats for 15 seconds. Then multiply that number by 4 and you have the heartbeats per minute. If you need more help or info, please ask. M
  14. Why three years? The dogs can do it at 2 years of age. M It depends on how he matures, my other boy was a very slow maturer, plus I'll be busy with obedience and agility . OK. Good luck with all your training. M
  15. Why three years? The dogs can do it at 2 years of age. M
  16. Great idea Jo! These events need to be publicised well so they can get the same status as obedience trials. Welcome to this thread. M
  17. Pretty Much. You do get your entry refunded, but unless the club is prepared to run a second group under another judge, they are restricted to 20. The clubs all operate independently and there is no priority of entry with them. M
  18. I have mine all organised... She has been instructed to take lots of photos and video Seriously though, it is very good advice. I thought maybe we could make a list of everything you should take with you to the ET and everything you should take to the starting area for yourself and your dog. I'll start off with a few things and then I'll add everyone else's suggestions - I'll put it all onto the OP. To take to the ET: - The Dog! - Bike (if riding) - Helmet (if riding) - Running shoes (if running) - Appropriate size lead - Cycle computer (optional) - Cycle gloves (optional) - Water for you and your dog - Water bowl for dog - Your strapper/helper To have at the start line: - Water for you and dog - Mat for dog to lie on (optional) - Light treats for dog (optional) - Snacks for you (optional) Great idea. Please post the Op when complete. Added to this list could be SPARES. Spare lead and collar Spare bike if transport allows Spare helmet/safety/riding gear MICA Ambulance Bottle of wine ) M
  19. Some excellent advice here. A strapper will make the task easier for both handler and dog. Make sure your strapper is well versed in the requirements of the dog, yourself, the vets and judge. It is important that the strapper knows exactly what is going on. M
  20. You are welcome. Very happy to share what I know about the ET's. Keep your training regular and steady with your boy. It is important not to overexert him. By building up his endurance slowly he will be more likely capable of maintaining his endurance to complete the test. M
  21. Train as normal, but use a park or reserve, not public roads. Be sure to drive the dog away from your home so that her scent does not leave a trail for all wayward dogs to follow to your home. Do not take her out on her due days. M
  22. The ET is restricted to a maximum of 20 entrants per class. If the entries received exceed 20, then a ballot is held. Basically, al entrants are put into a hat and drawn out in random order. The first 20 pulled out get into the ET, the remainders are "balloted out" and do not get in. Some clubs have an emergency judge for entries in excess of 20 and he total is then split between the two judges. M
  23. Thanks AS. That was great you got in, in the end. As they are 2 weeks apart, I may enter both. If I get into the first one and scratch the 2nd as soon as I know, they will have 3+ weeks to allow someone else in that may have got balloted out, ... or maybe I will just enter one. Not sure yet, will decide when the time gets closer. I certainly would not do anything to ruin it for someone else, but I can't see how it would when the trials are 2 weeks apart? If I notified the trial secretary as soon as I knew I got into the first one, surely no one would miss out? How far out from the trial are you notifed you are definitely in.. sorry, I do not remember. Usually the club advertises a ballot date on their schedule. This is most likely the entry closing date. I would recommend you contact the club on the closing or ballot date to be sure. The HVCV at KCC Park is a very flat even course and is very safe - no traffic/pedestrians etc. The Dally Club at Springer Centre is also safe though there is a small section which could be shared with pedestrians and traffic in a car park. Have competed at, and judged both. Both are enjoyable courses. Good luck. M
  24. Where are their club grounds ? West Beach Training Grounds. "Pedigree Park', Barratt Reserve, corner Military Rd and West Beach Road, West Beach. M
  25. I was balloted out once. it is just the luck of the draw. i actually contacted the trial secretary and asked her to Keep me in mind if anyone else cancelled. As luck would have it, someone did and I got in. As foe entering two, it may not work the way you want. Both may get in and then you either have to scratch one (and then someone else will be dark on you because they missed out), or you have to have a second handler lined up. M
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