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Everything posted by Abbiestar

  1. Hi aussielover, Good for you helping out with the vetting team. The vet team are an integral part of an ET. They must be good at what they do and be able to work quickly. Best of luck and hope you enjoy the test. M
  2. Thx Michael for your kind offer. I will be bringing it up at our next SGM. Dawn Ayton, who is also an ET judge, is on committee and we've had ETs before, just couldn't get a venue last year. Hopefully we will get enough interest by members to hold one next year Let me know how the meeting goes. Happy to help if/when required. M
  3. Hi trinaJ, if you would like me to talk to the Rottweiler Club about holding an ET, and talk to the members about competing, I would be very happy to do so. I can suggest KCC Park as a possible venue and can design a course for you. M
  4. How about that....this thread has had over 1000 posts! M
  5. I guess with only two entries, we have to rely on one of those being a DOLer. maybe they cancelled the test? M You could be right there M Let's hope that on this occasion I am not. it would be a great shame for the club to have an event fail. It would mean that they could possibly discontinue the event in future years which would be a shame for the ET discipline. M
  6. I guess with only two entries, we have to rely on one of those being a DOLer. maybe they cancelled the test? M
  7. Excellent. that's where I was looking for you too...... M
  8. Hi Abbiestar I have looked on the HVCV site, no pic's I was thinking of ringing the Sec & asking her I'll see what I can find for you.... M
  9. SOrryfor my ignorance but I havn't had much to do with ANKC registration before. What are the associate and sporting registers? Do all these require the dogs parents to be registered in some way? No apology needed. The ANKC is the national controlling body of all state canine associations (DogsVic, DogsNSW, DogsQLD etc.) Associate registers are for "non purebred dogs". The parents of theses dogs do not need to be registered. You can register just your dog on the associate register which will allow you to compete in all working disciplines and gain titles for them. You are excluded from conformation dog shows, and from breeding. It is easy to do, and the first step would be to contact the state controlling body in your home state. They will provide the necessary forms and information you need. Good luck, M
  10. Hi murve, take a look on their website www.hvcv.com They may have put some pictures up there. M
  11. Just what I was about to ask! Wondering if you earn a different ANKC recognised title other than "ET" Hi RS, the short answer is "No". The ANKC recognises only the ET title for the Endurance Tests run under their rules and conditions by affiliate member clubs. M
  12. The GSDCV have put a great series of photos, results and video of Saturday's test on their website. www.gsdcv.org.au Well worth a look. M
  13. Best of luck TerraNik. Hope the weather at the Grafton test is kind to you. M
  14. We had our vet check the Thursday before our ET last Saturday, no worries with my bitch - she wasn't due for a season anyway after having been in last in March. She vetted fine at the ET and passed. We drove an hour and a half home afterwards and when she got out of the car, she had a blood spot on her back leg and yep, in season Talk about lucky! And another E.T. title to you ish for.....Excellent Timing! (Sorry, couldn't resist that one!) M
  15. What a great day today at Altona. Great to meet CC and SS. Did not get to meet Tommyspazz and ish. You both should have come up and said hello! Spikespuppy, good to have you in my class. You should be very proud of how your little dog worked. Weather could not have been better. The GSDCV put on a great event and a lot of hard work went into it. A job really well done. Marilyn has it all down to a fine art. It was a pleasure to judge today. Thank you all for your entries and for supporting the event. M
  16. The GSDCV ET at Altona has 24 entrants. To avoid a ballot, the club chose to appoint a second judge so no-one would miss out. I think that this was a great move by the club. They have appointed Mr Gordon parsons to take a second group through the test. Good luck everyone entered. Rest your dogs tomorrow and see you bright and early Saturday. M
  17. Please do bring a camera. We do need a group photo, and individual ones with your title sashes too! Anyone got a camera that can do this? M
  18. You will be all set for next year's ET season then! Or even another ET in September in Canberra! M
  19. Hi Everyone, I am sensing a lot of jitters about the ET coming up at Altona. Remember to relax and have fun at the test. I have been reading with interest about all the effort and training you have been doing to prepare yourselves and your dogs for the ET. Now, it is time to take a deep breath, relax and see what happens on the day. Your dogs are obviously fit and healthy otherwise you would not be entering. If you have been putting the training in at the levels you have been discussing on this thread, then I believe your dogs are more than ready. As your judge at this ET, I see it as part of my role to help you all pass. I am not looking to fail anybody. If your dogs keep up, if they do not pull or lag, and if the vets deem them fit to continue, then you will pass. By all means rest your dogs the day before the test, and it is my opinion that they not be fed on the morning of the test. Just make sure that you bring water and food for them for after the test. Take them for a little walk or run before heading out to Altona. (Even just for them to empty bladders and bowels). Bring a poo bag! You will be required to pick up after your dogs. No pick up - No Pass! The weather reports for Saturday are kind. Sun, partial cloud, a top of 16 degrees, No Rain. It will be great day. Make sure you introduce yourselves. It will be great to put faces to names. Good luck to all. M
  20. Some people just don't get it! Good luck to all entered at GSDCV next Saturday. Looking forward to putting faces to names M
  21. Hi tommyspazz, the club will have lots of stewards and marshalls over the course. Also your judge will be ever watchful for stray people and dogs. M
  22. Yay! Well done OSoSwift! Well done on your ET title. Great news. Next ET is the GSDCV at Altona. The weather reports so far say 13 degrees, mostly sunny, not much cloud, no wind, no rain. Here's hoping this is true. Went for a ride this morning for 36k's and got caught in the rain M
  23. Good luck to all those in the West for this weekend's ET. Hope the weather is kind. M
  24. CC I called the Secretary - we're in CC Hi CC, Everyone is in at Altona for the GSDCV. The club has put on another judge to handle the excess entries. They did not want to disappoint any competitors. See you there! M
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